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So many pyramids across the world even in places like bosnia, china etc..hidden by governments and much much larger than the ones in egypt


All made the same way and using precise mathematics, aligned with certain constellations..


Made out of 500 ton blocks, apparantely tens of thousands of years old


Interesting point made, antibiotics taken in a pyramid in russia was 10,s of 1000s of times more powerful than normal..



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why are pyramids on a dollar bill?

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why are pyramids on a dollar bill?

Probably because the USA was founded by Freemasons who link a lot of their knowledge and power back to Egypt.

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Meh, the history channel presents the Reality TV version of history. Sensationalistic and.. well fictionalized. I'd double check everything they said. They literally had The founding fathers and alien connection. They're why historians cry at night.


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gradient of a pyramid augments ionization with the earth and sky. It changes spin or viration, better resonation..

Shape is key. Human beings have devine dimension.

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I climbed to the top of two of the three pyramids in Egypt back in 1984. I also did resonance soundings in the Kings Chamber.


Went up the big pyramid at about 4am and watched the Sun rise.


The walls of the pyramid were like great sheets of moving energy.

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So many pyramids across the world even in places like bosnia, china etc..hidden by governments and much much larger than the ones in egypt


All made the same way and using precise mathematics, aligned with certain constellations..


Made out of 500 ton blocks, apparantely tens of thousands of years old


Instead of looking outward,...for constellation alignments,...look at the alignments within.


In the mid-90's, Gregg Braden, an accredited geophysist described the Hopi traditions Great Purification as a "shift" that will bring a zeroing-out of the electrodynamic fields on Earth for near 3 days. This temporary voidance of the EMF will bring great fear and panic to the majority of Earths human population, for the EMF is like a glue that holds together most of our beliefs.

Articulating the Hopi prophesy with contemporary themes, Braden likened this Great Purification/Shift to the original computers which did not have internal batteries as our PC's now have. At the Shift, when the EMF zeros-out, will be similar to an older computer "crashing", which meant, it would lose all existing information, and would have to be reprogramed. At the Shift, most people will literally "pass out" due to the exposure of being removed from identification with their beliefs. The one's who remain awake however, their Collective Consciousness, will be the reprogram when the EMF restarts. For those who passed out, when they arise, their past will be erased, and all they will know is what those who remained awake, reprogramed them to know. Under this paradigm, those who realize and dissolve their belief patterns will be as immune to the shock of zero Electrodynamic field, and the one's to set the agenda for the next cycle.


The original teachings mentioned in the Hopi Prophesy appear to go much further back, to the time before the Kali Yuga, when the "world turned another way". Those Original Teachings include the Ways of the Feminine,...not the patriarchial feminine of today,...but the authentic feminine, as in Mother Sky. They called it the time of the Blue Star Kachina,...the Birthing of HumanBeingness.


There are stories of ancient temples where Initiates would be shielded from what is called electromagnetic energy; the motion of duality. Reduction in the EM field that surrounds us is said to reduce the EMF around the brain which activates and processes sensory inputs. Perception functions through an energy field. Yet consciousness is not energy. Authentic consciousness is "connected with" when we shutdown brain lobes and senses as experiments with Freethought Meditators have shown. Turning down the EMF of brain lobes uncovers the consciousness that energy has obscured.


Science believes that the EM field around the brain is a byproduct of that brain,...but what if brain function arises from the EM field?


Some temples in Central Asia, Egypt and Mesoamerica, through an awareness of sacred design, are said to have lowered the natural EMF in a particular area within the structure. It is said that the King's Chamber of the Great Giza pyramid, which is not commonly considered a temple, had such a sacred space. One would have to admit that the facts of its architecture is intriguing. First, there is no doubt of the sacred geometric measurements. In addition, there is no evidence that anyone ever occupied the chambers worn down, unremarkable, red granite coffer; which appears too large to have been introduced after construction. That is interesting considering coffins were the most important purchase for a tomb, often ornately decorated, with among other things, false door facades. The 5 chambered anatomy above the King's chamber is also a puzzling, especially for today's object-ive minded sciences. What was the need for such a 51 foot complex above the red granite coffer? Neither the Queens chamber, nor any known tomb appears to have no such construction.


Could the King's chamber of Great Giza pyramid, when it was fully intact, have been a sacred space where Initiates could experience their conscious core by decreasing the EMF? We know today that neuroscientists (Persinger's Helmet) can envelop someone with particular wavelength patterns and have them witness Jesus, Mohammed, or a ghost. But what occurs if we enter a deep relaxation and turn down the wavelength patterns? Would we be free to witness reality through a very thin, marginal EMF filter? Could a sacred space or vehicle liberate us from the accumulated iconography of complex brain activity, and encourage a direct, wave-free experience with non-duality? Collapsing the energy supported wave function and entering a Ki point, guiding our attention towards the motionless Now, and the still Light of our Source.


The EMF is the container for beliefs,...reduce the container, less beliefs can be held. Beliefs do not exist on the fulcrum (the Tao),...only upon the conditions on the lever (Yin-Yang).

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can i just draw squiggly lines with sharpies when everyone falls asleep?



Like jigglypuff on the pokemon cartoons; all pissed off that everyone fell asleep instead of listening.


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Meh, the history channel presents the Reality TV version of history. Sensationalistic and.. well fictionalized. I'd double check everything they said. They literally had The founding fathers and alien connection. They're why historians cry at night.



Yeh some people exagerate when they make a tv show making a point.


But in my opinion the show is powerful.


The existence of these pyramids destroys versions of history and the credbility of governments, as well as changing perceptions.

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I've read plenty of things about the pyramids. They are supposedly apart of ley lines and how they are apart of the earth's magnetic/energy system. That they communicate with aliens. It is also said that in the left foot of the Sphinx there are records of Atlantis.

I've even seen pyramids in my dreams with reptilians and Sumerian God's. I once read on facebook something posted by a muslim friend about the carbon dating of the capstone on the pyramid and how it had direct relevance with the date of the Quran and how Pharoah had built it because he did not believe in the Abrahamic God... etc...


In my opinion, the pyramids were some kind of energy structures that were used. Meta-physical/spiritual in nature and were possibly built with the assistance of a higher being of some kind because the pyramids of Giza are very precise concerning the architecture involved as well as meso-america.


Thought I would share this find as well.. 400897_4470725207100_1076849294_n.jpg

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If the earth is constantly turning end-up, then the north or south poles orientation to a galactic center would affect how the earth pics up cosmic radiations.. would human bodies that depend on ionization from the earth/sky turn end-up? Maybe the actual lay lines and nodes are cycleing as they have before back to those locaton where pyramids were built. What good would it do to know what pyramids do if there are no people to work them? I think in the Hopi prophecy there's and image of a human going upside down off a wall or cliff. Maybe it represents humanity magnetic bodies turning upside? Would this mean we have been traveling backward towards a future where we perceive the end of time?

Edited by blindeye

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I've read plenty of things about the pyramids. They are supposedly apart of ley lines and how they are apart of the earth's magnetic/energy system. That they communicate with aliens. It is also said that in the left foot of the Sphinx there are records of Atlantis.



In my opinion, the pyramids were some kind of energy structures that were used. Meta-physical/spiritual in nature and were possibly built with the assistance of a higher being of some kind because the pyramids of Giza are very precise concerning the architecture involved as well as meso-america.


To understand pyramids, attempt to put yourself in the shoes so to say, of those associated with building them. Put the alien stuff aside,...use occums razor.


Egyptians and Mesoamericans at the time history suggest their pyramids were built, were cardio-centric cultures. The Christian-Muslims religions, which dominates the world today, are cerebral-centric.


When 5th Century BCE Greeks spoke of Higher Mind, they used the word Thymos, and pointed to what is called the Heart chakra at the chest, for Lower Mind, it was called Psyche, and arose from the grey-goo in the head.


'Gnothi Seauton', as inscribed over the portico of the Temple at Delphi, means Gnow Thyself, not Know Thyself. In other words, those who say they know, most likely do not Gnow. Some cultures like the Egyptian and Maya of Mesoamerica, thought so lowly of the brain, or sciential mind, that before burials it was sucked out and discarded, whereas the heart was treasured.


Today’s scientially minded may think such a philosophy as primitive, but keep in mind that the Egyptians for example were quite aware of the brain. Evidence clearly shows that the Egyptians had an intimate knowledge of brain functions, for instance that the left cerebral hemisphere controls the right side of the body. As was the case with the Tantrika and Vajrayana in Asia, and the Maya of Mesoamerica, Egyptians seemed to have been aware that the brain is the vessel for the lowest consciousness, whereas from the heart arose the highest consciousness. Ancient cultures appear to have discarded the brain because they had a higher awareness of self, a non-ego self, that has been quite veiled in the contemporary cultures of the last few millennium.


Knowledge proceeds through what Buddha called the five skandhas or Aggregates, which includes sensual perceptions and conditioned experience by way of the psyche or personal consciousness. To know is to comprehend noologically, through intellect-based thought.


Gnowledge is to understand through metasensory awareness and unconditioned experience through the thymos or impersonal consciousness. To gnow is to understand by way of gnosis or Right Discernment.


Using Occums Razor as a guide, the way to understanding pyramids is through Gnosis,...the Heart of Essence,...not through the 6 senses of the sciential, cerebral-centric consciousness.


Any attempt to understand the pyramids through sciential, cerebral-centric consciousness is futile.

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To understand pyramids, attempt to put yourself in the shoes so to say, of those associated with building them. Put the alien stuff aside,...use occums razor.


Egyptians and Mesoamericans at the time history suggest their pyramids were built, were cardio-centric cultures. The Christian-Muslims religions, which dominates the world today, are cerebral-centric.


When 5th Century BCE Greeks spoke of Higher Mind, they used the word Thymos, and pointed to what is called the Heart chakra at the chest, for Lower Mind, it was called Psyche, and arose from the grey-goo in the head.


'Gnothi Seauton', as inscribed over the portico of the Temple at Delphi, means Gnow Thyself, not Know Thyself. In other words, those who say they know, most likely do not Gnow. Some cultures like the Egyptian and Maya of Mesoamerica, thought so lowly of the brain, or sciential mind, that before burials it was sucked out and discarded, whereas the heart was treasured.


Today’s scientially minded may think such a philosophy as primitive, but keep in mind that the Egyptians for example were quite aware of the brain. Evidence clearly shows that the Egyptians had an intimate knowledge of brain functions, for instance that the left cerebral hemisphere controls the right side of the body. As was the case with the Tantrika and Vajrayana in Asia, and the Maya of Mesoamerica, Egyptians seemed to have been aware that the brain is the vessel for the lowest consciousness, whereas from the heart arose the highest consciousness. Ancient cultures appear to have discarded the brain because they had a higher awareness of self, a non-ego self, that has been quite veiled in the contemporary cultures of the last few millennium.


Knowledge proceeds through what Buddha called the five skandhas or Aggregates, which includes sensual perceptions and conditioned experience by way of the psyche or personal consciousness. To know is to comprehend noologically, through intellect-based thought.


Gnowledge is to understand through metasensory awareness and unconditioned experience through the thymos or impersonal consciousness. To gnow is to understand by way of gnosis or Right Discernment.


Using Occums Razor as a guide, the way to understanding pyramids is through Gnosis,...the Heart of Essence,...not through the 6 senses of the sciential, cerebral-centric consciousness.


Any attempt to understand the pyramids through sciential, cerebral-centric consciousness is futile.


Thank you for sharing this!


I have not read much concerning the topic of Gnosis, or Gnostic text, besides the Gospel of Thomas. But that is very interesting concerning the value of the heart rather than the brain. What comes to mind is the phenomenon of having Light in the mind. I guess I am referring to those fresco's and paintings of Christ, Krishna, and other God's who are portrayed to have a golden aura or force field around the head. I have never looked into what this truly means concerning the Light in the mind. Could mean many different things concerning one's doctrine or 'path'. But that is interesting how the heart was considered to be the key to higher consciousness.


Concerning the heart, what is your opinion concerning the relevance of the heart and one's subtle body? I have read that not only does the heart pump the vital blood one needs to live, but that the heart itself is vital for one's sense of energy and distribution. The diagram I remember seeing showed the heart and a force field of subtle energy stemming from both sides.


In my opinion, cultivating the mind does have it perks, based on my own experiences and readings. Photographic memory, imagination, percieved awareness, clairvision, clairaudience, etc. But cultivating with the heart, I know nothing about at all. I once got a vision of my heart, it was war torn and black. Probably because of all the stupid stuff I did as a kid. Mind you, I am intrigued to learn more concerning this sense of higher consciousness concerning the heart. Do you have any books you can recommend or teachers?


Also, have you ever had a 'gnosis' in the sense of wanting to know what the pyramids are about? This would be very fun to know and experience.

Edited by DragonsNectar69k

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I have not read much concerning the topic of Gnosis, or Gnostic text, besides the Gospel of Thomas. But that is very interesting concerning the value of the heart rather than the brain. What comes to mind is the phenomenon of having Light in the mind. I guess I am referring to those fresco's and paintings of Christ, Krishna, and other God's who are portrayed to have a golden aura or force field around the head. I have never looked into what this truly means concerning the Light in the mind. Could mean many different things concerning one's doctrine or 'path'. But that is interesting how the heart was considered to be the key to higher consciousness.


Mind you, I am intrigued to learn more concerning this sense of higher consciousness concerning the heart. Do you have any books you can recommend or teachers?


Also, have you ever had a 'gnosis' in the sense of wanting to know what the pyramids are about? This would be very fun to know and experience.



The organ associated with Heart Consciousness is the endocrine gland known as the thymus. As mentioned, when the Greeks discussed Higher Mind, they pointed to the chest, and called it thymos.


Homer said, "Thymos is in our chests." The other mind, the sciential mind, the accumulating intellect, was known as psyche.


From the sapiential mind arises gnowledge, whereas through the sciential gray goo, one synthesizes knowledge. To Gnow Thyself, Gnothi Seauton, one can only proceed through the thymos. An enlivened thymus or heart chakra is one of three thresholds to the conscious realization of the fulcrum upon which duality effects its motion. The danjun, thymus, and pineal or intellectual center are the three fulcrum balancing points. An enlivened thymos is a vibrant greenish turquoise. When the light of the violet crown chakra descends and the red root rises, meeting at the interlacing point of a vibrant greenish turqoise heart, and spun together, the three colors make white light. Violet, green, and red light spun together make white.



In the sun and Krst philosophies of Egypt, the heart-thymos was revered, whereas the brain-psyche was considered worthless. In the mummification process, the heart was preserved, but the cerebral gray matter was sucked out and discarded. Like Tantra, Buddhism, and the Maya, the Egyptians seem to have been aware that the head was the vessel for the lowest consciousness, but through the heart came the highest consciousness. As mentioned in the previous post, today’s object-ive science considers such ideas nonsense.


Many today BELIEVE they are in touch with their heart, when in truth, their faith-based indoctrinations are veils which obscure the heart. The truth is, that book religions are an underlying cause of the atrophy of the thymus gland, and the atrophy of the thymus gland removes our ability to have an harmoneous physiology where cancer cannot take hold. Cancer is about "individuality." An individual, rogue cell that does not want to be in harmony with the whole.


Egyptians, I have been told, would gaze at sunsets and sunrises, which would help maintain the life-force frequency of the thymos, and other organs. Light, which enters through the eyes to the pineal body, appears to continue its travel down along the endocrine pathways. In today’s chic sunglass culture, however, the tendency is to stay out of the sun, thus restricting the nourishment of life force into our physical, emotional and subtler levels. The subsequent diminishing vigor of the thymus (the physical aspect of the thymos) seems to arise from a subconscious death wish. If the thymus is the holy grail of immunology, then why is our society not equally as active in its health and invigoration as were our pre-Christian ancestors?


How did the Egyptians know that gazing at the sunrise or sunset helped vitalize and revitalize the thymus? While observing sunsets or sunrises upon a low horizon, especially when the sun is still effulgent and sharply defined, that is, not so diffused and red, a green ray can be seen. This green ray is visible during the seconds of setting and rising, as the skyline aligns with the sun. The green ray is not an atmospheric dispersion or afterimage, but a green ray of light, although atmospheric conditions often make it look like a patch of green light. While I lived near the Arctic Circle, where the sun appears to slide along and under the horizon, the green ray can be seen for up to a few minutes at a time. I once heard in a Tuatha De Danaan tale, a tale from the so-called fifth inhabitants of ancient Ireland, that whoever sees the green ray will know the way home at death.


I feel that any study about the Thymus Gland is one of the greatest things one can do for themselves. Today's Object-ive Science discounts the thymus gland as worthless. To them, the thymus is merely a gland that atrophies by the time puberty and sciential intellect has developed, thus has no function in contemporary adult life.


Referances of Greek times has shown that their dissecting of adult cadavors found that the thymus was often larger the heart organ.


He Shou Wu has been found to enhance fundamental immunological functions in mammals. It increases the weight of the thymus gland in mice, delays the gland’s atrophy process, and rejuvenates the thymus.


Through shamatha the thymus can also be strengthened and its rejuvenating nectar released. The thymus is a double-lobed, butterfly-shaped endocrine gland that overlaps the upper portion of the heart. In ancient Greece, before Christianity, the thymus was reported to have been larger than the heart. In today's cerebral-centric cultures, the thymus atrophies (around puberty) to the size of a quarter, or less.


No wonder Heart-Mind is so elusive,...if the vibrational field around the thymos is unable to flutter. Anyway,...He Shou Wu has worked for me. In the second month of use (1500mg twice a day), I began to feel rushes of oxytocin-like hormones from my chest several times per day. I attribute that to the rejuvenation,...but have not yet convinced my Endocrinologist to order a test.

The activity of thymus thumping or perpetuating a relaxed, expansive, yin-energy sternum, unfolds an increased mindfulness that allows all activities, computer surfing, hiking and life to be more fully enjoyed.


"Thymos, which is untranslatable into modern terms but denoted life force, soul, and feeling or sensibility. As Onians points out, thymos originally referred to the breath. It was the stuff of consciousness, the spirit, the breath-soul, upon which depended a man's energy and courage. Even the earliest origins of the word implied rising into flames, as a cloud, spirit, which relate it to the concept of soul and Life Energy." (Diamond, M.D., page 29)


Modern science and philosophy has devalued the thymos to better fit their belief structures. However, as previously mentioned, understand the pyramids, we must see them as those who built and used them saw,...through Heart Consciousness.


Same with Tao, cannot be understood through cerebral intellect.


Lao Tzu said, "Recognize that eveything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth."




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so "the single flap of a butterfly's wings" could be something to do with the thymus/thymos?


I'm talking in metaphors,....although caterpillar's (the sciential minded) love talking about butterfly's (those who understand the Tao), a caterpillar cannot understand a butterfy, or one who is truth realized.



"If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of your self." Lao Tzu

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why are pyramids on a dollar bill?

In 1913, the FRB was established and replaced US certificates redeemable in gold with their notes redeemable in debt.


Interestingly, the Israeli Supreme Court was designed under total control by the Rothschilds in 1992. It is shaped like a handgun with a narrow, patina pyramid that could pass for a replica of the one on their dollar bill.




It also soon becomes clear that both Israel and Jerusalem are due to play a prominent role in the proposed New World Order.


It was financed by the most powerful and wealthiest of all the ‘Jewish’ banking families, the Rothschild’s.


The Rothschilds are one of the originators of the Zionist movement and the most active actors in the creation of the state of Israel. James A. de Rothschild financed the Knesset, Israels main political building. Right in front of it sits the Israeli Supreme Court, donated by another member of the dynasty: Dorothy de Rothschild.


Zionism is closely linked with the secret society network and there’s a strong suggestion that it is Freemasonic elements in England behind plans to rebuild Solomon’s Temple. These same elements are destabilising the area as a means to that end.


The second thing to note is that it is clear that Jerusalem is meant to be the capital of this New World Order.

Edited by vortex
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In 1913, the FRB was established and replaced US certificates redeemable in gold with their notes redeemable in debt.


Interestingly, the Israeli Supreme Court was designed under total control by the Rothschilds in 1992. It is shaped like a handgun with a narrow, patina pyramid that could pass for a replica of the one on their dollar bill.





What do you know about Zionism, mind you, besides being something 'bad' and 'evil'? Have you read the book of Abraham? Pearl of Great Price?

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The organ associated with Heart Consciousness is the endocrine gland known as the thymus. As mentioned, when the Greeks discussed Higher Mind, they pointed to the chest, and called it thymos.


Homer said, "Thymos is in our chests." The other mind, the sciential mind, the accumulating intellect, was known as psyche.


From the sapiential mind arises gnowledge, whereas through the sciential gray goo, one synthesizes knowledge. To Gnow Thyself, Gnothi Seauton, one can only proceed through the thymos. An enlivened thymus or heart chakra is one of three thresholds to the conscious realization of the fulcrum upon which duality effects its motion. The danjun, thymus, and pineal or intellectual center are the three fulcrum balancing points. An enlivened thymos is a vibrant greenish turquoise. When the light of the violet crown chakra descends and the red root rises, meeting at the interlacing point of a vibrant greenish turqoise heart, and spun together, the three colors make white light. Violet, green, and red light spun together make white.



In the sun and Krst philosophies of Egypt, the heart-thymos was revered, whereas the brain-psyche was considered worthless. In the mummification process, the heart was preserved, but the cerebral gray matter was sucked out and discarded. Like Tantra, Buddhism, and the Maya, the Egyptians seem to have been aware that the head was the vessel for the lowest consciousness, but through the heart came the highest consciousness. As mentioned in the previous post, today’s object-ive science considers such ideas nonsense.


Many today BELIEVE they are in touch with their heart, when in truth, their faith-based indoctrinations are veils which obscure the heart. The truth is, that book religions are an underlying cause of the atrophy of the thymus gland, and the atrophy of the thymus gland removes our ability to have an harmoneous physiology where cancer cannot take hold. Cancer is about "individuality." An individual, rogue cell that does not want to be in harmony with the whole.


Egyptians, I have been told, would gaze at sunsets and sunrises, which would help maintain the life-force frequency of the thymos, and other organs. Light, which enters through the eyes to the pineal body, appears to continue its travel down along the endocrine pathways. In today’s chic sunglass culture, however, the tendency is to stay out of the sun, thus restricting the nourishment of life force into our physical, emotional and subtler levels. The subsequent diminishing vigor of the thymus (the physical aspect of the thymos) seems to arise from a subconscious death wish. If the thymus is the holy grail of immunology, then why is our society not equally as active in its health and invigoration as were our pre-Christian ancestors?


How did the Egyptians know that gazing at the sunrise or sunset helped vitalize and revitalize the thymus? While observing sunsets or sunrises upon a low horizon, especially when the sun is still effulgent and sharply defined, that is, not so diffused and red, a green ray can be seen. This green ray is visible during the seconds of setting and rising, as the skyline aligns with the sun. The green ray is not an atmospheric dispersion or afterimage, but a green ray of light, although atmospheric conditions often make it look like a patch of green light. While I lived near the Arctic Circle, where the sun appears to slide along and under the horizon, the green ray can be seen for up to a few minutes at a time. I once heard in a Tuatha De Danaan tale, a tale from the so-called fifth inhabitants of ancient Ireland, that whoever sees the green ray will know the way home at death.


I feel that any study about the Thymus Gland is one of the greatest things one can do for themselves. Today's Object-ive Science discounts the thymus gland as worthless. To them, the thymus is merely a gland that atrophies by the time puberty and sciential intellect has developed, thus has no function in contemporary adult life.


Referances of Greek times has shown that their dissecting of adult cadavors found that the thymus was often larger the heart organ.


He Shou Wu has been found to enhance fundamental immunological functions in mammals. It increases the weight of the thymus gland in mice, delays the gland’s atrophy process, and rejuvenates the thymus.


Through shamatha the thymus can also be strengthened and its rejuvenating nectar released. The thymus is a double-lobed, butterfly-shaped endocrine gland that overlaps the upper portion of the heart. In ancient Greece, before Christianity, the thymus was reported to have been larger than the heart. In today's cerebral-centric cultures, the thymus atrophies (around puberty) to the size of a quarter, or less.


No wonder Heart-Mind is so elusive,...if the vibrational field around the thymos is unable to flutter. Anyway,...He Shou Wu has worked for me. In the second month of use (1500mg twice a day), I began to feel rushes of oxytocin-like hormones from my chest several times per day. I attribute that to the rejuvenation,...but have not yet convinced my Endocrinologist to order a test.

The activity of thymus thumping or perpetuating a relaxed, expansive, yin-energy sternum, unfolds an increased mindfulness that allows all activities, computer surfing, hiking and life to be more fully enjoyed.


"Thymos, which is untranslatable into modern terms but denoted life force, soul, and feeling or sensibility. As Onians points out, thymos originally referred to the breath. It was the stuff of consciousness, the spirit, the breath-soul, upon which depended a man's energy and courage. Even the earliest origins of the word implied rising into flames, as a cloud, spirit, which relate it to the concept of soul and Life Energy." (Diamond, M.D., page 29)


Modern science and philosophy has devalued the thymos to better fit their belief structures. However, as previously mentioned, understand the pyramids, we must see them as those who built and used them saw,...through Heart Consciousness.


Same with Tao, cannot be understood through cerebral intellect.


Lao Tzu said, "Recognize that eveything you see and think is a falsehood, an illusion, a veil over the truth."





Thanks for sharing this. When I close my eyes I tend to see violet. What are some meditations to activate the thymus? I rarely care for matters of the heart as I am more cerebral and usually tend to be in my head all day to be honest.

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