
Can Kundalini "burn up" entities?

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You're right, thanks.


About the telepathy, that was tongue-in-cheek. I meant it would be easier for me if I didn't have to actually go through the physical motions of opening my mouth and producing sound, as that's what I have trouble with and stirs up emotions...



Express yourself before you begin fighting yourself, which leads to bigger issues down the road. Whatever it may be. Restraint is only good for those who truly need it. Developing telepathy to talk to others is a bit silly in my opinion. Not every one has such a gift or possibly even knows about it.

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What if I have bad knees and reallly tight and problematic hip flexors, glutes, and spinal extensors? And I few subloxated vertebrae that prevent me from sitting up straight? It's an interesting theory that Kundalini could instantly fix that but I don't believe it.


That said, I aspire to one day be able to sit in full lotus! It looks like a lot of fun. :)



yeah Yogananda states that sitting in full lotus meditation burns bad karma.


It's simple and it works. It's very easy for the mind/ego to get confused but you can't fake the full lotus.


If you had a real kundalini experience you'd be able to sit in full lotus for 2 hrs with no pain, no movement, etc. Most can't do this.... sounds like you're dealing with jing energy issues.


So sitting in full lotus will ground the energy back into your body instead of just psychological stuff.


Full lotus will cycle the energy through your body.


The simplest is the most powerful.

Edited by CrunchyChocolate555

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What if I have bad knees and reallly tight and problematic hip flexors, glutes, and spinal extensors? And I few subloxated vertebrae that prevent me from sitting up straight? It's an interesting theory that Kundalini could instantly fix that but I don't believe it.


That said, I aspire to one day be able to sit in full lotus! It looks like a lot of fun. :)


sounds like you should get some phone healings from call 1-952-953-5555

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I'd recommend a local qigong, or even taichi teacher to sort a lot of the practice stuff out.


This might save you $12K.


1. Take salt baths 3 days in a row. Dunking your head and so forth. Not epsom salts, sea salt. Burn incense right after and "bathe" yourself in the smoke. This gets rid of about 70% of these sorts of problems!

2. Salt water and incense your house too.

3. Call in your favorite Deity as much as possible. Ask said Deity to get rid of the spirit/s for you.

4. Get to the root of why you allow said spirit/s to bother you.


Sure you could go pay someone to get rid of the spirit, but if you don't get rid of your subconscious parts of yourself that allowed it in the first place, it is likely that another will just come along in the future.

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Everybody's gotta make a living. I'm sure she has her reasons for charging this amount. I won't pass any judgment on it. It is what it is.

Hi CC,

What is the costing breakdown? Is it $5000 for the treatments, $7000 for plane tickets and accomodations?

What did Sifu Jenny Lamb quote you just for the treatment?



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The vagus nerve is focused on for kundalini - this is what I rely on in my meditation.


First the right side vagus nerve is activated and then the left side to the heart.


Then store the energy in the lower tan tien.


So the small universe practice does this. You can get the practice c.d. from --


Just PM me your address and I'll mail you a copy of it if you don't want to pay for a copy.

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I think it's fine to question the motivations around the costs.

Amassing enough for mansions with heated pools, hot tubs and limos in the heavens. haha....


While a lot of Americans are struggling, some of these 'teachers' are really living the American Dream. Most of them aren't even originally American. Joke.

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Jenny Lamb interview by James Gilliland 7 of 7 sept 7 2010 .... Phenomenal E.T.s w/ James Gilliland & Jon ...





That scene is total E.T. New Age b.s. land.


You're saying this lady is asking for $12,000?


If you think the MCO is making you worse - then you need a better way to practice it.


Chunyi Lin's meditation c.d. is the best MCO practice guide that I can think of because his energy is embedded into the C.D. and he guides you along so it makes the practice very easy to do and very powerful.


I know people like Santiago or Sao Temko or whatever. haha. They say MCO will not fully open up kundalini on its own -- but apparently they have not studied the traditional training book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" which details the MCO from beginning level to most advanced. So that proves Tao Semko is wrong - I mean I agree that MCO on its own will probably not fully open up the kundalini unless an energy master is personally supervising the process.


But to remove "entities" -- which are really just jing emotional blockages aka "bad chi" -- then certainly a good MCO meditation c.d. is in order.


But obviously you want to do standing exercises to build up your jing energy also.


Even if you can't bend your knees that far -- just slight knee bending is o.k. -- I assume you are doing this at least.

Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus
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There are many healers who deal with this sort of thing in most countries of the world, if you are in the UK I can recommend a few.


Otherwise there are all sorts of things you could do,for example people have used bathing in natural springs and holy waters for thousands of years for purification, then are little things like smudging and using crystals which contribute. Or there is a Hawaiian Shaman Ho'opoonono (sp?) prayer I can give you which is meant to be very powerful at releasing such things if you are interested.


Many people read that article and put themselves in a Jenny Lamb shaped prison after reading it, I have spoken to one or two others on this site who were convinced that she was the only one who could save them, which I think is a shame.

Edited by Jetsun
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Also strengthened awareness for conscious, sub-concsious, non-conscious. Strengthened the spinal cord to support the corrections info the future.


Strengthened misinterpretation, misinformation, and misidentification as a triad.

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Thanks for the fantastic advice everyone. I'm taking little bits and pieces from all of you!


I must admit I am having some *phenomenal* success with just doing Flying Phoenix Qigong and Tai Chi.


I feel good. Nothing is lacking. There really isn't any problem.. and that's not just some mantra, I really mean it. :)

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Where in the world did this $12,000 number come from? Last I checked, Sifu Jenny charges $200 per session, and has repeatedly stated that she did not charge money until her spirit guide instructed her to.


Anyway, this is an quite an interesting thread for me personally.

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Some entity are very persistent like a mosquito where swatting at one only a few times seems like to much effort because there's no good reason for them to be here. Very persistent entity might be thouht of more like an insect or an animal. It can seem difficult to reason out exactly why they're around at all. Some beings play an out-of-sight-out-of-mind game where they use our assumptions that what we cannot see can hurt us, or maybe what we cannot see cannot be understood. Usually there is a reason for why communication begins. As psychic beings go humans have the upper hand in communication with other dimension being. Ultimately, by right of blood line or dna our right to autonomy far out ways their right to trespass. The universe, god what have you is against interference in every way.

Any being that is after human life force is violating cosmic law. Our microcosm may be ony six feet wide, but any being intends to cross that line they are playing by your own rule. Do you know what rules you have? If not maybe it's time to hang some up..

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Some beings use a form of disguise, sort of wearing a masc by projecting an image that they assume will either mak fear or anger in you. Sometimes the way (fear) in is exactly what they want from you, other times it is just a hook to keep you in communication. It doesn't really mater what they want. Looking past their mask if they own one and seeing what the the "hook' is changes the grounds for communication. If you got one that acts like a mosquito in the dark at 3am then becoming at least in intent more persistent than a bug is a very good lesson in maintaining constant awareness. Buggy beings fear swatting, but don't get too serious or you may miss. Something that worked for me was trying to see a symbiotic relationship. If like a mosquito they need something in order to survive then what do I get out of it? With other humans and other dimensional beings the rules can be more complex and being bold enough to accept there may be something we get out of suffering or apparent loss. It may be difficult to see, but maybe those other being are (you) in another form. We eat cattle and kill insects

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...Sure you could go pay someone to get rid of the spirit, but if you don't get rid of your subconscious parts of yourself that allowed it in the first place, it is likely that another will just come along in the future.

This is it . With entities/spirits it is about reshaping and cleansing the mental/emotional body .

Another way to do it is by paying attention through out the whole day -- whenever awake, if forgetting than start again . Becoming more alive and aware to whatever goes on at the time and needs to be done .

Noticing from which place do you operate and what is the motivation -- getting to know yourself really well . What influences are present and predominant and why . Eliminating the unuseful ones (by not acting upon them ) and keeping , introducing the ones that are useful , creative and bring better well being .

This sounds probably really boring and unmystical , but becoming more aware and as responsable is the way to reclaim the peace in life .

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Thanks for the fantastic advice everyone. I'm taking little bits and pieces from all of you!


I must admit I am having some *phenomenal* success with just doing Flying Phoenix Qigong and Tai Chi.


I feel good. Nothing is lacking. There really isn't any problem.. and that's not just some mantra, I really mean it. :)





For what it's worth, I quite literally just got back from Jenny Lamb about 7 days back. I was being treated for an entity that I've had since I was six years old (which is gone now--- I'm alone in this body for the first time in 20 years :) )


Yes. She is expensive, but Jenny is the real deal and I'd have spent far more if I'd known the extent to which healing would've been brought about, change/transformation facilitated and focus brought into my life. She goes the distance and does far far more than she agrees to initially. She helps those that are willing to help themselves.


The mantra is far more than just words---- it's heavy heavy heavy business. Be careful diminishing how powerful it is just because it is easy and accessible.... the na mo ami tuo fu's have become a lifetime practice for me.


Be wary of wasting money trying to save money.


Feel free to PM and I'll talk to you freely--- but there is a lot of well-intended bogusness being cast about on this particular post and I'd rather not get involved.








Edited by balance.
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Hi balance., I do understand you not wanting to get involved. At the same time, saying that there is a lot of bogusness, opens questions for me about exactly what it is that is bogus here, and I certainly would like to hear your point of view more thoroughly.





You're right and I apologize, so I'll say this:


At one point during the healing, I asked if I would have ever reached a level of wisdom/power in my own practice where I could have removed the entity myself. She said that short of becoming a Buddha that this was impossible. "How can you remove yourself from yourself?"


They are in your body and they are in your brain.... They're part of you. And, depending on the power/variety/intent of the entity, they can wholly channel the benefits of energy work away from you and towards themselves. Outside help is necessary. They aren't to be removed via a phone call and they aren't to be removed when you ask them kindly to leave. Actively drawing attention to the entity can rile them up-- and seeing one quack-exorcist after another only pisses them off and makes them want to fight more and more.


My entity had no ill-will towards me (it saw it's twin in me-- found me climbing trees when I was quite young-- and it still wreaked havoc on my system) and even there, simply telling it to leave is not enough. What chance do you suppose there is in that approach when you're dealing with an entity whose in you to steal your lifeforce or to harm other people through you?


At some point, you need to seek outside help from someone who has the wisdom and power to do the job wholly and completely. Half-measures and shortcuts don't bring about satisfying shifts in spiritual work, so why should that be true with entity removal? Big sacrifices, big rewards.







Edited by balance.

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"How can you remove yourself from yourself?" Is a good question, but also how can somebody else remove yourself from yourself? Seems equally as difficult

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"How can you remove yourself from yourself?" Is a good question, but also how can somebody else remove yourself from yourself? Seems equally as difficult



Which is why good healers are as rare as well-intended ones are prolific.

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