
Can Kundalini "burn up" entities?

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In some cases only a healer will help becouse of the skill and general weakness of a person being healed . . In some cases only the healer will help becouse of the idea that only a healer will help , in some cases not even the healer can help .


Not all cases are the same , not everyones ability is the same , regardless of what anyoneone says , be it Jesus , Buddha or Sifu Jenny .

For example I recall our own Konchong Uma describing getting rid of entity by himself through fasting and clearly hearing him depart . Where is that post ? Where are you Konchong Uma ?


What Madame Cat said above:

'We do purification+, so that our work benefits extra guests, not just ourselves..'

-- is awesome and I agree - feed the hungry , have so much that ' you ' (generic you )can give away , open the heart beyond limits of ' I cannot do this and this is not possible ' and see how it is all being done . Empower ' yourself ' by being loving and able .

Fantastic and inspirational Tibetan yogini Machig Labradon comes to my mind and her system of 'feeding the demons' (Chod practise ).


This is given to Machig L. from her teachersas advice and it rocks :


Confess your hidden faults.
Approach what you find repulsive.
Help those you think you cannot help.
Anything you are attached to, let it go.
Go to the places that scare you.



Secondly , I just had a thought that really entities and all that ' not your daily everyday persons occurances ' jazz can be a blessing too, becouse it helps to recgonize other than just a physical way of existing .

Edited by suninmyeyes
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I need some practical advice.. thetaoiseasy, or anyone else..


Here are the 2 biggest difficulties I'm facing right now, everything else put aside;


1) Bad breathing and bad posture. My diaphragm is constantly "stuck" and I always feel like I'm suffocating. This is probably due to several factors, but the most prominent ones I have been able to identify are several pinched nerves in my spine and lots of trigger points in many many muscles in my body. Qigong, taichi and meditation have all been invaluable in helping to relieve this, so that is why I plan on continuing. Should I discontinue my practice anyway?


2) Relates to #1; when I am around people, literally anyone, especially when they first appear in my line of vision, my solar plexus starts BURNING, and my breathing becomes extremely shallow, and my whole body rigid. This isn't even anxiety. I'm not anxious or scared, it's just how my body seems to react. Furthermore, my mind starts racing as I try to act as "normal" as possible and not come across as a weirdo.


So that's why I try to avoid people as much as possible... even my close friends. Until I can at least get #1 fixed, you know?


It's frustrating because now when I'm around people and get acclimated to them, I still feel pretty bad, during and afterwards, because I wasn't able to express myself fully and properly. That stuck ball in my solar plexus prevents me from expressing any power and so it gets repressed and eats me up inside. Sometimes I actually feel like crying as soon as I open my mouth. It's totally ridiculous and it doesn't make any sense whatsoever.


So if I go for a nice hike up the mountain... tons of people passing by and I can't help but overthink things. Do I relax and act natural and come across as weird? Do I put on my best smile and say hello? I can't stop my body's reaction.. it just happens, and it doesn't seem to adapt, or have any progressive desensitization go on...


So what do I do? Should I just try to go out in nature more (and follow all your points along with that, cleaning and purifying mind and input, etc.), or should I just muster up the courage and try to be more social despite how crappy it makes me feel?


I have absolutely no problem being alone. I mean, I reallllly wouldn't mind having a girlfriend right now, but I simply don't feel it could possibly work out until I get all this very basic stuff fixed...


I mean, it literally feels like, you know when you put two magnets of the same pole face to face? that's the feeling I get in my body around others, and it almost never goes away until I'm alone.


When Im alone, I feel great, other than the trouble breathing part... I can read, I can practice, I can listen to music, I can dance, I can do whatever! I'm actually pretty happy.


It's weird because I LIKE people, and deep down, I totally like being around them. Hell, I used to be a social butterfly... so I don't know what happened these past few months that got me being like this... Like I said, it's been ever since the incident in December.



What if I have bad knees and reallly tight and problematic hip flexors, glutes, and spinal extensors? And I few subloxated vertebrae that prevent me from sitting up straight? It's an interesting theory that Kundalini could instantly fix that but I don't believe it.


That said, I aspire to one day be able to sit in full lotus! It looks like a lot of fun. :)


On trigger points...what I recommend is to do your own trigger point work...use various devices like thera-canes ( and the little hand tools you can buy and work on them every day. I was a professional massage therapist and I was trained in trigger point technique. I could get massage trades from fellow therapists as often as I wanted and I still did my own trigger point work on myself - in some ways its more effective to work on yourself. 90% of known trigger points (that is...places where trigger points commonly developed and can be charted/mapped) are synonymous with acupressure points. The techniques are simple once learned. Basically apply pressure to the trigger point for 8 seconds, 4 seconds off, while practicing an extreme form of neuromuscular relaxation to assist in release. Then follow by stretching the muscle when all trigger point work is done. There is also the use of PIR tehcnique You can work wonders being your own massage therapist. Daily massage practice can do as much as yoga or exercise for the muscles and is an essential part of self-cultivation and wellness.


As far as your description of being tense in the solar plexus area, etc. around people, and thinking too much - this sounds a lot like either general anxiety disorder or social anxiety disorder combined with a tendency towards hyperumination. What this means is that your fight-or-flight system becomes overactivated. This is probably not due to entities at all. When your fight-or-flight system is overactivated, your kidneys are overworked as well (adrenaline produced on the kidneys). It also leads to physical symptoms such as a sensation of shortness of breath, 'electrical' sensations in the chest or solar plexus, even nauseau. The best thing to do is to stop hyperruminating...there is a tendency to dwell on stressful events which just becomes a positive reinforcement loop - you get more and more stressed and anxiety becomes high. If entities are atttracted to people, its simply often because of high emotionality, or intense emotionality. Its not that they are causing you to be like this, they are just interested in the intense electromagnetic effects that you are naturally experiencing on your own. One of the best techniques is all day long mindfulness meditation - simply staying aware of only the present sensations helps to reduce anxiety because anxiety is often caused by conscious or subconscious dwelling on stressful life events, or even mental cogitations on possible stressful events. For example, if you consciously or subconsciously think anxious thoughts when around people, you will activate your fight-or-flight system as you internally tense, because you are expecting bad things to happen. It is easily tested by taking some CNS depressants like alcohol or benzodiazapenes....not for regular use, but simply to see if the symptoms are ameliorated. If they are when you use a CNS depressant, you know that it is a simply mental-chemical issue that you can start to work on. If you are relaxed when alone and thinking of innocent things, but get frazzled when in public or thinking stressful thoughts, it shows you what work you need to do. You are not only emotionally sensitive, but also experience intense spikes of emotions is my bet...which means you have to work harder than someone who is more even keel.

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I like the responses in this thread...


will add that music DEFINATELY warps my mind and perception.


If I feel extremely yang, I may decide to listen to certain music, but this extreme yang just becomes extreme yang with a touch of hate, anger, isolation, feeling unloved, violence, idealising lack of kindness which becomes a negative spiral.


Pay attention to transmuting and healing pain with the intent for kindness and healing for self plus others.


Wheareas most people (myself included but increasingly less) opt to indulge/express/ cover it up with some addictive habits and wallow in it./accept it

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For Sifu Jenny Lamb, strengthen her to limitations coming from her ancestors, spiritual experiences, and collective humanity.


Strengthen everyone in this thread (reading or posting) for misinformation, misidentifying, and limitations.


Strengthen everyone in this thread to connect strongly to their own insight and answers.

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For Sifu Jenny Lamb, strengthen her to limitations coming from her ancestors, spiritual experiences, and collective humanity.


Strengthen everyone in this thread (reading or posting) for misinformation, misidentifying, and limitations.


Strengthen everyone in this thread to connect strongly to their own insight and answers.


And strengthen this message around the world some while we're at it n_~

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What I believe to be true, in the bottom of my heart, is that we are beings with infinite potential, and that despite any kind of genuine powers and pure, honest intentions the healers may have, I won't allow myself to get caught up in spiritual authority.


I rejoice in the opportunity to explore the implications of my thoughts and actions, and to learn from it.


I am responsible for my life, and everything that has happened to me. I did it. As such, I will not put any blame on anything outside of "myself". My body may be "contaminated", but my soul, my self, Brahman, is pure. If I may just have the courage and tenacity to follow it back to the source, it will never steer me wrong.

Edited by CrunchyChocolate555
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You know, the evil entities I have to deal with all are real life people (my old boss and his boss, some dickhead individuals I have to deal with occasionally, and some random strangers, and in the past they were my professors in my old college). On the other hand, all of the spirits I encountered are very benevolent. Even a vampire entity I dream of few years back. :)

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Chunyi Lin did his "lotus" meditation today and qigong master JIm Nance said that boddhisattva spirits came into the room - angels - and Chunyi Lin was doing ghost pollution cleansing - telling spirits to leave people's bodies and leave their homes and go back to where they belong. haha.


My friend was crying the whole time and his heart opened up huge and Chunyi was emitting this super strong lotus perfume smell that started right when he started the meditation - just talking about it.

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One morning, shortly after my realization, an "entity" who looked exactly like me told me that he's my twin, and there were just him and me. Without him, I'd be utterly alone by myself.


I told him to go away and I'd take my chance. I haven't seen him since.

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One morning, shortly after my realization, an "entity" who looked exactly like me told me that he's my twin, and there were just him and me. Without him, I'd be utterly alone by myself.


I told him to go away and I'd take my chance. I haven't seen him since.

Swapping entities stories??? :) All I can say is that merits play a huge role in what spirits are attracting to you. If your awakening is induced by the artificial, questionable means, you will attract harmful spirits. If your awakening (kundalini energy rising) is the result of merits, self analysis of the 5 skandhas, you will attract benevolent spirits. Even if you do encounter harmful spirits, you can literally deal with them in the dreams. For examples, couple of times, I dream of my boss and his boss represented as vampires with slimy faces, and red eyes. Several times, I dream of fighting and dealing with zombies. Zombies, in this case, are the symbol of the masses, the un-enlightened beings who would just go through the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth aimlessly. On both of these cases, I dealt with them at ease. With the benevolent spirits, I felt I am related to them, almost like they are my grandparents. Couple of them have been with me for over 15 years. I have been dreaming of them on and off for the past 15 years. :) A lot of times, they don't say much, maybe 1 or 2 sentences. Mostly, I would just interact with them and doing things.

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So did you get rid of it? I just re-read your original post and wondering... what about contacting BK Frantzis? If it originated from one of his meditations, and he *has* been teaching for several decades, he has likely run into this sot of thing before. He might have some good suggestions for exercises to do to fix things up. He's contactable via facebook from what I've heard.

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Swapping entities stories??? :) All I can say is that merits play a huge role in what spirits are attracting to you. If your awakening is induced by the artificial, questionable means, you will attract harmful spirits. If your awakening (kundalini energy rising) is the result of merits, self analysis of the 5 skandhas, you will attract benevolent spirits. Even if you do encounter harmful spirits, you can literally deal with them in the dreams. For examples, couple of times, I dream of my boss and his boss represented as vampires with slimy faces, and red eyes. Several times, I dream of fighting and dealing with zombies. Zombies, in this case, are the symbol of the masses, the un-enlightened beings who would just go through the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth aimlessly. On both of these cases, I dealt with them at ease. With the benevolent spirits, I felt I am related to them, almost like they are my grandparents. Couple of them have been with me for over 15 years. I have been dreaming of them on and off for the past 15 years. :) A lot of times, they don't say much, maybe 1 or 2 sentences. Mostly, I would just interact with them and doing things.


Yea, once you awaken and become more aware of your subconscious mind dreams tend to get very interesting. I stopped masturbating a bout year ago, funny story, and actually had a dream of a demon who was trying to tell me to start masturbating again through my old philosophy teacher and then I saw it's face with red eyes and a grin like the joker... Strangest dream ever. lolz. Energy vampires.

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I don't want to start a new thread since I have a silly question. :) As a side job, I am a photographer. One area I would like to photograph is a cemetery. It is mostly "western" cemetery. I am just waiting for a cloudy day to go there. Why? The scene is moody and spooky. The cemetery has a lot of Gothic themes in there. Black and white film photos would look really well. For some reasons, I don't expect the experience would be plain and easy. I don't expect to go in and to come back out not feeling anything. Am I a magnet for certain spirits? Maybe certain ones, the good ones. However, you would never know what sorts of spirits one would attract. BTW, this cemetery is a historical landmark and do get visited by people very often.


It is no doubt that I am very receptive to the spirits. Last year, I and my parents went to visit a Buddhist temple in the upstate New York. There was this larger than life size Kuan Yim statue. I was photographing this statue and trying to read it (the lights, the angle, and the color). I was composing the shot looking up and through my viewfinder. Then, something happened. My eyes or my attention got fixated on to the her face. I felt this surge of energy and I felt her smile. I felt that her face got bigger and larger. I froze there for 3 seconds. I then continued to finish photographing the statue. It was like she was alive and looking and smiling at me. Throughout the visit, I could hear my upper chakras vibrating the whole time. In the main hall, there is this giant statue of the Vairocana Buddha but I didn't feel anything though. Of course, there was this kid outside crying and screaming at the great Vairocana Buddha as "evil." Hahahah.... He was scared. The poor thing... I bet the kid is the devil incarnated and trembling in fear at the sight of the great Vairocana Buddha.


In another incidence, this was involved with my old job. I was a store manager for a big retail chain. I got transferred to manage this store. Rumors have it that, back in the 50s, this store was used to be an Italian restaurant with connection to the mafia. And this little girl was supposedly got buried inside the freezer, down in the basement. The burial freezer was there for storage. No light inside the freezer and very messy. The basement lighting is less than optimal. I used to play tricks with my staff in there. Hahaha.... I wasn't afraid. I actually felt very comfortable in the basement. Now, I believe I saw her once in my dream. She was somewhat playful in a destructive way. Or a trouble maker or a prankster kind of way. Now, my assistant manger got the bad end of it. He dream of her very frequently. I didn't ask him what he dream. However, his mind is less then refined or cultivated.

Edited by ChiForce

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Kundalini effects and symptoms are caused by entities. Kundalini isn't what you think it is. My personal opinion.


Just curious about this -- it seems to be a lot of people's attitude is that 'powers' and such, Kundalini, are caused by entities.


Where are people getting this? Do they see the entities? Do they hear the entities?


It doesn't seem like somebody's personal energy would be an entity.

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Just curious about this -- it seems to be a lot of people's attitude is that 'powers' and such, Kundalini, are caused by entities.


Where are people getting this? Do they see the entities? Do they hear the entities?


It doesn't seem like somebody's personal energy would be an entity.


basically spirit energy is still part of the ego -- as is taught in nondualism. Anything experienced is experienced by someone - by a mind - so the astral realms are still a projection of the ego.


The impersonal Self is God aka the Emptiness -- a spacetime vortex that can not be seen - it creates the light consciousness but it is not the light consciousness.


So some traditions say just focus on the Emptiness aka nirvikalpa samadhi aka the Self, etc. and any powers that happen just ignore them since they are part of the ego/mind and so not permanent.

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