
Interesting review video of The Last Airbender

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While watching this review, I noticed certain parallels to Star Trek ... I'm sorry, I mean J.J. Abrams' Space Wars. Abrams had the nerve to say he's actually a Star Wars fan, but he totally wasn't like "Well if I must" about making a Star Trek movie. Shyamalan, at least according to the reviewer, really likes the show and thus wanted to make a movie version. And then the result is a huge disappointment. Now what the hay is going on? You have a director who has shown he can make good movies, who is ALSO a FAN of the franchise, and he screws it up? With a budget of 150 million dollars.

You might remember that the Star Trek movie had a budget of $50 million dollars and there wasn't enough money left to make the engine deck not be filmed in a brewery or something.


So here are two franchises of very special quality that directors decided to basically take a dump on. Like it's some agenda to ruin powerful positive ideas.

This material should be treated with respect. Why do directors jump on it and suddenly lose 90% of their IQ?


Edited by Owledge

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i loved this review, though i have to disagree with him when he says that zuko's part was good. i thought it was the worst out of everyone. Terribly funny


i have tried watching this movie 3 times. The first two times i got fed up with it and turned it off and the third time i fell asleep :lol:

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becasue the idiots who have the money are not the people who have a love for the project.

If you love the project, i can almsot gaurentee there is a 0% chance you'll ever be part of it.

If you love profiting off of others? Yeah, you'll go far in the industry of your choice, but you'll probably have no interest in the pwople whom you are supposed to serve.

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