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Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

Read post 1 before replying.

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Every time.

Rules are simple:

The scenario belongs to whom so ever posts, and they have 2 objectives and 2 objectives alone:

1. untangle the story riddle with a story answer

2. your answer must also be tangled, for the next person in line.

This is kind of like "telephone" when you tell one person to "pass it on" until the last person in line gets the wrong message.

The top half of the message will be the "solving problem"
overscores will line the end of the previous problem.
The space in between is the only place you're allowed to "say" anything, such as, but not limited to hints and suggestions.
underscores will denote the new problem.
The bottom will be the "problem solving"

Every scenario that has a beginning also has an end, but every ending is also a new beginning.
If it has always been this way, how did i start this thread?

Edited by Northern Avid Judo Ant

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Like the haiku thing?

stories take some investment to write up

I wouldnt want to tangle mine

( any more than they would be inherently)


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So be it .


Ping was sitting on his favorite tree stump eating his curds and whey and looking at the clouds...

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So be it .


Ping was sitting on his favorite tree stump eating his curds and whey and looking at the clouds...

Along came Sir Spidum who sat down beside him and said..

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this topic is all blown to shit. he made no effort in conceling his riddle and went along to catch fish instead.

alt+0175 makes the overscores (¯). so does copy-paste. Fishing might lead to page one again, maybe i should re post it here.
read post one first before replying :lol:

shift hyphen (-) makes underscores (_)
If you have no hints, i think you would just make it look like this:
And then continue on your merry way. im annoyed, it's not as easy as i thought it was to read the first page first before posting. :lol:

While fishing he noticed a polar bear battling a penguine and realized he was fucking lost as shit!

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Taking a moment to take stock, he realized that polar bears live at the north pole and penguins live south of the equator! So he must be at Sea-world . :)

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