
The Tao of Dying

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My condition, or conditions are perfect for me. No one else would benefit by stepping into my body, because it isn't meant for anyone else ! I have accepted the body I have and all that comes with it, my illnesses are my various teachers; I am learning, slowly, but I am learning!


Having an ileo anal pouch(when I first did a Google search on this term I ended up with a page full of porn links :blink: ) is my hardest lesson. The 5 or 6 hours spent emptying the pouch is a tough endurance event, maybe its to teach me patience ! But, its catered for me to experience - although I would appreciate a break :D


Medical technology enabled you to suffer your conditions; otherwise, you would have bungy jumped Home. Would that not have been a better way out?


After my first operation(14 hrs) I had a temporary colostomy bag which was fun - I even called it Fred Stoma ! It was meant to be there for 3 months whilst I recovered from the operation, but due to the onset of renal failure an emergency operation was performed to evict Fred Stoma ! An interesting statistic from operation one is a weight loss of 42 lbs ! After the first operation I was in a chemical coma for two weeks, and then the fun began. When it came for me to try and go to the washroom on my own after weeks recovering I discovered I couldn't walk !!! I gently got myself to the edge of the bed then attempted to stand up - but fell straight to the floor ! So I had to learn to walk all over again ! The reason for this mishap was the duration of the operation with my legs being in straps for 14 hrs and had cut into my nerves.


42 lbs weight loss is considerable. Were you overweight?


You spent a lot of time in the hospital. You must have racked up a huge medical bill. Do you have free health care in the U.K.?


I have some real horror stories regarding my recovery when I went to the pits of hell ! The pain was constant, I really despaired and contemplated suicide. Serious contemplation. Only my daughter kept me from carrying out this act. She knows all about this very dark period, and I told her because she deserves to know how she helped me through my tough recuperation period.


Have you recovered well enough to walk about now? I don't see how you can ever hold down a job if you have to spend 5 hours everyday emptying the pouch on top of waking up more than half a dozen times to go to the toilet every night.


There is no good way to commit suicide because our values are against it. Maybe one day our attitude will change. If "going Home" is fun, I don't understand why we see suicide as a bad thing.


sree, having money is not necessarily a negative thing because we need money to negotiate our way through the current barbaric system. Money is so unnecessary, it really is ! It only serves a small percentage of the world's population. Discovering who you truly are whilst living a 'normal' life is the goal. Renouncing the material world only works if you enter a monestary or convent depending up your gender, because your needs are catered for within the walls of the aforementioned institutions. Also of benefit is finding a commune which is self sufficient.


It's a tough life even for people who don't have a medical condition. Every baby born has a life of toil ahead till release in death. And it gets tougher as the pace of life increases all the time. People can no longer keep up with the productivity rates of manufacturing goods. Robots have replaced people in factories. The only people who can keep up with robots are the Chinese. They are plentiful and their labor is cheap enough. When one Chinese worker falls, another Chinese takes over to keep up with the pace of the robot.


But, that was all part of your story, you had to do what you did. You did nothing wrong because you have learnt lessons from that experience. Life always presents you with the teachers and lessons you need - perfectly tailored for your needs ! You are where you are now because of what you have done in the past. Every situation, person, lesson and teacher has brought you to where you are now.


You know what? I would rather not learn any lesson. Given the choice, I would rather not be alive. What's the point to life? Can you tell me? If you were given a preview of your fate as a human being before you were born, would you still have chosen to become you?


Invisible helpers ! We all have them ! I'm not expecting you to believe me sree, hopefully you will experience it for yourself. I know for sure that I have not reached where I am now without the help of my Invisible Helpers, my Gran is one of them ! Some folk call their helpers angels or guardian angels, and thats fine too. I have experienced the guidance of my Invisible Helpers in certain situations, for example when I was given the news of my cancer in 2003. Another is when my Dad left his body, and my Mum. So for me I know I have a great team.


I may not believe in invisible helpers, but that doesn't mean I don't believe what you say. I accept that your invisible helpers are real to you and that is all that matters. There are many things real to some people while other people have no access to them. The reason why I have no invisible helpers is because my life is problem-free and I don't need helpers invisible or otherwise. When problems confront me - and they will sooner or later - I plan to bungy jump out before those problems even step through my front door. This is why I have to learn the Tao of dying.


Dogs ! My favorite animals ! I was blesssed to have a wonderful four legged friend by the name of Pippa, she journeyed with me for 16 years; and she had a pure soul, far outshining most humans I've encountered. Pippa was a four legged saint. She battled with cancer too, and my friend who a vet nurse gave her the injection which released her from her suffering. Pippa left her body whilst in my arms. I look forward to seeing her again. Also, she is a frequent visitor! Yes Pippa has been heard jumping off our bed when we were downstairs, and she came through during a ghost box session - even sniffing my daughters hair !


Yes, dogs are the best. I would never let my dog suffer and would sent it home to God before the Devil gets to its body. Why won't God put people down and take them Home before the Devil gets to their bodies?


I used to be a paranormal investigator with my wife, so am well versed in things paranormal.



I am sure there are many paranormal things out there to be discovered. But right now, I have to deal with the problems in the normal realm - a veritable hell of a reality where life is really bad and people are trying to escape to find the eternal Dao.


You are a Christian (a Catholic?). How come you prefer the companionship of Daoists here?

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Medical technology enabled you to suffer your conditions; otherwise, you would have bungy jumped Home. Would that not have been a better way out?



42 lbs weight loss is considerable. Were you overweight?


You spent a lot of time in the hospital. You must have racked up a huge medical bill. Do you have free health care in the U.K.?



Have you recovered well enough to walk about now? I don't see how you can ever hold down a job if you have to spend 5 hours everyday emptying the pouch on top of waking up more than half a dozen times to go to the toilet every night.


There is no good way to commit suicide because our values are against it. Maybe one day our attitude will change. If "going Home" is fun, I don't understand why we see suicide as a bad thing.



It's a tough life even for people who don't have a medical condition. Every baby born has a life of toil ahead till release in death. And it gets tougher as the pace of life increases all the time. People can no longer keep up with the productivity rates of manufacturing goods. Robots have replaced people in factories. The only people who can keep up with robots are the Chinese. They are plentiful and their labor is cheap enough. When one Chinese worker falls, another Chinese takes over to keep up with the pace of the robot.



You know what? I would rather not learn any lesson. Given the choice, I would rather not be alive. What's the point to life? Can you tell me? If you were given a preview of your fate as a human being before you were born, would you still have chosen to become you?



I may not believe in invisible helpers, but that doesn't mean I don't believe what you say. I accept that your invisible helpers are real to you and that is all that matters. There are many things real to some people while other people have no access to them. The reason why I have no invisible helpers is because my life is problem-free and I don't need helpers invisible or otherwise. When problems confront me - and they will sooner or later - I plan to bungy jump out before those problems even step through my front door. This is why I have to learn the Tao of dying.



Yes, dogs are the best. I would never let my dog suffer and would sent it home to God before the Devil gets to its body. Why won't God put people down and take them Home before the Devil gets to their bodies?




I am sure there are many paranormal things out there to be discovered. But right now, I have to deal with the problems in the normal realm - a veritable hell of a reality where life is really bad and people are trying to escape to find the eternal Dao.


You are a Christian (a Catholic?). How come you prefer the companionship of Daoists here?


An early exit was appealing at one stage sree, but I'm glad my daughter stopped me. She was the only reason for my living, if I'd taken the suicide option I'd have hurt my daughter beyond words, she was nine. I could not inflict such pain upon my little angel. My surgeon saved my life, he's operated on me three times so he knows me inside out! A talented and great man who is also a good teacher to the medical students under his wing. I've helped him out on a number of occasions by acting as a guinea pig for surgeons taking their final exams(theory that is!) as a way of thanking him. I'm thrilled to still be in this decrepit shell of a body!


I was 56 lbs overweight! I was 16 stones and should have been 12 stones, I held my weight well, as I'm over 6 foot tall; my Mum said I have big bones!


Currently we have free health care, but the current parasites in power are in the process of changing this, unless the people of this land awaken from their collective slumber and perform what the people of Iceland did.


Due to my chronic health situation I am unable to work. I also have problems with my hands(arthritis/carpel tunnel syndrome), and nerve problems in my neck, and walk with a walking stick! And as you say I spend many hours in the bathroom! As you can see I am a walking disaster or miracle!


In certain situations medical euthanasia is right, we just need the religious monopolies to adopt their stance. If ever I reach a stage were life is of no benefit then I will commit suicide. No hesitation.


Life is tough because each one of us makes it this way. People are conditioned by the System, they leave mother's womb and the indoctrination begins. Nursey - infants - juniors and seniors. The treadmill into submission. In short we are just like rats in a laboratory. And we laughingly think of ourselves as an intelligent species! I think the dolphins and whales are superior to us as a species - and I am being serious. We are still uncivilized and thorough monsters, both to our own species and to all others - and don't get me started on what we are doing to Mother Earth. We are a vile and treachorous species.


The point to Life is why we are here! To enjoy the Mystery of All That Is. We write our scripts and hire the actors in our lives. The beauty of Life is to enjoy her divine Mystery. I am so thankful that I am here! And I believe we do plan our lives here! I've read and watched a great many books and documentaries on this subject. We've lost our memory of this for a reason - to keep us sane, or as near to sane as possible. This is your film sree, make it a bloody good film; will it turn out to be a tragedy, a comedy, a drama, a farce or what? Your the writer, director and producer. If things go wrong look to yourself first and explore why! Look within.


The invisible helpers sree, we all have them - even you :D Whether you heed their advice or offers is up to you. For example when you get a 'gut' feeling, do you know from where that arises? Or a helping thought pops into your head and you have no idea where it comes from, but you know its right; well they come from your invisible helpers. They nudge and guide us without our being aware.


Their is no g_d or devil, both are man made concepts. Life is what unfolds. Regardless of what we think of it! If you argue with reality you lose 100% of the time, I know as I've suffered!


Dogs are the best!


sree, if your life is hell, then you have written it so. Look within. See what is making your life hell and write a scene which is not hellish! Believe me I've been in hell, and it isn't pleasant - but I came through that experience; and you know whose fault it was? Mine! Not my now ex wife. Not my Mum or Dad. Not my brothers. No one's fault but MINE. I wrote the script. My responsibility.


Ha Ha - me a christian! sree why would I believe in a myth? Jesus as written in the new testament is a fictional character. I advise people to read the bible as astro theology. Not literally. The roman catholic church is a dark enterprise. Look at what it has done in its history and look at what it allows today. The same goes for islam. No religion is of the Light.


I know of the Oneness of All Life. We are not seperated. We all come from the One Source, whatever that is. We all share the same Place of Origin. Their is no g_d. Just another method of control by Man. Mind control. Religion is a physical, emotional and spiritual health hazard which has kept us all in the dark ages.


Me a christian! sree, thanks for that! My wife will laugh when I tell her. :D


I am at One with the writings of Lao Tzu. I follow no one though, we are all Family.


As for the paranormal it is an interest of mine, one of the many components which make my life what it is. I also have other interests.





Edited by gentlewind
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I'm obsessively curious about death.

Stoked to experience it, (though I'm not looking to end the ride early).

No fear, no worry.


If birth is Yang, death is Yin.


I don't think or worry about it, the way I don't think or worry about digesting my salad, or how my thalamus is operating.

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I'm obsessively curious about death.

Stoked to experience it, (though I'm not looking to end the ride early).

No fear, no worry.


If birth is Yang, death is Yin.


I don't think or worry about it, the way I don't think or worry about digesting my salad, or how my thalamus is operating.



If you don't think or worry about digestion, then you are taking too much for granted. Your body is one treacherous sonovabitch. You've got to watch it because it can really screw up your Yang. If you have no fear, then you are probably too young and have not hit the wall of life yet. When you get a few hard knocks or miss a footing and stare into the abyss, you won't be so cocky.


Anyway, why are you curious about death?

Edited by sree

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Grieving is pointless.


F**cking is pointless too. Is there anything in life that has a point? You've got to eat your greens and not just dessert. Didn't your mom tell you that?


We were talking about reasons to live. I have reasons you can read between lines perhaps in my other posts on TTB.


So, you have reasons to live and death is not to thwart your mission? I hope the Grim Reaper is paying attention.


Does your mission last more than one lifetime? Your body doesn't have a mission and needs to go when Lord Yama comes a calling. What will you do then?


Actually there is a large influx of immigrants. I've never lived in a monocultural area, actually I live in an area full of immigrants. I open the door and I'm as likely to hear people speaking English or Russian as Finnish. When I go to my park I usually hear Arabic and Russian as well as Finnish. My house complex had recycling instructions in seven languages... I could go on but you get the idea. :)


What's so good about living among people of other cultures? It's different matter in a university campus or a business corporation where people of various cultures come together. Society is something else. The pressures of life foster conflicts among people who don't dance to the same tune. Such conflicts are not cause by intolerant bigots as you seem to insinuate.


You're thinking of Lapland maybe, I'm in the capital.


Helsinki? Never been there. I will hop over there from Amsterdam on my next stop-over just to get a better understanding of your mind-set.

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An early exit was appealing at one stage sree, but I'm glad my daughter stopped me. She was the only reason for my living, if I'd taken the suicide option I'd have hurt my daughter beyond words, she was nine. I could not inflict such pain upon my little angel. My surgeon saved my life, he's operated on me three times so he knows me inside out! A talented and great man who is also a good teacher to the medical students under his wing. I've helped him out on a number of occasions by acting as a guinea pig for surgeons taking their final exams(theory that is!) as a way of thanking him. I'm thrilled to still be in this decrepit shell of a body!


Three operations? What were they for and when were they done? By being a guinea pig, do you mean that your operations were conducted on camera and watched by students? Did you get a copy of the recordings?


I was 56 lbs overweight! I was 16 stones and should have been 12 stones, I held my weight well, as I'm over 6 foot tall; my Mum said I have big bones!


You must have Viking genes. Even at 12 stones, you are not easy to get on a carving table. Being big is easier to operate on, I guess.


Currently we have free health care, but the current parasites in power are in the process of changing this, unless the people of this land awaken from their collective slumber and perform what the people of Iceland did.


Don't you prefer a society that doesn't have to spend a lot on health care? Is it not better to have a world where nobody needs intensive and expensive healthcare and everyone is healthy? As people gets older, incidence of old age diseases escalates. The elimination of old age could cut healthcare costs dramatically. Even health insurance premiums would go down. For example, cars that new and don't breakdown are cheaper to run.


Due to my chronic health situation I am unable to work. I also have problems with my hands(arthritis/carpel tunnel syndrome), and nerve problems in my neck, and walk with a walking stick! And as you say I spend many hours in the bathroom! As you can see I am a walking disaster or miracle!


In your condition, you would not survive a day as an animal in the forest. Is there something wrong with human society or is nature too brutal? Even in death, animals don't have funerals and not buried. They are eaten up. Nothing is wasteful.


How long have you been unable to work for a living? Let me guess. Ten years?


In certain situations medical euthanasia is right, we just need the religious monopolies to adopt their stance. If ever I reach a stage were life is of no benefit then I will commit suicide. No hesitation.


I can't say I agree with euthanasia although putting animals out of misery seems the proper thing to do. In the case of humans, which are strictly animals also, something makes it inappropriate. The person has to be dealt with first before the body can be shutdown deliberately. This is why the Tao of dying is important.


The rest of your post trends towards the philosophical. So, I will tackle it separately.

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sree: Three operations? What were they for and when were they done? By being a guinea pig, do you mean that your operations were conducted on camera and watched by students? Did you get a copy of the recordings?


First op was to remove my large colon and reconstruct the small colon into an ileo anal pouch, mine is an S Pouch. Second op was the reversal brought forward due to the onset of renal failure, an emergency op. Third op was to remove a tumor from my abdomen.


I know my first op was filmed and photographed, I have seen the photographs - reminded me of the film Alien :D


sree - we are all guinea pigs ! Look up at the skies and see the chemtrails polluting the skies with aluminium and barium and even blood cells. Our governments carry out tests on us all the time, the information proving this is in official documents. Remember the tests carried out on black men to see how they react when given syphilis ? Oh yes - we are all guinea pigs !


Number four was to remove a tumor from my nose, by a different surgeon.


sree: You must have Viking genes. Even at 12 stones, you are not easy to get on a carving table. Being big is easier to operate on, I guess.


One of my many nicknames is The Viking !!!


sree: Don't you prefer a society that doesn't have to spend a lot on health care? Is it not better to have a world where nobody needs intensive and expensive healthcare and everyone is healthy? As people gets older, incidence of old age diseases escalates. The elimination of old age could cut healthcare costs dramatically. Even health insurance premiums would go down. For example, cars that new and don't breakdown are cheaper to run.


Until we are all able to live in perfect health then health care should be free.


sree: In your condition, you would not survive a day as an animal in the forest. Is there something wrong with human society or is nature too brutal? Even in death, animals don't have funerals and not buried. They are eaten up. Nothing is wasteful.


This is partly true ! But thankfully I am a member of the human species ! But, their are animals who do look after their sick and vulnerable - its not all cut throat as you seem to think ! Their are many examples of this, and also of animals helping people in need - for example the dolphin who rescued a drowning man and took him ashore ! Also the very moving story of a group of elephants who had been rescued by a man in South Africa, they somehow knew that this man had left his physical body and they all travelled over 30 miles to where he had once lived to pay their respects. The elephants stayed nearby for three days and didn't eat or drink for the period of their stay. Amazing story ! Animals are not dumb and are far from heartless sree ! My own pet dogs have shown me more love than many humans, and I prefer the company of animals to people.


sree: How long have you been unable to work for a living? Let me guess. Ten years?


Hmm. Are a private investigator !!! :D


sree: I can't say I agree with euthanasia although putting animals out of misery seems the proper thing to do. In the case of humans, which are strictly animals also, something makes it inappropriate. The person has to be dealt with first before the body can be shutdown deliberately. This is why the Tao of dying is important.


If someone is terminally ill or has a condition which makes their life a 24/7 living hell then euthanasia is the right thing to do. Release from such intolerable suffering is justified.





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If you don't think or worry about digestion, then you are taking too much for granted. Your body is one treacherous sonovabitch. You've got to watch it because it can really screw up your Yang. If you have no fear, then you are probably too young and have not hit the wall of life yet. When you get a few hard knocks or miss a footing and stare into the abyss, you won't be so cocky.


Anyway, why are you curious about death?


Why am I curious about death? Huh. I guess to put it in words I'd say... similar to the reason water flows downhill.


As for young, I'm 44 now so still pretty young and still trying to unlearn shit everyday. As for taking things for granted, some things certainly, but one of my main practices in life is breathing gratitude. This practice has grown out of my experience with my family. My wife and I have built a small, simple life over the last couple decades based on compassion. The result of our focus on compassion has led me to an awareness of how the simplest acts can wield incredible power for change and transformation.


I have had a chance to see some of the truly nasty shit life has to offer. I think it's precisely the 'negative influences' as I viewed them that have allowed me to appreciate how amazing life is now.


As for taking the body for granted; I personally was given a second chance. It's a long story and I'll share it at some point in detail, but suffice to say, I went from being a martial artist/rock climber/outdoor athlete, to nearly losing a foot and being unable to walk without a cane or crutches for three years. That led to being 40 lbs over weight, 3 surgeries, high cholesterol, high bp, depression, meds etc... When I discovered that I could do QiGong and began to understand the importance of nutrition, my being completely turned around. The foot fully healed over a period of years while the body responded immediately to good nutrition. Emotions balanced as the diet improved and the qi gong effects kicked in. Today, no meds, 10lbs overweight, clean blood, flexible and full of energy. I still will randomly hop around on my old 'bad foot' in front of my wife and she will smile and laugh and just beam with joy that I'm healed.


As for taking digestion for granted, yes I do. I really don't think about or try to direct that process in my practice. Perhaps I will as I get further in my practice. But I do now pay extra attention to what is about to go into my body.



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You write well and have much to say that is meaningful to people going through bodily pains such as yours. You have convictions that, to me, come across better than motivational gurus out there and they are making millions. Deepak Chopra is doing exceptionally well and he is not convincing at all.


Life is tough because each one of us makes it this way. People are conditioned by the System, they leave mother's womb and the indoctrination begins. Nursey - infants - juniors and seniors. The treadmill into submission. In short we are just like rats in a laboratory. And we laughingly think of ourselves as an intelligent species! I think the dolphins and whales are superior to us as a species - and I am being serious. We are still uncivilized and thorough monsters, both to our own species and to all others - and don't get me started on what we are doing to Mother Earth. We are a vile and treachorous species.



Why do you think people are monstrous and not like other animals that, even when they kill, seem to be undriven by evil?


The point to Life is why we are here! To enjoy the Mystery of All That Is. We write our scripts and hire the actors in our lives. The beauty of Life is to enjoy her divine Mystery. I am so thankful that I am here! And I believe we do plan our lives here! I've read and watched a great many books and documentaries on this subject. We've lost our memory of this for a reason - to keep us sane, or as near to sane as possible. This is your film sree, make it a bloody good film; will it turn out to be a tragedy, a comedy, a drama, a farce or what? Your the writer, director and producer. If things go wrong look to yourself first and explore why! Look within.



You believe each one's life is what one makes it to be? Perhaps, so. But don't you believe in an even playing field where everyone gets the same starting point. What if you are born as part of a Siamese twin and sharing one torso? How do you deal with life? Or you are born in a family of beggars in Mumbai and have your eyes burn out with acid so you beg better for a living? How would you make your movie then?


I am at One with the writings of Lao Tzu. I follow no one though, we are all Family.



There are many versions of the Tao Te Ching. Which version are you at One with?

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Why am I curious about death? Huh. I guess to put it in words I'd say... similar to the reason water flows downhill.


Let me rephrase the question. When you have stopped breathing and your heart have stopped beating, the body is still. Four hours later, rigor mortis sets in. Would you say that life, as you know it, at that point in time does not exist?


As for taking digestion for granted, yes I do. I really don't think about or try to direct that process in my practice. Perhaps I will as I get further in my practice. But I do now pay extra attention to what is about to go into my body.



What is good nutrition for your body? What do you eat on an average day?

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There are some things that have point but you need to find them for yourself. They can be different things for different people. You have to look hard and honestly to find them and not be blinded by modern or postmodern ideas.



So, you believe that people in society are made up of different individuals, each with his or her own reality. In other words, what is true for me is not true for you and vice versa. I can accept this viewpoint when looking at a fly and a frog. These two life forms, even though they can interact, do not share the same reality. What is the basis for stating that two human beings do not share the same reality?


I don't think my mind-set is a product of Helsinki or any other city.


Would you say that your mindset is a product of your culture?

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First op was to remove my large colon and reconstruct the small colon into an ileo anal pouch, mine is an S Pouch. Second op was the reversal brought forward due to the onset of renal failure, an emergency op. Third op was to remove a tumor from my abdomen.


I know my first op was filmed and photographed, I have seen the photographs - reminded me of the film Alien :D


sree - we are all guinea pigs ! Look up at the skies and see the chemtrails polluting the skies with aluminium and barium and even blood cells. Our governments carry out tests on us all the time, the information proving this is in official documents. Remember the tests carried out on black men to see how they react when given syphilis ? Oh yes - we are all guinea pigs !


Number four was to remove a tumor from my nose, by a different surgeon.



Apart from your ileoanal pouch concerns, your nerve problems with the neck and arthritis with your hands, you also have renal issues. Did I miss out any other illness?


Until we are all able to live in perfect health then health care should be free.


What about food, clothing and shelter for the sickly? These are basic needs of those unable to work for a living. Shouldn't they be provided free of charge too?


sree: How long have you been unable to work for a living? Let me guess. Ten years?


Hmm. Are a private investigator !!! :D



I am trying to get an idea of what your life is like. This is supposed to be a shared-experience project, remember?


If someone is terminally ill or has a condition which makes their life a 24/7 living hell then euthanasia is the right thing to do. Release from such intolerable suffering is justified.


For such a condition, what is the best way to die then?

Edited by sree

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You write well and have much to say that is meaningful to people going through bodily pains such as yours. You have convictions that, to me, come across better than motivational gurus out there and they are making millions. Deepak Chopra is doing exceptionally well and he is not convincing at all.

Thanks sree.

People who are followers lose their authenticity, whether it be following Deepak Chopra or Jesus or Buddha. In my own experience of being a christian I was never happy! Something inside me was screaming at me to get out! I felt suffocated and damn unhappy, but I learnt well from that experience - in my later years. You only ever find true peace when you stop seeking. To seek is to walk away from your own Truth. What we search for has never left us, it us who have left!

Why do you think people are monstrous and not like other animals that, even when they kill, seem to be undriven by evil?

The cruelty of our species is horrifying. Have you seen the documentary 'Earthlings' ? A fine example of why I call our species monstrous. Then see what is happening in countries like Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan - all in the name of democracy; again its all carried out for oil and wealth. When animals kill it is for food, that is not monstrous, it is nature. Not all animals kill.

You believe each one's life is what one makes it to be? Perhaps, so. But don't you believe in an even playing field where everyone gets the same starting point. What if you are born as part of a Siamese twin and sharing one torso? How do you deal with life? Or you are born in a family of beggars in Mumbai and have your eyes burn out with acid so you beg better for a living? How would you make your movie then?

An even playing field will only be possible when we Live from the Heart. When we are motivated by pure Love. The world we live in now is what we have all helped create.

Whatever life we are born into we have chosen before entering the womb. I have believed this for many years. My life is perfect for me, but would be far from perfect for another. I am 53 this year, I have never been happier!

There are many versions of the Tao Te Ching. Which version are you at One with?

I'll post my favorites later.





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Apart from your ileoanal pouch concerns, your nerve problems with the neck and arthritis with your hands, you also have renal issues. Did I miss out any other illness?

sree, I have about 15 different health problems. Too many to go into detail about! But please know I am happy! No complaints from me!

What about food, clothing and shelter for the sickly? These are basic needs of those unable to work for a living. Shouldn't they be provided free of charge too?

Why should we pay for anything! Everything should be free! Money only benefits the very few, and the majority suffer. Not one soul should suffer. Period.

I am trying to get an idea of what your life is like. This is supposed to be a shared-experience project, remember?

sree, I was joking with you :D

For such a condition, what is the best way to die then?

Painlessly - by injection.





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To me it's more of a, you have to play the cards you're dealt, kind of thing. I suppose our cultural, educational and other lenses distort what really is reality. The worst distortion however is learning the wrong lesson out of experiences. If you get dealt three kings in five draw and lose to a flush, it still wasn't a bad hand you should never play again.



I wonder if you would appreciate the fact that most of us are dealt winning hands but just can't get the pot. More often than not, we hold a royal flush and still lose out to bozos with deuces. Still, we play on like gambling addicts unable to leave the table. You are smart and you know it. You keep playing that three kings until your luck runs out and you are dealt deuces.


Looking ahead, at this point in your life, do you still feel lucky?


Partly. Discarded alot of what is garbage about our modern culture. The ancestors ofcourse had greater wisdom, but since forced conversion to Christianity destroyed much and modern neglect/science is finishing the job, it's not the complete package of good guidelines that we can get to here... sadly.


Looks like you are trashing everything about Finnish culture. Who are your ancestors?

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I want you to know that I think of you everyday. The Passion of Christ is his love for mankind trapped in suffering. You are not a Christian, I know; and neither am I. It's all symbolism but powerful representation of the untenable human condition crying for deliverance. The story of Jesus inspire me to seek salvation from all health problems and the physical pain they wreak.


sree, I have about 15 different health problems. Too many to go into detail about! But please know I am happy! No complaints from me!


If you are happy with health problems, then it is a joy I cannot comprehend. I think of Mother Teresa who surrounded herself with health problems, other people's. Like all philanthropies, her movement thrived on human misery rather than eradicate it.


It seems to me that if I had Jesus' miraculous power of healing and made you as whole as a healthy newborn baby, you would lose all desire to exist.


Why should we pay for anything! Everything should be free! Money only benefits the very few, and the majority suffer. Not one soul should suffer. Period.


I agree. Everything should be free the way everything is free for other animals in the forest. Do away with money since it benefits only the very few who are wealthy. This is the pervasive thinking sweeping across America. Finland is the model of a welfare state.



sree, I was joking with you :D


I hope you don't mind if I joke with you also.


Painlessly - by injection.



If this is the best way to die, how come it is perceived as corporal punishment - worse than lifetime imprisonment - for criminals?





Do you use the salutation, accompanied by a slight bow made with hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointing upwards, in front of the chest, in your daily interaction with people to indicate we are all part of Brahman?

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Thanks sree.

People who are followers lose their authenticity, whether it be following Deepak Chopra or Jesus or Buddha. In my own experience of being a christian I was never happy! Something inside me was screaming at me to get out! I felt suffocated and damn unhappy, but I learnt well from that experience - in my later years. You only ever find true peace when you stop seeking. To seek is to walk away from your own Truth. What we search for has never left us, it us who have left!



What’s your own truth? This question inquires into what is true. Everything we know as real is what we have accepted as real. Things like the sky above, the ground beneath our feet, the planet we call Earth, the human body we inhabit, and this consciousness we have of our reality.


If we accept these basic facts at face value, then we can take our chances to live out our temporal life as best we can and die out along with the body like any other animal. If we are not content and want to seek the truth beyond what is our reality or attempt to explain reality, then the confusion begins.


To stop seeking, as you advocate, is for each of us to accept our reality - this monstrous human condition - the way you accept your health problems until death mercifully puts an end to it.


The cruelty of our species is horrifying. Have you seen the documentary 'Earthlings' ? A fine example of why I call our species monstrous. Then see what is happening in countries like Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan - all in the name of democracy; again its all carried out for oil and wealth. When animals kill it is for food, that is not monstrous, it is nature. Not all animals kill.



Wu wei (無爲), a central teaching of the Tao Te Ching, questions our worldview and the reaction it provokes. The perception of ourselves as an animal specie that is monstrous and horrifyingly cruel is itself a reaction to what we are. On the one hand, you show a wu wei attitude towards the monstrous havoc afflicted on your body by diseases but on the other, you resent the horrifying effects of a cruel human nature that we suffer. Why the inconsistency?


An even playing field will only be possible when we Live from the Heart. When we are motivated by pure Love. The world we live in now is what we have all helped create.

Whatever life we are born into we have chosen before entering the womb. I have believed this for many years. My life is perfect for me, but would be far from perfect for another. I am 53 this year, I have never been happier!



Why won’t you apply your personal philosophy to mankind as a whole and consider the state of our world with all its horrors as chosen by us before our creation? If you don’t condemn the diseases your body is inflicted with, then why harbour recriminations about the horrendous social conditions we endure?

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to eradicate human misery, it must be allowed to run its course and vacate naturally.

Natural Healers will "appear to" run off of the misery of others "rather than try to eradicate it", when in truth, they are taking it away from others, so that it may run its course through them and vacate the world thereafter.

Healers who do not know their nature will become burdened with crippling physiological aliments, yet refuse to give them up; it is their very nature to allow misery to run its course and be eradicated hence.

Edited by Northern Avid Judo Ant
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I want you to know that I think of you everyday. The Passion of Christ is his love for mankind trapped in suffering. You are not a Christian, I know; and neither am I. It's all symbolism but powerful representation of the untenable human condition crying for deliverance. The story of Jesus inspire me to seek salvation from all health problems and the physical pain they wreak.

sree, you touch me with your concern, I appreciate your thinking of me. I have learnt over time to accept the health problems I have, it is utter folly to argue with reality as reality wins 100% of the time. If I were to argue with how things are with me regarding my chronic health I automatically lose and become a victim; being a victim is not what I want, so I embrace all my illnesses and accept each one. Rejection is not an option!

The fictional story of Jesus can be seen as inspiring, and one day we will all achieve our own Christ like status by realizing the Truth lies within. Then we will again be in Paradise.

If you are happy with health problems, then it is a joy I cannot comprehend. I think of Mother Teresa who surrounded herself with health problems, other people's. Like all philanthropies, her movement thrived on human misery rather than eradicate it.

Its the accepting of my body's chronic health that allows me to be happy. My body is in truth an illusion, soon I'll be free of this body, and then I'll rock and roll! I would happily have a healthy body! I used to run marathons, play football, badminton and squash; I ran 100 miles a week in training. If my body was free of my ailments I'd be pounding the roads eating the miles! Alas I am no longer that fit young man, but it will not deny me my natural state of being - pure Love!

Mother Teresa was not a good woman, and your right her movement thrived on human misery, Their is a documentary which reveals the truth about Mother Teresa.

It seems to me that if I had Jesus' miraculous power of healing and made you as whole as a healthy newborn baby, you would lose all desire to exist.

sree! I'd be happy either way my friend! My desire wouldn't cease to exist! I am not this body, its a temporary vehicle which returns to the ground when the lease expires!

I agree. Everything should be free the way everything is free for other animals in the forest. Do away with money since it benefits only the very few who are wealthy. This is the pervasive thinking sweeping across America. Finland is the model of a welfare state.

I believe Finland is a good model sree. I will add a link from the UK about our two welfare systems:

I hope you don't mind if I joke with you also.

yes sree, please do! Humor is a beautiful religion!

If this is the best way to die, how come it is perceived as corporal punishment - worse than lifetime imprisonment - for criminals?

My four legged best friend Pippa had a lethal injection and went Home free of pain. This is how it should be for those who are beyond medical assistance. The price of losing your life is painful for many sree, the death penalty is their punishment; no need to make it a painful exit.

Do you use the salutation, accompanied by a slight bow made with hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointing upwards, in front of the chest, in your daily interaction with people to indicate we are all part of Brahman?

Indeed I do! My two year old niece began copying me - sweet!





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The trick is in the player being more important than the cards. You might think gentlewind was holding onto a weak hand but how can it be that his hand is winning? I think might be a clue to your puzzle here.


Let me position your Nordic gaze a little towards Zen. Actually, there is no player. There are only the cards, the hand you are dealt with. You are it.


As for gentlewind, why do you think he is winning? He shows a fantastic attitude and it intimidates the hell out of you. Are you folding? This is poker, right. There are three of us at the table. I have not folded yet. I know the odds and they are heavily in my favor and yours too. You know that and yet you are afraid. You folded and there are only he and me now. I am a betting man, my friend. I am all in on this game. I am betting the farm on my three kings.


It's only recently that I started feeling lucky after I learnt to be content.


More Zen. The feeling of luck is the anticipation of a better situation, be it gaining more or not losing what you have. So, you are either feeling lucky or you have cashed out i.e. dead.


What's left of it is something admirable but it seems to have been replaced with crap starting from the protestant work ethic to the same global culture that is interested in celebrities, hamburgers... My ancestors are mostly Finns and a mix of Indo-European peoples. Finns used to be shamanic peoples. Sometimes warriors and sailors along with the Vikings. Later we were used as warriors for the Swedish empire in many wars. When our people came to New Sweden in America around 1500s-1600s(don't remember exact date), many got tired of hanging out with the Swedish and joined Native American tribes.


What you are saying - in American terms - is that everything has gone to the dogs. This is a universal lament of the older generation of people who cannot get away from the mess. Money can make a difference. It can buy you refuge. As a Fin, you may like the sea and a sailboat in a warmer climate would be ideal. Or you could live in the clouds in Bhutan.


I think Sweden is the model but we are close. It's not that great though. Community health centers are often not so jokingly called "Guessing centers" and you often need to prove you have problems. Welfare is not that great, you might spend 6 months without any money if you quit your job...



What's wrong with being on your own? Take care of your own welfare and leave the rest of the world be?

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