
The Secret Science of Spiritual Healing: Potential anatomy of qigong master John Chang as a case study

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Yea I'm not sure how long I'll fast, I guess I'll just try to listen to my body. But at the moment we have a week break between semesters so if I was to ever do it I suppose now would be the time, though I do have to make up some clinic hours so if it interferes with that too much .... I'll just see how it goes. Yea I am drinking water, but I have not been fasting all that long. Yea I can see how lots of meditation would be essential during such a process. I plan on doing quite of bit of that with my free time during the break. Otherwise the celibacy would either make me nuts or end, its as though I feel compelled to meditate when my body lets me know there is another build up of sexual energy.


A few other things I feel are.


1. Loopy, dizzy, and kind of dazed and out of it.


2. A lot of heat, especially in my face.


3. Pressure, mainly in my upper body.


4. And sort of wired but in a out of it, calm kind of way if that makes sense.


yeah definitely focus on the lower tan tien - if you can do the "small universe" that is an excellent way to balance the energy -- to turn jing into chi - or the "moving of yin and yang" standing exercise - but with fasting you probably want to do more sitting exercise.


I fasted 10 days a couple years ago -- but I was not storing up energy - just transmitting it as I fasted - but I was never hungry and I kept my strength so that when the family freaked I would just go outside to do physical labor. haha.

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yeah definitely focus on the lower tan tien - if you can do the "small universe" that is an excellent way to balance the energy -- to turn jing into chi - or the "moving of yin and yang" standing exercise - but with fasting you probably want to do more sitting exercise.


I fasted 10 days a couple years ago -- but I was not storing up energy - just transmitting it as I fasted - but I was never hungry and I kept my strength so that when the family freaked I would just go outside to do physical labor. haha.


So day 2 of the fasting. I woke up feeling very "fresh" and light. Then I meditated and here is what I noticed this time. The desire aspect was not as much a factor like it was yesterday, but the thoughts that did arise were more grief/nostalgia related. This and yesterdays experience has made me wonder if the organs in my middle dan tien area / upper jiao are being.. um "exorcised" or something like that. Reason I say so is the two main organs in the middle dan tien / upper jiao area are the heart and lungs. The Heart's problematic emotion being over excitement, is what I was feeling yesterday. Today it was more past grief coming up, which is a Lung thing.


Anyway so there was that. Also at some point during meditation I felt a dripping on my back. I reach back and feel and my back is just dripping with sweat, weird. Not sure why. I also felt a lot of buzzing/tingling in the back and front of my head and here and there all over.


The last thing I noticed was again just some more insight into ego stuff.

Edited by dmattwads

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So day 2 of the fasting. I woke up feeling very "fresh" and light. Then I meditated and here is what I noticed this time. The desire aspect was not as much a factor like it was yesterday, but the thoughts that did arise were more grief/nostalgia related. This and yesterdays experience has made me wonder if the organs in my middle dan tien area / upper jiao are being.. um "exorcised" or something like that. Reason I say so is the two main organs in the middle dan tien / upper jiao area are the heart and lungs. The Heart's problematic emotion being over excitement, is what I was feeling yesterday. Today it was more past grief coming up, which is a Lung thing.


Anyway so there was that. Also at some point during meditation I felt a dripping on my back. I reach back and feel and my back is just dripping with sweat, weird. Not sure why. I also felt a lot of buzzing/tingling in the back and front of my head and here and there all over.


The last thing I noticed was again just some more insight into ego stuff.



cool -- yeah that's a good sign. I remember now actually I had a good cry session - not like bawling but tearing up -- during my fast -- yeah the liver also cleanses with tears out the eyes. So anyway the deep sighs means deeper breathing, slowing down, to increase the chi energy.


Actually when the chi kicks in then the center of the hands and feet actually breathe with electromagnetic pulses and the top of the head gets soft and pulsates. It's pretty wild. haha.


Well I was fasting for the Level 3 -- but anyway I had the shen charge up from Chunyi Lin so that was pretty awesome.


But if you can fast on your own you can really start kicking into the shen energy.

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cool -- yeah that's a good sign. I remember now actually I had a good cry session - not like bawling but tearing up -- during my fast -- yeah the liver also cleanses with tears out the eyes. So anyway the deep sighs means deeper breathing, slowing down, to increase the chi energy.


Actually when the chi kicks in then the center of the hands and feet actually breathe with electromagnetic pulses and the top of the head gets soft and pulsates. It's pretty wild. haha.


Well I was fasting for the Level 3 -- but anyway I had the shen charge up from Chunyi Lin so that was pretty awesome.


But if you can fast on your own you can really start kicking into the shen energy.


I had to stop fasting today because I had to go into the student clinic and do some hours. Prior to going in my limbs felt so heavy that I could barely life them lol. One thing of interest was that one of the other students asked me if I had been out in the sun because I looked tanner or as thought I had more color in my face, but I had not been in the sun lol. Though doing it yesterday I feel was important because I feel that it really helped to tame that desire flare up. My only real concern with fasting is my Spleen qi. It tends to be a bit on the weak side as it is, and the last time I did a fast it crashed and was only restored when I went to our clinic and got some herbs for it. When I was in the church I used to fast often and I would pass out almost every time after about 24 hours.


As I mentioned in my last post the morning meditation was also pretty intense as I was still fasting. This evenings was not quite as in intense in that regard, but on the other hand it seemed that it was easier to enter and maintain emptiness than previously. I also noticed that all my patients seemed to feel very good today after their acupuncture treatments, so that was nice, it seemed to be very efficacious.


*Oh btw what is Pythagorean philosophy about?

Edited by dmattwads

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I had to stop fasting today because I had to go into the student clinic and do some hours. Prior to going in my limbs felt so heavy that I could barely life them lol. One thing of interest was that one of the other students asked me if I had been out in the sun because I looked tanner or as thought I had more color in my face, but I had not been in the sun lol. Though doing it yesterday I feel was important because I feel that it really helped to tame that desire flare up. My only real concern with fasting is my Spleen qi. It tends to be a bit on the weak side as it is, and the last time I did a fast it crashed and was only restored when I went to our clinic and got some herbs for it. When I was in the church I used to fast often and I would pass out almost every time after about 24 hours.


As I mentioned in my last post the morning meditation was also pretty intense as I was still fasting. This evenings was not quite as in intense in that regard, but on the other hand it seemed that it was easier to enter and maintain emptiness than previously. I also noticed that all my patients seemed to feel very good today after their acupuncture treatments, so that was nice, it seemed to be very efficacious.


*Oh btw what is Pythagorean philosophy about?




O.K. the webmaster corrected my two typos and added the Jim Nance vid at the end plus more graphics - pretty awesome article.


Yeah glad you asked again on the Pythagorean bit as I had remembered that I did not get around to that.


So you want to read http://peterkingsley.com -- "in the Dark Places of Wisdom" is my favorite of his but I have not read his latest book on the Tibetan Mongolian connection to the origins of Western civilization. His basic premise is that Pre-Socratic philosophy was real magic as alchemical training and this did get preserved in the Sufi tradition but it was actually originally from Asia.


Anyway so my own argument was based on formal evidence that the real Pythagorean philosophy is the same as real Taoism or the three gunas of Indian philosophy.


The unifying factor is music - nonwestern music as trance music - for alchemical training - from the Bushmen culture.


So for the Pythagoreans -- well I am repeating myself -- so.... anyway the point is that all the stuff taught as Pythagorean philosophy is actually FAKE - it's actually Platonic philosophy from Archytas. Peter Kingsley pointed this out in his Ph.D. that was published as a book by Oxford Press in 1996 or so. The academics pretty much attacked it. haha. But he has been teaching in the Sufi communities, etc.


Anyway so like Empedocles and....well not just Pythagoras but the early "orthodox" Pythagoreans - my take is the music theory angle as the secret origins of Western math.


So "orthodox" just used the Perfect Fifth and PErfect Fourth music intervals -- and that is literally the same as "yin" and "yang" - in Taoism - yin and yang are defined by the Perfect Fourth and Perfect Fifth music intervals. Those intervals are found globally in all human cultures so literally they are the least common denominator of humanity.


Not a very well known fact. haha.


Anyway the philosophy of this is the same as Taoism but in Pythagorean -- it's like the Tao Te Ching - but using numbers -- I mean the Tao Te Ching does the same thing. So for Pythagorean philosophy "one" is not a number but it is the male principle as fire energy -- but the number 2 is the first female number as matter but it resonates from the source of the one - the number 2 is the jing electrochemical energy but it resonates from the formless awareness or the female formless awareness - the Cosmic Womb-Tomb, etc. So then 2 and 3 create all the other numbers transforming reality as energy-mass and space-time. Or this is 2/3 as yang and 3/4 is yin -- the perfect fith and perfect fourth music intervals.


It's called the three in one unity by Ramana Maharshi - since it is Mouna Samadhi - silence as eternal listening.


So as Chunyi says use your consciousness to go into the Emptiness and keep it simple.


Anyway Western math actually comes from that original Pythagorean philosophy but, of course, Western math tries to "contain" the infinite formless female awareness.


So that gets into the errors of Western math, etc. but no point in focusing on the problem as that is just a quagmire. haha.


But I did do a blogpost on this - http://fulllotusqigong.blogspot.com/2012/11/non-commutative-resonance-quantum.html


Yeah scroll down on that and you get tons of images to help explain it - and also connecting it to quantum math, etc.


Glad to hear your acupuncture went well -- that is awesome!


Qigong master Jim Nance called me today and he said how someone called with 10 kidney stones, barely able to move, in severe pain, but after the healing they felt completely normal. haha. AMAZING.

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O.K. the webmaster corrected my two typos and added the Jim Nance vid at the end plus more graphics - pretty awesome article.


Yeah glad you asked again on the Pythagorean bit as I had remembered that I did not get around to that.


So you want to read http://peterkingsley.com -- "in the Dark Places of Wisdom" is my favorite of his but I have not read his latest book on the Tibetan Mongolian connection to the origins of Western civilization. His basic premise is that Pre-Socratic philosophy was real magic as alchemical training and this did get preserved in the Sufi tradition but it was actually originally from Asia.


Anyway so my own argument was based on formal evidence that the real Pythagorean philosophy is the same as real Taoism or the three gunas of Indian philosophy.


The unifying factor is music - nonwestern music as trance music - for alchemical training - from the Bushmen culture.


So for the Pythagoreans -- well I am repeating myself -- so.... anyway the point is that all the stuff taught as Pythagorean philosophy is actually FAKE - it's actually Platonic philosophy from Archytas. Peter Kingsley pointed this out in his Ph.D. that was published as a book by Oxford Press in 1996 or so. The academics pretty much attacked it. haha. But he has been teaching in the Sufi communities, etc.


Anyway so like Empedocles and....well not just Pythagoras but the early "orthodox" Pythagoreans - my take is the music theory angle as the secret origins of Western math.


So "orthodox" just used the Perfect Fifth and PErfect Fourth music intervals -- and that is literally the same as "yin" and "yang" - in Taoism - yin and yang are defined by the Perfect Fourth and Perfect Fifth music intervals. Those intervals are found globally in all human cultures so literally they are the least common denominator of humanity.


Not a very well known fact. haha.


Anyway the philosophy of this is the same as Taoism but in Pythagorean -- it's like the Tao Te Ching - but using numbers -- I mean the Tao Te Ching does the same thing. So for Pythagorean philosophy "one" is not a number but it is the male principle as fire energy -- but the number 2 is the first female number as matter but it resonates from the source of the one - the number 2 is the jing electrochemical energy but it resonates from the formless awareness or the female formless awareness - the Cosmic Womb-Tomb, etc. So then 2 and 3 create all the other numbers transforming reality as energy-mass and space-time. Or this is 2/3 as yang and 3/4 is yin -- the perfect fith and perfect fourth music intervals.


It's called the three in one unity by Ramana Maharshi - since it is Mouna Samadhi - silence as eternal listening.


So as Chunyi says use your consciousness to go into the Emptiness and keep it simple.


Anyway Western math actually comes from that original Pythagorean philosophy but, of course, Western math tries to "contain" the infinite formless female awareness.


So that gets into the errors of Western math, etc. but no point in focusing on the problem as that is just a quagmire. haha.


But I did do a blogpost on this - http://fulllotusqigong.blogspot.com/2012/11/non-commutative-resonance-quantum.html


Yeah scroll down on that and you get tons of images to help explain it - and also connecting it to quantum math, etc.


Glad to hear your acupuncture went well -- that is awesome!


Qigong master Jim Nance called me today and he said how someone called with 10 kidney stones, barely able to move, in severe pain, but after the healing they felt completely normal. haha. AMAZING.


That part with the numbers made me think of a couple things. First it made me think of Taoist cosmology where first there was wuji (0), then tai chi(1), then that made yin and yang (2), then the three treasures of shen, qi, and jing (3), then five elements (5), and then the ten thousand things...


The second thing that made me think of is something this website I've been checking out lately "Numerologist.com" said about the earliest known writing ever was a turtle shell found in China and what was written on it apparently was numerology, basically deciphering the universe with numbers and math.

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That part with the numbers made me think of a couple things. First it made me think of Taoist cosmology where first there was wuji (0), then tai chi(1), then that made yin and yang (2), then the three treasures of shen, qi, and jing (3), then five elements (5), and then the ten thousand things...


The second thing that made me think of is something this website I've been checking out lately "Numerologist.com" said about the earliest known writing ever was a turtle shell found in China and what was written on it apparently was numerology, basically deciphering the universe with numbers and math.


right - yeah actually Michael Winn has a good article on that.... http://www.healingtaousa.com/pdf/dao_inner_alchemy.pdf

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