
Feminist thread

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Women can be equally cruel ...


One example

Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed (Báthory Erzsébet in Hungarian, Alžbeta Bátoriová in Slovak; 7 August 1560 – 21 August 1614) was a countess from the renowned Báthory family of nobility in the Kingdom of Hungary. She has been labeled the most prolific female serial killer in history, although the number of murders is debated, and is remembered as the "Blood Countess."

After her husband Ferenc Nádasdy's death, she and four collaborators were accused of torturing and killing hundreds of girls, with one witness attributing to them over 650 victims, though the number for which they were convicted was 80.[1] Elizabeth herself was neither tried, nor convicted. In 1610, she was imprisoned in the Csejte Castle, now in Slovakia and known as Čachtice, where she remained bricked in a set of rooms until her death four years later.

Later writings[citation needed] about the case have led to legendary accounts of the Countess bathing in the blood of virgins[citation needed] to retain her youth and subsequently also to comparisons with Vlad III the Impaler of Wallachia, on whom the fictional Count Dracula is partly based, and to modern nicknames of the Blood Countess and Countess Dracula.

Apparently she would bath in their blood... to maintain a youthful appearance...


I don't ascribe love, compassion etc to be a female energy.

Nor male... I think it is neutral.

As good and evil is.


Many fathers love their children dearly and would die for them in an instant.

I don't get all this male, female ... who has what emotional capacity nonsense.

Are all women loving and totally devoted mothers?

There are many pro murder women around today... in NYC 40% of pregnancies end in abortion... charming.

Since the 1970s USA 50 million legal abortions. (this is just in the USA)

To put things into perspective...


World War II fatality statistics vary, with estimates of total dead ranging from 50 million to over 70 million - wiki



In 2009, 85% of all abortions were performed on unmarried women (CDC).



Similar to the Countess... it wasn't religious, it wasn't politcal... no other reason than vanity.


The dark side of the feminist movement ?

Edited by White Wolf Running On Air

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Next maybe time for the men to step up and tone down the evergoing alpha struggle for power and money and domination and learn to cook and do afew practical domestic things. Because guys who cook are way sexy, just sayin'.

Well, as long as women en masse keep deselecting domesticated "betas" in favor of rewarding "alpha" males for winning above all else...then that's what men will keep doing and striving for.



I'm not saying this is necessarily "good" or "bad" btw...just drawing the connection here. The majority of men out there possess the traits that were chosen by the majority of women over time during their sexytimes.


So if feminists believe that many men are abusive, domineering, oppressive a-holes...then that only goes to show what many women cherry-picked throughout history to pass down those tendencies.


Whereas the lineages of "nice guys" like Buddhist monks...didn't get chosen to live on today. Hence, we don't live under a society ruled by thoughtful Buddhists seeking inner peace, lol..


Again, not that there's anything necessarily "wrong" with alpha groupies - as it is also basically just an extension of millions of sperm competing for 1 egg. Where ONLY the (fittest, not most congenial) winner survived!


Except for solely scapegoating men for what is in large part, results of your own collective choices. :D

Edited by vortex

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YES! The return of the thread and the comics







Being a daoist student, I know that everything is regulated by the laws of yin and yang.

Females are yin and males are yang. So, by nature we have a sexual dichotomy in roles.


Of course, there is the possibility that some women are more yang in nature. But, if almost all women are now yang in nature, that means something strange.


You think in terms of "individual" and this is not daoist. There is the Power of the Dao which manifest himself trough individual.

The yin power of the Dao tends to manifest trough females and sages.


My point is just that society disregard yin power and you can see this by thinking at housewives: nobody wants to be the humble housewife. But, in sane societies everyone threat housewives with great respect: it's the role with the greatest dignity in certain matriarchal society (yes, matriarchal means "great value to female role" and NOT "taking male roles").


The result is that women, by external conditioning want to be males to have dignity and respect in society. This is natural and legit.

The yin power of the Dao manifests more trough males, giving birth to the so-called beta-males. Beta so hated by women because they incarnate the power which they're trying to forget.


The laws of yin and yang you are talking about is called Taiji. It is not yin and yang, it is one ever changing principle that you need to think of as a whole and not as separate yin and yang. It is called the supreme ultimate like the Tao because even though it is made of two parts that define yin and yang, they are always true because they change.


Say, you have one sky above your house and it is blue and at night it becomes black. You will be right if you say that the sky is blue but you will also be wrong because at night it will become black. It is not permanent, if you say the sky is yang then at night it will become yin.


The change happens when one of the elements reaches it's most powerful state. When it's so loud that you become deaf, and when it's so quiet that any sound is a noise. Like when it has been a day for so long that it finally becomes night.

You can make a list of what is yin and what is yang. How day is yang because like other yang things it's time to be active and night is yin because yin is time to rest. Awake time and rest time also yin and yang. Bright and dark. Sun and the moon.


The list will be right but it will also be wrong. Taiji is the source of everything and the principle applies everywhere. The moon is yin but it's the brightest thing in the sky at night and it doesn't appear only at night and instead of being white or grey, it can be red. The yin and the yang are not permanent, they have to feed each other and change into each other.


The Tao that can be defined is not the eternal Tao, that is the principle behind the taiji. If one is called yang for a long time, there will be a time for it to finally change into its yin state. If you say that women are taking on qualities of men, you will be wrong, because they qualities never belonged to men in the first place nor they belonged to women.


There is a balance of what is socially acceptable in a society where it's decided what is acceptable by the majority and the minority who does not agree is pushed out. The society is made of people with their own inner balance who could probably organize a mob of yang people to push out all the yins out of their community. Over time the yang inside of the community would change to accept the yin inside of themselves and in the society but that would take a lot of time and waiting.


These people can wait. The revolution starts by the people who want to go against the norm and come together to change things that are unfair. If you are yin in a yang community, you wont agree to assimilate to the yangs, and all the other yins would follow you. All the yins will come together to vote and sit in front of the buss.


The world grew out of the rigid duality where one is like that and the other is like this. We see that there is also the five elements and the ten thousand things. We have the Internet and we can see through it people who we could not imagine before. So many ideals and opinions with rights and wrongs.


In isolated places, isolated incidents, one side will always be right. Because of their traditions and beliefs, they've kept their rules the same. Because they lived by their rules in their small communities, they didn't have many problems, but when someone's life is made difficult by their rules, they just have to carry on through. For these small communities their rules are obvious and expect the rest of the world to agree. But if they connect with the rest of the world and see how their rules would have hurt so many people, they would have to change.


If you are being discriminated against because you are black, gay, or heaven forbid, a girl, then there needs to be a change. There is a misconception that if you are alone in the world, you loose. If the whole room disagrees with you, you have not lost. In taiji there is always a balance, if you are alone against the world then it still means you can take them. You can beat the world because the universe made it so everything is always in the balance. You are the only ship at the sea, needle in a haystack and the angriest out of the 12 other angry men in the room. All eyes are on you.


If you fall on the haystack, you will feel pain from the needle more then from a piece of hay number 54348967. You can argue with the whole jury because until you agree with them, no one can go home. By standing up you are doing good for yourself and others like you out there. Feminism wont go away because it's standing up in a fight for the right of women while the rest of the world feels apathetic. It is the weirdest and strangest thing in the world of dudebros.


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Alpha groupies are girls and girls don't have wisdom. It's only been last 100 or so years women even in Western society women have really been permitted to choose their own mates, so I don't think it's correct to say tendencies for men to be a-holes vs.nice guys is due to women's choices through history. Maybe the patriarchs making choices for girls did not have wisdom either. Wisdom probably depends more on the content of one's character than gender or skin color or social status.


BTW, I am female.





Therefore, I am Iron Man.

Lol, many females have been choosing the more dominant, aggressive alphas for eons, even in primate and other animal groups. That is why "patriarchs" "making the choices for girls" even evolved and assumed power to begin with.

And now that females can more freely choose...they are choosing more alpha beasts than even before for the "raw thrill!" Even literally! :lol:


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I would rather be a bonobo than a chimpanzee.


Maybe more women need to do extreme sports, might be better adrenaline rush than messing with bullies, that' impression I got with 2nd video. It was a rush because it was dangerous, I don't think she found the chimpanzee attractive. Most women express that guys like Tiger and Charlie are pretty pathetic, but somehow they do end up getting attention and girlfriends. I really don't understand appeal of the alpha male schtick.

Yet, talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words, don't they? And at the end of the day, that's all that REALLY COUNTS. "Bad boy alphas" like Tiger and Charlie are ALWAYS irresistible to groupies, no matter how often they serial cheat, date polygamously, abuse, how many different kids/baby mamas they have, etc, lol! Do you really think any rabid fangirls worship Justin Bieber for his cooking skills or give a flying f*** if treated them like a jerk or not??


WOMB-MEN choose the memes & genes that humanity perpetuates by the types of males they mate with - and thus "approve" of through their sexual selection. If women can't stand these male traits - then what they really can't stand is their own collective choices in men..



So, when women flock to role models like these - what message are women undeniably sending to other men about what "works out in the real world?" Should men strive to be "mannies," or "alphas?"


Now, when females don't use alpha dominance as a main criteria for sexytime...then there is no need for males to strive for that. So, in that case males and females can both live in a very peaceful, leisurely society..

However, those isolated cases apparently didn't survive into widespread predominance because they could not compete with far more competitive societies - where men drove societal development out of their drive to prove themselves worthy of copulation with females selecting for competitive "winners."


I mean, ever know natural womanizers (like K-Fed)? Some of them are the laziest slackers who live off women ...because essentially they don't need to "prove" themselves any further to women when they are already getting freely satiated with them (like bonobos)... :lol:

Edited by vortex

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... and what if men should rely on psyco-trick (alpha-beta.gamma --> Hulk) because they cannot retain enough energy to arouse raw sexual desire in women?

Edited by DAO rain TAO
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Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, there was this awesome post on tumblr but all I could find was this radical duck




and this thing












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So maybe bad boys can be amusing and sort of pose a challenge. Nobody actually wants the bad boy beast guy, but there is sort of meme especially in romance novels vampire stuff an extreme example where there's a feminine power to change them. There's a bad boy who's cold and sort of callous, troubled past, dark secrets, you know the type, but thru love of a good woman sort of an alchemy he becomes loving and dedicated and show his sensitive side and learns not to burp in restaurants and spit toothpaste all over the sink. So they live happily ever after. It's pretty stupid because abusers, players and people with crappy personalities aren't likely to change.

Already, the hordes have rapidly descended upon their new idol! They claim he is teh b0mbz!

Smitten teen girls stir up #FreeJahar mania for Boston Marathon bombings suspect



This love is terrifying.


Thousands of American teen girls are crushing on Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar “Jahar” Tsarnaev, 19 — and leading a social-media movement to exonerate him.


The swooning teens will not accept allegations that the bushy-haired college kid — whom they refer to by his nickname, “Jahar” — and his brother, Tamerlan, 26, killed three and maimed hundreds by setting off bombs at the April 15 race and killed an MIT police officer during the ensuing manhunt.


While some scrawl the hashtag “#FreeJahar” on their hands with markers, an 18-year-old in Topeka, Kansas, is going to the extreme — she wants the Dzhokhar’s words inked on her arm forever.


"Getting one of Jahar’s tweets tattooed on me tomorrow. Guess you could say I’m a #FreeJahar supporter,” “@keepitbluntedd” tweeted on May 7.


The tatted-up teen, Alisha, told The Post she’d soon put Tsarnaev’s April 7 tweet on her upper inside of her arm. It will read, “If you have the knowledge and the inspiration all that’s left is to take action.”


The waitress insists she believes Tsarnaev is innocent because the evidence against him doesn’t add up. She read through all of his tweets.


“He was just this pothead 19-year-old boy who didn’t care,” she said. “I don’t see it.”


She said she’s “[taking a] stand for what you believe in even if everybody else doesn’t believe it.


“We live in this country where we are innocent until proven guilty and it’s not our job to prove that he’s innocent. It’s the government’s job to prove that he’s guilty,” she added.


She says she’s not a groupie.


“I feel like he doesn’t have a voice. Somebody needs to stand up for him and not the little high-school girls who just think he’s cute,” Alisha said.


“@FreeJahar97,” who identified herself on Twitter as “Gianna,” a 16-year-old with “big boobs,” likened Tsarnaev to a heartthrob.


“Yes i like Justin Bieber and i like Jahar but that has nothing to do with why i support him. I know hes innocent, he is far too beautiful,” she tweeted on April 25.


Another fan is Ariel Barnes, 19, of Columbus, Ohio, unemployed and hoping to snag a job at Walmart, has never met Tsarnaev.


“I try to make it a point that I’m not a fangirl,” Barnes said. “I feel like he’s my brother.”


As “@Shadowlily1993,” she tweeted to critics: “Yall can judge me as much as you want. I’m on his side. This kid needs people behind him. . . . I hope to meet him one day he fascinates me.”


On YouTube, she compiled a playlist inspired by Tsarnaev’s tweets that includes Death Cab for Cutie’s “Tiny Vessels,” Jay-Z’s “99 Problems” and Wiz Khalifa’s “Mezmorized.”


A Tsarnaev pal from Chelsea, Mass., Troy Crossley, 20, refers to supporters as “family.” He now has 16,333 followers on Twitter.


“I feel like I am a family member of him and I don’t understand the girls who do that, especially with him being suspected as a terrorist,” Barnes added.


“A lot of his Twitter posts come from lyrics of a song. That’s just me figuring out the songs and trying to widen my musical taste,” Barnes said.


Other videos include “Jahar’s porn,” a clip of bumblebees getting busy and one repost of the teen dancing.

“Jahar is only six days older than me and it just really hurts to think that someone my age that has so much potential and was so happy to be a US citizen would do something like this,” she said.


A Facebook group, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Free Jahar Movement, has more than 6,000 followers. A post on its page asks whether the brothers were “actors” who believed they were taking part in an emergency drill at the marathon.


Dzhokhar has inspired anonymous authors to pen steamy online fan fiction, as well.


On Wattpad, “Stringcheesekitteh” wrote the three-part story “Tsarnaev,” set in the prison medical facility where Dzhokhar is being held. In the tale, a young resident psychiatrist finds herself mesmerized by his eyes — and flirting with danger.


The author wrote that the story was not meant to “offend anyone” and did not express “strong sentiments for or against the suspect.”


Anonymous works on include fantasy sex and romance scenes with the terrorist.


One scribe imagined Tsarnaev having one last moment of intimacy before getting arrested.


“He kissed your neck, sucking on it to leave his mark, biting down on it every now and then,” reads one scene set just before his arrest.


The fictional Tsarnaev responds, “Cmon, baby give me something to think about in jail.”


Another tale imagines the day he is set free.


“  ‘I missed you like hell. I was a mess without you, don’t ever leave me please,’ I said as I bought [sic] my fingers up to his ear, running them through his curls.”


Tsarnaev’s looks and online persona — his joking tweets, photos and a video clip of him dancing — are candy for his worshippers.


On Instagram, “Izzyperez007,” posted a collage of Dzhokhar. “Love you Jahar and support you!!” the user gushed.


When commenters called her “crazy” and “obsessed,” she wrote, “I am going to make shorts that say #FreeJahar on my butt,” she wrote in comments.


On Instagram, “_saraforjahr_” keeps a daily countdown of the days left until Tsarnaev’s May 30 hearing. On Thursday, she posted a shot of Tsarnaev’s mop of curls flopping as he wrestled another boy. “He will be free whether the government likes it or not!” she wrote.


Tumblr blogs are springing up, too. Justice for Jahar is decorated like a teenybopper mag, with a collage of his pics with the words “luv u,” “perf,” and “fab” in pastel pink embellishing it.


The blog is designed by a young woman in the Netherlands. She declined an interview.


One Twitter user “@freejaharlove” on Friday tweeted, “#FBI please put me inside prison with Jahar I cannot tolerate you lies anymore.” The tweeter also waxed poetic, writing, “I am only the dust on my Lover’s (Jahar) path and from dust I will rise and turn into a flower.”


Online messages encourage supporters to write to Tsarnaev at Devons Federal Medical Center in Massachusetts.


Girls crazy for killers is not uncommon, says Sheila Isenberg, author of “Women Who Love Men Who Kill,” noting serial killer Ted Bundy had his share of fans.


“Ted Bundy had a huge coterie of groupies. Young women, teenage girls, women in their 20s, who went to court everyday, and followed his trial,” Isenberg said.


“Jahar has his groupies because of social media. They are able to get in touch with each other and whip up a frenzy about him,” she said.


Sooner or later, Isenberg said, young women will find ways to directly correspond with him — either attracted by the upper-hand position in the relationship or the 15 minutes of fame it’ll bring.


“It’s easier to get a date with this Jahar guy than it is with Leonardo DiCaprio.”“It’s not a normal healthy thing just to make sure he gets a fair trial to tattoo the words of a the Boston Bomber on your body,” Isenberg said.

So, young womenz choose and lust after bad menz...then complain about bad menz laters after they failed to win them over...? :lol:


I guess is much easier for many feminists to say, "menz are bad" than..."I (or many womenz) were attracted to and chose bad menz."

Edited by vortex
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I guess is much easier for many feminists to say, "menz are bad" than..."I (or many womenz) were attracted to and chose bad menz."


Sorry, I'm not attracted to menz :rolleyes:

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Alpha male is the one in charge and above other males. To become one is simple, defeat the previous one.

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that'd be me. but i boss by free will, like a boss. only when i am challenged by the foolish pseudo-alphas will my dominion be evidenced. for i have no need to show off or dominate, to express authority over anything or anyone but my own domain, my own body, my own way of life.

The SO-CALLED "alphas" be damned. they are of no concern to the self-authoritative.

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