
laying a foundation

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you can practice even while you are busy and nobody will even know the difference :)


Try doing the perineum lifts while you work and don't forget to keep the tongue up. Save the intense breathing techniques for any time that you have set aside for qigong but do some slight buddhist breathing as much as you can.


In the delicate state of mind/body awareness, i would suggest as clear of a space as possible for your breathing practices. Imagine that by practicing you induce suggestable states of mind/body consciousness similar to hallucinogenic space... practice w/ the goal in mind is good; realize that when you practice sometimes your insides and outsides can become interchangable; the impressionability of the 'blank slate' should be guarded while cultivating treasures.


Good training to fellow seekers alike,



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Whenever I think about getting a teacher, whether it be for math or fists, I like to think about what don Juan/Castaneda said.


"You say you've heard that the masters of Eastern esoteric doctrines demand absolute secrecy about their teachings. Perhaps those masters are just indulging in being masters. I'm not a master, I'm only a warrior. So I really don't know what a master feels like."

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"You say you've heard that the masters of Eastern esoteric doctrines demand absolute secrecy about their

teachings. Perhaps those masters are just indulging in being masters. I'm not a master, I'm only a warrior.

So I really don't know what a master feels like."


I find myself wondering about the basic accuracy of the main premise. Do the masters of the Far East really

demand absolute secrecy? And if they really do, is it really nothing more than self-indulgence on their part? I

wonder. What's important to remember here, though, (I feel,) is that Castaneda could not have awakened or

ascended on his own, without Don Juan's direction; and the same applies to Don Juan himself. Both needed a

real teacher to help awaken and develop themselves into what they became. This holds true for everyone, as

a general rule. However, our present time is characterized by the "darkening of the light", and real people or

truly enlightened warriors of the 'Duan Juan' cast are difficult at best to locate and hook up with. In this case,

we are forced to look inward and attempt to reconnect with our own cosmic intelligence. The Divine Oracle is

highly beneficial in this regard, and should be called upon often in one's spiritual work of practicing the Tao.

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On 25.2.2007 at 0:33 AM, mYTHmAKER said:

Did they practice in traffic :lol:


I have trouble believing this, I did a google and came up with nothing.

The only reference to banned qigong is falun gong.

There are many articles stating how soaring crane is used in hospitals in china.


If it was banned it would be written up somewhere


Sure the "death cases" are unbelieveable and probably untrue. Still the government sort of banned the (for them: too uncontrollabe) spontaneous part. You can read the details in a (German :-( ) doctoral dissertation: https://books.google.de/books/about/Stiller_Körper_lauter_Leib.html?id=d-i6nQEACAAJ&redir_esc=y

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