Formless Tao

Has anyone on TTB went to one of Wang Lipings seminars?

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Just finished reading 'Opening the Dragon Gate. The making of a modern Taoist wizard' on Wang Liping, great book. Anyone had any experience on one of his seminars or training with him? If so, how was it?



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Way beyond my budget. I was hoping to take some time off and go study/practice with him in JinHua this year, but it's clearly way beyond my budget. KathyLi made it quite clear that he asks a high price for his teachings and I would have to be prepared for this.

It's strange because some of the most amazing, powerful and skilled teachers I have been lucky enough to study with in Asia charged peanuts for their time and teachings. They see it more as their duty, their responsibility to help train serious hard working students. Heck, my local Tai Chi group that meets in the park three times a week, provides pants and training shirts only charges about $30 US dollars a year! I don't think I could even buy the clothes they keep giving me for that price! I got a pile of the shirts in my closet from the last 5 years and they just keep giving me more. Same exact thing with some high level Bagua masters. They are quite happy to find a student that learns fast and trains hard and get great joy from teaching and sharing their wisdom.

Meanwhile others, tend to cater towards westerners and charge insanely high prices for short periods of time and study. In my mind, someone who is truly in touch with the Tao, at peace with his own mind, body, and spirit isn't likely to so greedy and worldly and more interested in passing on the skills to serious students regardless of money. More of a labor of love and joy. I will never forget the kindness of my lama in India for example, it was simply not about money.

Every once in a while I am thankful for not being rich. If I had been rich, I would surely have trained with other teachers and missed out on experiencing the love and energy from sincere, selfless teachers.

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They see it more as their duty, their responsibility to help train serious hard working students.

This is how I've seen it with a lot of high level masters as well... but to each his own I suppose. A master's gotta eat.


That said, it seems like a lot of the cost is wrapped up in travel, and they just take care of the entire package.



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I saw one Wang Liping seminar posted here on the bums a while back and it was extremely reasonable. So I was surprised to receive such a response back when I looked into training in JinHua earlier this year. I guess he's starting to realize that he can name his price and cater to the rich. I hope the rich turn out to be dedicated students.

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I went to the first one they hosted in the USA in Atlanta GA. They also have a text with their practices in it available on amazon.


Wenhong Sun and Kathy Li are some of the nicest people I've met, they even drove us around Atlanta for free lol. I would highly recommend them as teachers.


If you can't afford a retreat in the usa, the book is available and I can go over my notes with you if you are confused.

Edited by More_Pie_Guy
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How much are we talking for current seminars approximately?



Ones in china will be prohibitively expensive, I am not sure how much the ones in the USA cost, they are priced at cost, they are not trying to profit.

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Like I say, the last seminar I saw advertised here on the bums was quite reasonable. It was like $1000 USD and included accommodation and meals for 9-10 days. Your likely to spend much more than that on the travel expenses to get to China and back, so the seminar cost would be cheaper than the travel for most Americans and Canadians. I would gestimate the total cost at around $3 -4,000 USD depending on your filght.

I was looking to train in JinHua on my own, not as part of a formal seminar. I'm not a big fan of seminars and would rather spend more time/energy/money sticking around for a while and really diving into a system. I was planning on taking care of all the travel, and lodging myself. My mandarin sucks, but I have no problem getting around, bargaining, and finding what I need. It's no big deal for me to hop over to Shangers from Taipei and get on the train to JinHua. I just can't afford many many thousands of dollars in training expenses once I arrive. I guess if I wish to train with Wang Liping I need to stick to the short seminars or have a lot more money.

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About the manual, it seems like the oral instructions for practice given at a seminar or something like that. But, iti is enough for traning or requires more elucidation? I'm thinking about Yin Xian Fa (specially the firsts steps), not the more complex methods.

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I went to the first one they hosted in the USA in Atlanta GA. They also have a text with their practices in it available on amazon.


If you can't afford a retreat in the usa, the book is available and I can go over my notes with you if you are confused.

Looks like a great book. It allows quite a bit of perusing. Thank you for sharing.

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There is a teacher, certified by Liping in Germany. I forget her name though.


Her name is Qin Ling, and she is excellent, but she lives in Beijing. She does conduct seminars in Germany.

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Hi FT,


The basic Longmen pai retreat format is working on 'refining the body to accumulate qi' - which is the stage before the much talked about Jing to chi conversion.


It is worth noting that Master Wang is of the northern school which puts more emphasis on the third eye practices. Whereas the southern school focuses more on cultivating the body at the start. The analogy I was given is the southern school works on the house first (the body) then afterward builds the road (celestial eye pathway - line of essence). The northern school is the reverse - although, even as they build the road they are working on the house too.


Feel free to ask questions - I'm just not sure what it is you want to know

Edited by bamboo
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Does Wang Liping teach regular seminars in China? I noticed he taught a seminar at Jinhua last year, but I didn't see anything for this year.

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There is a note from Master Wang's Lao Zi Academy ( ; it maybe the official information. Dr. LI and her husband devoted their valuable time and energies to Taoism.


NOTE: The Taoist JINHUA (Golden Flower) mountain Taoism Center is opening throughout the year for people who love Chinese Traditional Taoism Culture, and who want to experience the Taoists traditional living and practising.


For more information, please visit links.

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Does Wang Liping teach regular seminars in China? I noticed he taught a seminar at Jinhua last year, but I didn't see anything for this year.


A very good friend of mine studies under Wang Liping for a few years already. Basically there are a few different circles of students. My friend managed to become part of a russian group (although he is not russian) and they meet a few times a year for an intense practice. This guy practices everyday for at least 1 hour and has some very interesting results even at home. When he is in the seminar with Wang Liping - they meditate for many long hours everyday and often it gets very very painful.

Also every time he travels to China for a seminar he spends a few thousands dollars. So it's not for everybody.

It's definitely not for me although I introduced him to the group.

But Wang Liping is for real and according to my friend there is a big difference between studying with him and studying with one of his students.

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Hi FT,


The basic Longmen pai retreat format is working on 'refining the body to accumulate qi' - which is the stage before the much talked about Jing to chi conversion.


It is worth noting that Master Wang is of the northern school which puts more emphasis on the third eye practices. Whereas the southern school focuses more on cultivating the body at the start. The analogy I was given is the southern school works on the house first (the body) then afterward builds the road (celestial eye pathway - line of essence). The northern school is the reverse - although, even as they build the road they are working on the house too.


Feel free to ask questions - I'm just not sure what it is you want to know



This is very interesting.


I've heard some people saying that Longmen Pai retreats are basically QIgong and not Neikung and I want to ask you what do you think about this.


I imagine that third eye practices are centered around the famous "Secret of the golden flower" and it seems that WLP has some connections with the Master of Richard Wilhelm. In his translation of the text, he (Willhelm) provides commentaries with specific instructions for fixing the mind in specific body spot. Is it the same with longmen pai practices?

Thank you

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