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For me, I feel jealous when I disown part of myself, losing part of myself to the center of another.


For example, I am driving and see a sleek black Mercedes -- ooh! I want it! And then I feel tight, bitter jealousy, and I feel off-center and incomplete.


But, actually, there was a moment that I missed. A fleeting resonance with that object and the energy I felt when in its presence.


So, I now amplify that fleeting original perception. I look at the Mercedes, and feel its sleek power in my solar plexus, and don't lose myself to it or its owner.


So, jealousy, for me, is losing my center to another, and not mixing the non-material medicine in me.



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what is the root of jealousy


but i would like to compare my perception

Do you mean envy or romantic jealousy?

I think both are rooted in a feeling of lack--not enough to go around. If you really knew there was enough for everyone, you couldn't feel jealousy, it just doesn't make sense.


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I think Chris put his finger on it... there are some amazingly positive aspects of jealousy and other "negative" emotions that shouldn't be overlooked.

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Fear is important if it opens your mind/senses to situations, places or people you would be better to not be involved in. I think it comes down to awareness of why that sensation or emotion has arisen. The flipside, Can you acknowledge the feeling of fear and decide that it isn't going to stop you from achieving your goals? The illusion of fear is (in my opinion) the feeling that the experience of fear alone can stop you from doing things...


All of the emotions are illusory to a certain extent, I suppose. If we allow the emotions alone to define our behaviour -"I'm in love, I can achieve anything!" or "I feel scared, I can't do anything"- then we feel we are at the mercy of forces that we are unable to control rather than acknowledging that perhaps we can harness the power of the emotions to maintain our centre or our life path or whatever it is you want to experience in your life....

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Isn't all fear the fear of death? Fear weakens the Kidney Qi which in turn brings death a little nearer.


But then there's the fear of being caught. Hmm....


And does jealousy always have a message hidden inside of it? I think so. I think, when I feel jealous, (usually about someone else's accomplishments, I've finally grown out of the material desires) it's a way for my subconscious mind (what is that in Chinese terms?) to signal me that I'm not happy with myself the way I am.


But what do I change? My way or my perspective? Perspective is a lot easier and healthier to tamper with, I suppose.

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how does one trace back from selfishness to fear?

I think because when you want stuff only for yourself, then you become fearful of losing or sharing it..

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what is jealousy? when they have it and you want it, but you dont mind them having it, so long as you also have some.


envy is when they have it and you want to destroy it because you dont have it.

the root of it is forgetting your centre, feeling hungry. feeeed me!

maybe the feeeeeed me root is a desire to be all consuming and omnipotent.

maybe that comes from wanting to feel consumed and held by the omnipresence.


and 'feed me' is a need to fill an (imaginary) hole which imo stems from feeling that you're not enough as you are now.


it's one of the things I've learnt about the ego - once you accept deeply that you're enough whatever inadequacies or faults you may have, things become simple and your ego becomes a loving, helpfull, if somewhat mischivous guide to spiritual growth.


many people start spiritual practices to fill this hole, and I find that real progress starts only when we can accept fully and lovingly ourselves as we are now, knowing that whatever problems we have are exactly the perfect, most optimal problems that will allow for the most spiritual growth.

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For me, I feel jealous when I disown part of myself, losing part of myself to the center of another.


For example, I am driving and see a sleek black Mercedes -- ooh! I want it! And then I feel tight, bitter jealousy, and I feel off-center and incomplete.


But, actually, there was a moment that I missed. A fleeting resonance with that object and the energy I felt when in its presence.


So, I now amplify that fleeting original perception. I look at the Mercedes, and feel its sleek power in my solar plexus, and don't lose myself to it or its owner.


So, jealousy, for me, is losing my center to another, and not mixing the non-material medicine in me.




When I see Mercedes or any "car of status" or sports car for that matter, I think car insurance, paid parking and FINDING parking, expensive parts, and etc :huh:


I like keeping my life as simple as possible :lol:

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For me, especially regarding the black mercedes, jealousy is an illusionary world I fall into. I see the car, imagine the good life the driver must have, oh how carefree that life must be, what right does he have when people are suffering and my car needs a paint job and some transmission work.


And then I snap out of it. I don't know that guy driving the Mercedes, his life could be miserable. For a few seconds I let myself lose my connection to reality. IMHO many negative emotions could be at least partly born by this lack of connection to reality.

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