
Samadhi in Taoism / Mo Pai?

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Just wondering if any of you all are going into samadhi. I was reading a book by Jim McMillan on the MoPai and he mentioned that John Chang was trying for nirvana or something like that.


I never read anything about samadhi in Taoist literature or Mo Pai or anything like that. But in Hindu meditation literature they talk a lot about it. Just wondering if anybody knew the link between Taoism/Mo Pai and Hinduism, or if there was one at all.

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I suggest to define what is samadhi in down-to-earth words first... :P

There you got me ... what do you mean by down-to-earth?


Here's one description that I like from a book called Magnet Therapy I found on google books:


"When the breath from both nostrils is equlized it means that the ida and pingala are balanced (or the positive and negative biolectric forces are in a state of equilibrium). When this happens the sleeping Kundalini is awakened. Shakti (cosmic energy), which resides in Kundalini, begins to rise along Sushumna. Shakti traverses all the chakras and joins Shiva. the union of Shiva and Shakti results in that blissful state called samadhi.

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