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Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

TTB DNS server proof.

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this is the one and only place on 100% of the internet that i can currently access, while our service provider's DNS server decides to take a nap.

How queer.

And yet, im not going anywhere :lol:

But im bored, i cant get my webcomic fix in today if the DNS is acting retarded!

Edit: i didnt actualyl think i'd be able to psot this, but since it lets me navigate the site, i figured i'd try... question is: Why does the domain name of TTB work, but 100% of all otehr domains dont?

Someone give me a random url! stat! :lol:

Edited by Northern Avid Judo Ant

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using IE; every other web page is unable to load and includes teh same error details, but specifically including the windows diagnostic results:

The Domain Name Server (DNS) is not reachable.

So i dont know enough about internet to know why.... without a DNS... i am allowed to access TTB, but nowhere else on teh entire sum of the web - that i know of.

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if there is some reference that contains the IP then it will resolve without DNS. so like in your windows\sys32\drivers\etc folder there's a hosts file where you can manually add name to IP resolution, it'll hit that before it resolves via DNS. not that you'd necessarily have an entry there, only if you manually did it yourself. must be somewhere else in your cache.

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could it have anything to do with my adding TTB index as my homepage on a computer that isnt connected at the moment? :lol: cuz that's teh closest thing i can come up with to manually adding the IP, which i didnt do so...

How else could it wind up cached? i dont even know how to get the IP :P

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