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Lindelani Mnisi

A haunting-please help

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I don't know where else to turn guys, so please help...and remember please explain your answers as though you were explaining to a 12 year old (I'm 16) girlfriend says she is being haunted by her little cousin (He was like a little brother to her) and that she can communicate with him through meditation. I told her to tell him to cross over and she says, he says, he isn't going without please guys help...he drowned to death, just thought how he died might be of significance...

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I don't know where else to turn guys, so please help...and remember please explain your answers as though you were explaining to a 12 year old (I'm 16) girlfriend says she is being haunted by her little cousin (He was like a little brother to her) and that she can communicate with him through meditation. I told her to tell him to cross over and she says, he says, he isn't going without please guys help...he drowned to death, just thought how he died might be of significance...


WTH? Your sister should be happy that her cousin still exists as a functioning personality and that he is still with her!

So the little cousin simply has to wait until your gf dies of old age and then she doesn't have to go across alone!

So what's the problem?




...btw, I hope the little cousin didn't mean his remark "that he isn't going without her" as a threat, that he wants to kill your gf now! This possibility should be considered too I guess!

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I don't know where else to turn guys, so please help...and remember please explain your answers as though you were explaining to a 12 year old (I'm 16) girlfriend says she is being haunted by her little cousin (He was like a little brother to her) and that she can communicate with him through meditation. I told her to tell him to cross over and she says, he says, he isn't going without please guys help...he drowned to death, just thought how he died might be of significance...


Hey my question would be is this a problem for your gf? To me it sounds like if she is communicating to him through meditation then shes not too upset by all of this. If that is the case then I don't see what the problem is. Is the ghost of her cousin actually causing any problems?

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I do not know. That said, whether real or self created staying busy and focusing away from it might be a solution. Obsession, giving it time and thought might be attaching yourself to it. If she wants it to stop, maybe back off of meditation for a while..maybe a few months. Substitute walks or listen to music instead.


maybe we are the ones haunting them.

perhaps we're the ones who have to let go.

Edited by thelerner
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I don't know where else to turn guys, so please help...and remember please explain your answers as though you were explaining to a 12 year old (I'm 16) girlfriend says she is being haunted by her little cousin (He was like a little brother to her) and that she can communicate with him through meditation. I told her to tell him to cross over and she says, he says, he isn't going without please guys help...he drowned to death, just thought how he died might be of significance...


I don't think that her little cousin haunted her. Otherwise, he would come to her initially. Since he is like a little brother to her, she was only communicating with him through her meditation is because she couldn't let go of him. Thus she is not the one to tell him to let go but herself. IMHMO.

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I was geared up and ready to post, but i've been reminding myself to read everything else first. i think ChiDragon called it.

I think it is your girlfriend whom is attached to him, not he attached to her.

Spirits are.... very pure- In Loving, they will appeal to your heart of hearts... in anger, they will appeal to your fear of fears.

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I was geared up and ready to post, but i've been reminding myself to read everything else first. i think ChiDragon called it.



I think it is your girlfriend whom is attached to him, not he attached to her.



Spirits are.... very pure- In Loving, they will appeal to your heart of hearts... in anger, they will appeal to your fear of fears.

I agree ^ ;-)

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Well I'm just afraid that what if one day something happens and he don't attached spirits drain your energy?...thanks for the advice guys.

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Well I'm just afraid that what if one day something happens and he don't attached spirits drain your energy?...thanks for the advice guys.


I think as several people have posted here the issue seems to be more with your gf, perhaps you should talk to her about the wisdom of contacting her cousin in meditation.

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Well I'm just afraid that what if one day something happens and he don't attached spirits drain your energy?...thanks for the advice guys.


Spirits cannot drain of you what you have secured of yourself or have not lent to them. though if your energies are not secured, they can act like parasites... :P i have a shotload of spiritual parasites, but they typically just come and go.

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Spirits cannot drain of you what you have secured of yourself or have not lent to them. though if your energies are not secured, they can act like parasites... :P i have a shotload of spiritual parasites, but they typically just come and go.

How do you tell if your being spiritually parasited? (grammar)

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haha... god... i really dont know how i figured it out eventually, but i did.... im sure it has a lot to do with meditation and personal practices such as, but not limited to qi gong, taijiquan, bagua, and yoga, and the sort. but i believe the clincher is meditation, reflection, and pondering the nature of... well everything/anything, but in this specific case, spirits and self.

I realized, about 3 years ago, that there were many entities feeding off me and began trying to secure my energies and take control.

Suffice to say, i've not succeeded. HOWEVER, i have put forth enough intent, i believe, to ensure only benign and beneficial spirits will interact with me unawares, however i have come to know when negative entities are leeching off me and renew my cultivation practices until either they got what they wanted, or i am able to "shrug them off" so to speak. Part of this has come about in realizing my true nature as not being masculine or male energies, but being feminine and healing energies... it actually breaks my heart now to even consider to turn away spirits... angry OR joyful... Heal their anger, multiply their love.

It's taxing, and i'll have some days where i cant even get out of bed, but there are always others that "come back to me" for helping entities (angry or loving), weather knowingly or not.

The fact of the matter is that it is ONE-dimensional shared "occupancy"... so we're all leeching off of others even if we arent aware of it. Spirits, insects, planets, galaxies, doesnt matter. We're all expressions of each other, and we are all interacting with each other, weather taking energy or giving it, weather it's a galaxy 42 billion lightyears away, or the moniter in front of your face: We are all observing, exchanging, taking, giving, and "emptying" energies in and of and to and from and around each other.

I cannot say that i have identified anything/one though... but i suspect my grandmother is unwilling to depart and has come and gone many, many, many times... but im not convinced yet.

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My understanding is that spirits whom "dont want to move on" do to traumatic deaths, powerful emotions, deep attachments...etc....these are called bound spirits. You should find a professional to help your with this.


My 2 cents, Peace

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