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I didn't really start noticing this until after my "K-arousal".


The whole top of my head seems like it is beginning to thin out and now there's completely bald space a bit smaller than a dime where the very top of my skull/crown is :/


As if I didn't have enough problems already

Edited by WillingToListen

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I didn't really start noticing this until after my "K-arousal".


The whole top of my head seems like it is beginning to thin out and now there's completely bald space a bit smaller than a dime where the very top of my skull/crown is :/


As if I didn't have enough problems already


In TCM that's usually explained by Kidney jing deficiency. There are herbs though that can help with this.

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In TCM that's usually explained by Kidney jing deficiency. There are herbs though that can help with this.

Could you enlighten as to what those herbs are, please??


If at all possible I would really like my hair to stay, I don't think my social life can take another blow

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Could you enlighten as to what those herbs are, please??


If at all possible I would really like my hair to stay, I don't think my social life can take another blow


Shou Wu Pian. here is a link where you can order it.

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More_Pie_Guy & dmattwads, thank you both!! I'm going to give these a try


I wouldn't mind more suggestions :)


Another suggestion eh? lol. Ok, you can try this also. Take a seven star needle or something similar and for a good 5-10 a day gently stimulate the scalp area with a light tapping method. The link has a picture of one so you may know what I'm talking about.

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I don't know if it's related to your K arousal. It sounds as if it's male-pattern baldness, inasmuch as it's bald at the crown. Male-pattern baldness is caused by the hormone dihydrotestosterone (dht), which is produced mainly by sexual activity. Any sexual activity, even arousal, causes the enzyme 5-alpha reductase to convert testosterone into dht, which causes baldness and hair thinning. You'll go bald even if you don't have a genetic predisposition to baldness. Ejaculations should be kept to once per week; at a higher frequency you'll see more thinning.

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One thing I forgot to mention is that while zinc pyrithione and nizoral work in a similar manner they each have pro's and cons.


Zinc pyrithione causes hair to become thinner, but it is much much much cheaper than nizoral.


Nizoral is much more expensive but doesn't seem to cause the hair diameter to shrink.


Both seem to have a marginal effect in preventing actual hair loss though.

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You'll go bald even if you don't have a genetic predisposition to baldness







I wish I would've known in advance how exciting the 24th year of my life would be :(

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If your going bald the I recommend just shaving it all. Bald guys with a good frame of muscle get bitches. :P


My 2 cents, Peace

Edited by OldGreen
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If its any consolation, my son, 19 this year, is starting to show dramatic signs of a receding hairline. A bit early, but he's cool with it.


I lost most of my top hair mid 30s. So i just bought a trimmer and started to trim my own hair, saving a ton of barber money. Never bothered me nor affected my social life. Women would come up to rub my baldy head, as if its some sort of lucky charm. Good laugh :D. My present partner is not a bit bothered by it, and she's 27 years younger, like mid 20s.


Attracting women is not factored wholly by external appearances. No matter if you lose all your hair, just dont lose your sense of humor and ability to listen with your eyes (meaning, when in conversation, dont just listen with your ears, but let them know, with the eyes, that you are listening to them with 100 percent attention. This is the key -- women will always seek out the company of a man who knows how to listen to them, with a sort of unwavering attentiveness).


Hope you get to master your anxiety. Stressing over it could well cause you to lose more in a quicker time. :(

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Yeah, it's just balding, most likely. It happens to some men, and not others base almost completely on genetics, with nothing to do with sexual activity or diet. Some lifestyles may speed up a genetic predisposition, but you're not going to go bald from too much sex. I'll bet if you took a survey in the "adult entertainment" industry, you'd find the same level of hair loss as in the general population.

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I don't know if it's related to your K arousal. It sounds as if it's male-pattern baldness, inasmuch as it's bald at the crown. Male-pattern baldness is caused by the hormone dihydrotestosterone (dht), which is produced mainly by sexual activity. Any sexual activity, even arousal, causes the enzyme 5-alpha reductase to convert testosterone into dht, which causes baldness and hair thinning. You'll go bald even if you don't have a genetic predisposition to baldness. Ejaculations should be kept to once per week; at a higher frequency you'll see more thinning.

This is mostly false with some true.


True DHT is converted from testosterone via 5ar.


No, that enzyme isn't activated via sexual activity.

Not all men will bald, and no you won't if you don't have a genetic predisposition towards it.

No, 5ar isn't activated via ejaculating.


If anything, by not ejaculating your testosterone will increase and you might have more balding, but depends on your genetic disposition.


Dht does cause balding, but there are a lot of checks and balances in a very large hormonal balance.

Some men bald, others don't but it has more to do with your genes.


Personall bud, I'd say embrace it like CT said above.


Fighting it with prescriptions is a lose lose battle from what I've seen. The *asterides (finasteride and dutasteride) are terible for your body, hormones and overall health. Guys end up nuking the hormones, testosterone, and dht to save their hair, when those are the things that make you a man. I hear horror stories about it.


You could try the herb way, and there are plenty of forums out there on it. being one.



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