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Spring Forest Qigong Master Jim Nance Qi-talk May 10, 2013,

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Hey whats happening? I love the videos but if you could somehow make the volume a bit that would be great.


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I just crank the volume and it's more than loud enough.


But you gotta use a computer - on a cell phone the vid volume won't be loud enough from the feedback I've gotten.

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I just crank the volume and it's more than loud enough.


But you gotta use a computer - on a cell phone the vid volume won't be loud enough from the feedback I've gotten.

yea I'm using a computer but its hard to hear. Part of the reason I posted that video (aside from me feeling like that guy when I was asking you to turn it up) was so that I could play them side by side and compare. The video I posted is much louder. For the one you posted I have to keep my head very close to the computer :-(

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Yeah so watch the Jim Nance qigong master Qi-talks while you can! I edited out the other people's questions so you'll have to check my youtube channel to get my new uploads for a couple of the parts.


The new word to me was that it's against the law to record other people's voices as you need to get everyone's written permission.


So as of now there will be no more qi-talk videos - that's what Jim told me when I talked to him a couple days ago.


But so then I looked up the MInnesota law and turns out Minnesota has a one party consent law so that only the person who is party to the conversation needs to give consent for the recording - not necessarily the person actually doing the recording, nor the other person in the conversation. That means the recordings were perfectly legal.


So anyway we'll see what happens - my style is definitely guerrilla hacking style - not at all professional. So it was fun while it lasted but I will tell qigong master Jim Nance that we have the legal right to do what we did and see what he says.

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O.K. I edited the first one and now I'll do the fourth one. I kind of like it without hearing the student's questions. haha. Some of them kind of go on....

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Hey Drew,


Do you think Zhang Hongbao is who Chun yi lin trained with when you asked him about it? You said he died in a car crash, and so did Zhang.


Just saw that while I was surfing around, and thought I'd throw that up.



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Yeah I posted a thread on that in the Taoist forum -- Chunyi Lin told me he never met Master Zhang Hangbao personally but Chunyi Lin trained with one of the advanced students. So I researched and Chunyi had gone to the mountain where the advanced student had set up a training center - several thousand students had trained there.


Anyway so then later Chunyi Lin said he visited Master Zhang at the same mountain but he was meditating in a cave - and that was - this Master Zhang.


So he probably has trained with both of them but yeah I watched the Master Zhang Hangbao on youtube and even the movements are similar and also Master Zhang Hangbao sold tea as part of his marketing - with affiliates - the same business set up Chunyi Lin uses. Also the Tai Chi symbol that Chunyi uses is the same type of elongated sine wave that Master Zhang Hangbao used. Also master Zhang Hangbao did the "finger growing game" with people just like Chunyi Lin does. When Master Zhang was in jail he did 10 minute phone sessions with his students and I wondered -- just like the 10 minute phone healing that Chunyi Lin does. haha.


So here is Chunyi Lin's latest free qi-talk! haha.


Jim Nance did it yesterday but I was not able to go - but it will be put up on that website.....

Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus

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O.K. I just talked to Spring Forest Qigong Master Jim Nance! I informed him of the law in Minnesota - that what we did we were allowed to do - and he said that's big news! haha. So then we talked about it for a while and he said it was just really important to have information available to people to help them out. Especially younger people so they can start qigong training before they are older and get health problems, making it more difficult to train.


He said - you can blog on that if you want to! haha.


So I am posting it here. I said - yeah sounds great.

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O.K. so my mom said I should not video and record the event.


So I did more research on this and turns out that acupuncture is now sometimes covered by HIPA Privacy -- don't ask me what the acronym stands for since I don't really care. haha.


No seriously - a dude was just arrested in Minnesota for filming a public arrest and the cops claimed he was violating the privacy of the person being taken in for mental case -- under HIPA. Of course the lawyers said that's ridiculous since the cops are not health care providers.


But ANYWAY just shows how litigious and - fascist - U.S. culture has become.....


So I really don't want to risk pissing off some "anal" person - and of course if they ask some personal question, etc.


But legally -- I mean it would be stretching the limits of course - someone could try to set a precedent.


What if qigong wants to get covered by HIPA. Some acupuncture clinics also do qigong and then cover it by HIPA -- not in MInnesota -- but maybe SFQ wants to do that in the future....

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O.K. so my mom said I should not video and record the event.


So I did more research on this and turns out that acupuncture is now sometimes covered by HIPA Privacy -- don't ask me what the acronym stands for since I don't really care. haha.


No seriously - a dude was just arrested in Minnesota for filming a public arrest and the cops claimed he was violating the privacy of the person being taken in for mental case -- under HIPA. Of course the lawyers said that's ridiculous since the cops are not health care providers.


But ANYWAY just shows how litigious and - fascist - U.S. culture has become.....


So I really don't want to risk pissing off some "anal" person - and of course if they ask some personal question, etc.


But legally -- I mean it would be stretching the limits of course - someone could try to set a precedent.


What if qigong wants to get covered by HIPA. Some acupuncture clinics also do qigong and then cover it by HIPA -- not in MInnesota -- but maybe SFQ wants to do that in the future....

Oh yea as far as an acupuncture patient is concerned HIPAA is very strict about their privacy. We have to have a refresher lecture each year at school lol. You can not mention the patients name AND what they are being treated for together to anyone that the patient has not given disclosure to.


HIPAA stands for "Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act" just in case anyone was interested in another government acronym lol

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Oh yea as far as an acupuncture patient is concerned HIPAA is very strict about their privacy. We have to have a refresher lecture each year at school lol. You can not mention the patients name AND what they are being treated for together to anyone that the patient has not given disclosure to.


HIPAA stands for "Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act" just in case anyone was interested in another government acronym lol


O.K. after sleeping and meditating on this. First of all it's a public talk - - anyone can attend. Secondly Spring Forest Qigong doesn't use insurance so no HIPAA coverage.


So that just leaves possible state medical record law - which would be access to and amending information but it would not include privacy.


Anyway so I figure that I'll just keep on editing out people's questions. Personally I like it better since some of them seem to just like to hear their own voices. haha.


The other issue is that me doing the video is probably scaring people away -- because I am a bit eccentric - but I mean I don't do eccentric things except I do sit in full lotus while I am doing the video. haha.


Anyway the final factor though is I don't have a video myself - I have to borrow my niece's cellphone. My mom said my niece's cellphone might not always be available and so my mom was going to get an Ipad that I could use. But then when I told my mom about how I discovered Minnesota is a One-Party Consent state for recording voice -- I said can you tell qigong master Jim Nance if he calls? She goes - no that's not my business! That's private between you and Jim. I go o.k. 'cuz I'm leaving so if he calls can you just say I have something important to tell him? O.k.


So then after I tell him and he said it's "big news" and then I tell my mom then she freaks out and says I can't video the talks anymore since I am recording their voices. haha. This is AFTER I sent my mom the statute of the Minnesota One Party Consent law - she claims Jim should talk to a lawyer first. I mean - this is a law that anyone doing recording would just follow without needing a lawyer - it's very straight forward. But my dad was a lawyer so....


Anyway it's all about money - you can't do anything unless a person considers information to be MONEY - so legal information is not valid unless you pay someone. It's really silly - like oh suddenly a person can't think for themselves! haha. Then suddenly any information is private medical information if someone thinks it's worth money! haha.


For example in the state MN medical privacy overview it gives the example of someone going to a FREE CLINIC - guess what? NO HIPAA Privacy law coverage!!


Oops. Better not go for FREE medical coverage then. haha.


Oh wait - unless I live in Canada and it's covered in my taxes. haha.


Like in the U.S. people LOVE CHEAP FOOD but don't realize it's actually covered in their taxes paying for heinous apocalyptic agribusiness that creates crappy food causing disease, etc.



Yeah so "medical record" is something that is a "hard copy" - written down. After three years it can be transferred to a visual photographic copy.


So taking a video is not a hard copy.



Recording a medical discussion via video or audio is no proxy, however, for paying attention, and the practice puts you and your office at significant risk.

Video or audio recording should not be allowed in the office setting. It breaches the confidentiality rights of the other patients and infringes on the privacy rights of the physician and employees.

His recommendation to medical practices: Post a sign prohibiting the use of recorders and urge patients to take written notes instead.



It seems to be only a matter of time before someone records a scene in the waiting room or a visit with the doctor or nurse practitioner and posts it on YouTube for the whole world to see.


Yeah I don't think recording the Qi-talk is like recording a medical waiting room....


The SFQ customers are called "clients" not "patients" and SFQ can not diagnose illness nor cure illness.


But ANYWAY -- obviously if acupuncture is doing qigong sometimes and acupuncture is covered by HIPAA then it is an issue - what if qigong wants to be covered by insurance in the future?


HIPAA is only from 1996! Wow.


Yeah so I guess it is still a borderline issue.


Outreach and public coverage -- accessible FREE information versus insurance privacy.....

Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus

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O.K. Spring Forest Qigong Master Jim Nance called me today. At first I thought maybe he had "bad" news about Friday's Qi-talk but anyway he asked what I was doing and he called at an o.k. time. So he ended up sharing some stories with me that were really cool.


He first said how he was initiated into the Midewin society and so then he had to go on vision quest to find out what his spirit animal was. So he had a circle eight feet around him while he sat alone in the forest and he could not leave that circle for a day and half. He started at night and amazingly he didn't need to use the bathroom the whole time. So it rained on him and nothing really happened but then the next day there were these amazing clouds shaped like all different kinds of animals -- insects, etc. So then he heard this crazy sound coming towards him and he thought maybe it was aliens coming to abduct him into space. haha. He didn't recognize the sound and he thought maybe the Indians knew the secret about aliens and so now he was going to find out the truth. haha. But it turned out to be eight deer and they came right up to him and he was motionless and the deer spent two hours with him. So then he spent another night and he left in the morning. So then the Indians go - oh that is why you could not shoot a deer when we went hunting! Because part of his initation was he had to prepare for his family -- provide food I mean -- traditionally -- but even though Jim had the gun he could not kill the deer. So the Indians said the reason is his spirit is the deer spirit family and so his spirit fought him killing the deer.


Yeah so I asked qigong master Jim Nance - so that was the first time you used a gun? He said no that he used to carry a 357 Magnum and a 22 pistol because when he was 18 or 19 he was hitch hiking in dangerous parts of the U.S. where he didn't want to get lynched. Jim said he even carried a roll of tape so he could tape the gun to his hand so he would be able to keep loading the gun without worrying about dropping it. Also he taped the gun to his leg. So I said you really were doing a lot of preparation then for some serious planning. He said - yeah it was real serious. I said well at least you go to do what you wanted to do -- you know he did the traveling safely.


Yeah anyway qigong master Jim Nance said he had been doing a lot of healing this week that went really well. I said that was awesome as I had been wondering. He mentioned a few people he was working on -- as my local qigong friend had called me yesterday and mentioned going to get more qigong healings from qigong master Jim Nance. My friend needs his wrist healed and some organ healing. Anyway Jim mentioned how he is healing someone who had their titanium hip break on them and someone else who had a stroke and someone else who got tasered and their mom got beat up. Anyway those were healings he was doing just for free as those people were his friends. I told Jim I would do what I could to pay for the healing he is doing for me. haha. Meanwhile my local qigong friend -- Jim said -- my friend should doing the healing through the Center. So I said I would tell him and I called my friend and I left the message for him to do the healing through the Center.


Yeah so then Spring Forest Qigong Master Jim Nance was getting real relaxed in his voice and I knew that meant he was doing healing. I mean I could feel his energy right when he called and I got all this tingling sensation in the back of my head. But then qigong master Jim Nance said he was picking up a lot of spiritual energy around me. I was flattered and perked up: "Oh yeah?" haha. He said he was seeing me on a ship surrounded by water and around Nature. hmmm. I said - maybe because it's been raining a lot? He said - no this is separate from the rain. hmmm. I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say!


But anyway Spring Forest Qigong Jim Nance said -- when he asked me what I was doing and I mentioned working outside in the forest, cutting down trees and hauling them - and he said he used to do that when he was 12 years old and he was living in Ohio. So he said he used to cut huge trees that were 15 feet around!! He said that - well I asked about him moving to Ohio -- because it was right by Antioch College. He said his mom wanted to make sure they didn't live in the city because Jim -- his mom knew that Jim would get in trouble in the city. So then that was when Jim was able to make contact with this special horse that Jim talks about in one of his guild talks - how this horse showed him compassion and love. The horse also scared the living daylights out of Jim when Jim was riding bareback the horse instantly shot across this field in full gallop and Jim said his body did not move at all from the horse! The horse had united the consciousness of Jim with the body of the horse and so this was a direct experience of love that changed the live of Jim - it was an enlightenment experience that the horse taught Jim - emptying his mind of the lower emotional blockages and opening up his heart. So after that the horse always went up to nuzzle Jim even when other people were around - the horse always picked out Jim to be with the horse together.


But Jim said that his mother then sent Jim to go play football at the local city school but it was the next city over. So then Jim said he loved playing football and he made good friends there. So the friends liked Jim so much that they decided one day to all of them run the ten miles to Jim's town in the countryside! So this group of football friends show up after running ten miles just to see Jim and he was really touched by this. So then he scrounged up what little money he had and he took his friends out for ice cream. haha. He said they really needed it after running that far. Yeah I agreed that is really amazing. So then when Jim's mom wanted Jim to do more constructive work then they moved into the city but when they had very first arrived in Ohio they were actually homeless at first and so they had moved into that vale in the countryside as their first home.


Anyway I told Spring Forest Qigong Jim Nance about what my mom had said and how I had researched it and then I realized that my sister and my niece are both flying out of the city this weekend on Friday and so I would not have access to any video machine. So I said that considering how my mom didn't want me to record the video due to privacy concerns and the possible medical record information, etc. and so that from now on I would just take notes to write things down. I said I seemed to be able to remember things pretty well when he is talking. He said - yeah it's amazing. haha.


After we talked I definitely had stronger third eye energy and qigong master Jim Nance was going into trance and so he was kind of mumbling a bit but I am used to that now. He gets super relaxed and he starts describing his visons, etc. Earlier he had said he saw lots of little animals around me - like slugs. I said well yeah they do come out at night into the house - like crawling insects - because I am in the basement - I didn't tell him I was in the basement. But anyway so I had told him how I saw a fawn today - my first fawn - a baby deer. That is what got us into the deer initation vision quest. But I said how I like messiness since Nature is messy and how I like compost and stuff like that. Qigong master Jim Nance said yeah his experience when he was 12 and he was living in the countryside - working in the forest -- he also learned about loss of top soil and the need for compost and he said how that experience definitely is part of why he is a qigong master today.

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