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Dates set for Taoist Group, Warwickshire, England

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Hi everyone,


I'm afraid I cannot work out how to contact the site adminstrators to see if it is okay to announce these dates - so I apologise if this is not the correct etiquette.


I mentioned a few months ago that I was planning on setting up a Taoist practice group. The details can be seen on the original link below and I have told the British Taoist Association who are okay with it but the group will not officially be part of any least not in the early days.


Dates are:


30th June 2013


22nd September


27th October


9am to 1pm.


Anyone welcome. Directions and information can be seen here. There is a small room at the back which has around fifteen seats and floor room for those bringing cushions/mediation stools. There will be tea and biscuits!


Ideas for the group can be found here.


Thanks everyone and look forward to seeing you.


Best wishes,



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