
happysinner ( new member ) wants to say hi to everybody .......

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Hey ,


I am new here so please be gentle with me ! I found u guys from a forum about taoist mantras withe experts expressing their views .


I was feeling quite down with my life and it made me smile all the way down to my feet !


Man , I am so happy to be stupid with no knowledge compared to these guys .


My Tao is just to make my chi softer / sweeter smelling every day and try to become a more virtuos person .


That is enough for me and I like being stupid and following my heart in life .


I am a buddhist / taoist / me- ist and think that freedom is the most important thing in life ...wether it is mental / physical / spirtitual ..just be NICE !


Not a hippy by the " way " ....I am actually a War Pensioner etc.....


In my long cultivation I have always found " knowledge " a serious barrier .


I believe ....works for me anyway ..


If you think you know everything then you know nothing AND if you think you are thinking then who exactly is thinking that to start with ?!


I just like to FEEL and if it FEELS OK then I follow that path .


Of course we need to access the various ways first and to try all of them and if we are lucky find a " way " to peace and love .


Is there anybody here there that agrees with me ?


My little offering if it helps anyone ......


Tai Chi ....Take Control ....Think Calm ....


R A F ......Relax and Focus ...



QUOTE : We all sit on the toilet , we are all the same ....








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Welcome HappySinner, interesting first post.


Lots of Academic types on here, also lots of "posters" with way more knowledge about the Tao, than I.


But there are a lot of times when I drift away from my "To-Do" List, relax & just go with the flow.

Only problem being, it drives my other (and better) half, mad.

She likes to have goals to reach & targets to aim at.


Ah well, "Per Ardua Ad Astra", as they say in the Relax And Focus (LOL)



PS: Oh "Sit" on the Toilet, my mistake, I thought you wrote something else !



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HappySinner, a warm welcome!






a hippy and a viking :D and over 50 :D

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I'm new also, so its nice to know I'm not the only one..

Maybe I'm wrong but isn't there a verse(s) in the Tao-te Ching about like how its the goverenment job to govern and the peoples job to rebeil if they dont? The same way its a parents job to rule the child ( i know this part is weird) and the childs job to disobey when they parents are wrong?? The being a hippy part made me think about that, because we think about hippies being anti war , but i remember reading and understand that war for a reason isnt always evil..i donno... HI!

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I recommend squatting over a bucket of shredded leaves to make humanure compost.


Mine turned out great! First time I used shredded leaves.


Most people in the world still squat and it is much healthier but I just do it when it's warm outside. haha.


I would do it year round but an inside squatting composting toilet would have to be super secret from the rest in my household.....


Anyway humans make great humanure to grow food.

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