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Drifted - Sounds Unstable But Was Enlightening

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Dear Friends,


I have been gone for quite some time. Much of which has been spent drifting from State to State.

This time has given me much time to contemplate my life, where it is going and where I plan to go.

During my travels I have encountered many different people with many unique talents and abilities.

Now it is time for me to start giving back.


I got rid of many things when I left but put my books, artifacts and equipment in storage. Now what I am planning to do is to get all of my books and Crystals together... Some of them quite rare and sell them as a bundle. I can teach the buyer how to use the items. But I am more interested in getting rid of these items. Someone else who wnats to learn about all of these things could do better with them. Has anyone done something like this before? I do not want to just sell them on ebay... It is just too intensive for my life. The majority of the money will go to charities.


Kind Regards,


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well i cant buy any stones from you, but my interest is indeed high. even if not to acquire the gems, the knowledge itself is still very valuable!

Yeah, It is a lot of things I have learned. Most of it through training. But I am planning to sell all of this and my knowledge and training on everything except stillness movement. You would have to see Mike for that. These subjects have been an obsession of mine for so long. Now I need to focus on material pursuits.


I might think of teaching a few people but the price has to be high enough to cover my travel. Either way even if I sell everything for $20k I would still just break even. But that is the price for being obsessed with these thing early in life and the past countless years.

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the memes are shifting... soon enough, your life experiences will be incomprehensibly valuable... so much so that it would be impossible to compare them in a monetary value system.

I hope when that time comes, we'll cross paths.

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