nine tailed fox

PUA and Spirituality

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PUA means Pick Up Artist


i was listening to a PUA guru today and he said something very interesting


he said


"In fact, attracting women is one of the actual, practical uses to all that Zen stuff you may have heard-- you know, stuff like, “avoid judgment, empty the mind, see the ocean in a drop of rain, be at one with the universe, see beauty in a pile of trash,” and so forth."


what do you think about this ? he didnt explain it much ?


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I like the PUA's state of mind because it's much more balanced (emotionally, etc..) than that of the average guy.

It's new-age zen in which one breaks through certain mind frames and think to be the chosen one.


Please, consider that if you're doing something, then it's not Zen.

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"In fact, attracting women is one of the actual, practical uses to all that Zen stuff you may have heard--



Attracting women has to do with your looks. You can throw down some Vajrayana mantras and stuff, but good lucking getting instruction on that.

Edited by alwayson

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PUA means Pick Up Artist


i was listening to a PUA guru today and he said something very interesting


he said


"In fact, attracting women is one of the actual, practical uses to all that Zen stuff you may have heard-- you know, stuff like, “avoid judgment, empty the mind, see the ocean in a drop of rain, be at one with the universe, see beauty in a pile of trash,” and so forth."


what do you think about this ? he didnt explain it much ?


The spiritual path includes emotional awareness which is basically what relationships are all about. So yes, I agree with him.


Certain pua stuff is focused entirely around that, like or others out there.


In fact most pua guys if they stick with it long enough, end up in the spiritual stuff, which allows them to move beyond the rules they think they have to follow to attract women.


When there aren't any ;).


I often hear how they got into it to get women, and they ended up improving all their relationships and their lives. That it isn't about women, but women inspire them to action. That they want self love, through women or something. And in realizing that they can move to love themselves regardless of women, or other external factors. And then they start to love their lives regardless of external things, doing what they want to do because they love to do it. Which ironically PEOPLE find attractive. Including women.


I followed that path and it led me to spirituality... and now I teach guys about it.



Attracting women has to do with your looks. You can throw down some Vajrayana mantras and stuff, but good lucking getting instruction on that.

No it doesn't.



Edited by JohnC
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The spiritual path includes emotional awareness which is basically what relationships are all about. So yes, I agree with him.


Emotional awareness? What does it mean?

Does it mean that one is aware of his emotional state? Is that a spiritual realization? :blink:

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Some of it has good life lessons, some is ugly based on manipulation and deception. Our culture doesn't have much tradition when it comes to dating anymore. So it's worth a look for young guys who want to hook up, but look to the better areas, like David Dieda (mispelled), not the game players who target woman's self esteem to make them easier target crap.

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the formless form would be the best pick-up art :lol: cuz then you only get your soulmate and no "fodder date(s)". :lol:

Then again, sometimes you cant learn formlessness without a few fodder dates first...

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Edited by sinansencer

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The spiritual path includes emotional awareness which is basically what relationships are all about. So yes, I agree with him.


Certain pua stuff is focused entirely around that, like or others out there.


In fact most pua guys if they stick with it long enough, end up in the spiritual stuff, which allows them to move beyond the rules they think they have to follow to attract women.


When there aren't any ;).


I often hear how they got into it to get women, and they ended up improving all their relationships and their lives. That it isn't about women, but women inspire them to action. That they want self love, through women or something. And in realizing that they can move to love themselves regardless of women, or other external factors. And then they start to love their lives regardless of external things, doing what they want to do because they love to do it. Which ironically PEOPLE find attractive. Including women.


I followed that path and it led me to spirituality... and now I teach guys about it.



No it doesn't.




what do you teach ? PUA ?

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what do you teach ? PUA ?

Yea I facilitate at AMP and authentic world programs.

Was at the project hollywood while style was there... only for a training though. Been around the block, and spent a lot of time learning how 'you had to be'. Then read enough stuff that tipped into spirituality that I gave meditation a shot for a week for an hour a day.


Started questioning everything every pua says you 'have' to do, and all the studies they say back them up. Found out a lot of it is bullshit. Checked out amp, cleared out a bunch of emotional baggage, changed my life, and never looked back.



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Thats cool JohnC. I found that PUA stuff led to spirituality as well. But at the time, I needed the PUA sex drive "get the girl" motivation to make some of the inner changes. At the time, pursuit of enlightenment was not really on the radar, at least not consciously. But desire to get girls was strong, it got me out of the box I was in. Interesting how one thing leads to another. NLP will lead you to spirituality as well. At that some point you realize that there really was a kind of destiny about the spiritual path.


As far as PUA being Zen, I suppose in some ideal sense, its close enough. If you pare down everything, all the ego baggage, social conditioning, your own traumas and failures...and just stay present in your own sense of animal lust, thats not Zen because its still lust attachment. But if you could do that, and interact with the girl so that the lust can express itself, in a way that she is willing to respond to, thats pretty good.

Edited by de_paradise

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Thats cool JohnC. I found that PUA stuff led to spirituality as well. But at the time, I needed the PUA sex drive "get the girl" motivation to make some of the inner changes. At the time, pursuit of enlightenment was not really on the radar, at least not consciously. But desire to get girls was strong, it got me out of the box I was in. Interesting how one thing leads to another. NLP will lead you to spirituality as well. At that some point you realize that there really was a kind of destiny about the spiritual path.


Thanks man.


Totally... you reach a point in nlp where as you are questioning down every belief that you have that you start to question self... leading to 'I am that' kind of stuff. And in most psychology stuff or things where you look at your past, trauma, attachments and aversions. Stick with any self analysis long enough, and you roll right into spiritual.



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Curious JohnC do you approach women, do you go out to bars/clubs, do you screen for women who are "spiritual" in some sense. The PUA stuff also appealed to young me, then wanted to change my approach and motivation... Ive found Ive become a little bit of a hermit recently and am getting back into being more in tune with the world

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Curious JohnC do you approach women, do you go out to bars/clubs, do you screen for women who are "spiritual" in some sense. The PUA stuff also appealed to young me, then wanted to change my approach and motivation... Ive found Ive become a little bit of a hermit recently and am getting back into being more in tune with the world

I'm actually getting married next month. B)


But when I was single, yea sometimes I would approach or go to bars/clubs, but mostly I would do things I love to do and meet people there. If I did go to a bar or club it was only if I thought it was going to be fun. My intent from the begining was on having fun, not meet/pickup women. Having fun could include playing with or 'picking up' some women, but is a key distinction. Even the concept of 'doing an approach' idealizes it and makes it this difficult thing that only amazing men can do.


When all your doing is talking to someone.


I didn't screen for spiritual women, because I was focused on having fun, doing what I love and being myself. This on it's own was screening... because if she wasn't compatible with me, then it wouldn't be fun real quick haha. This could show up in that we'd value different things, or what have you. And she doesn't need to be ... anything that you are. It more comes down to how good are you at navigating emotions and speaking to the moment with her. As in say, she's not spiritual... so you get to introduce her to something your passionate about, and she may or may not be interested. How you navigate that with her is up to you. You get triggered 'WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOUR NOT SPIRITUAL?!!' you collapse 'oh... well it's stupid stuff any way' or you are alright with it, and just show it to her 'oh it's this stuff I practice a lot... I really love it.'


The key in this though, is the more she has to be a certain way for you to be OK, the more it's about you and a trigger or something to explore. And the more it'll get in the way of connection and unconditional love. For you it may be, 'Is it ok if the woman is completly not spiritual? If not, why?'


I would run from chatting up women that I had the felt experience of attraction with... and if I let that speak, I would say all the right things and we would have fun together. I believe everything else is just mind stuff. What is right/wrong, what is moral/not moral, all just ideas and bullshit... when it all just is.


And I think your intent is critical. This has only gotten louder as I've done spiritual work. That from your intent, your thoughts/emotions, from those your actions. It's like it creates a little universe. The longer you follow the intent the stronger it is in your life.


I also believe that you meet those that you are ready for and who will provide you the most growth. Some guys keep getting friend zoned, and depending on the guy, it can mean they've got to let go of their mom, learn to say no and set boundaries... or any number of things. They make conclusions off this, like 'you've got to be mean', 'women are bitches' or other bullshit... when in reality they are the common denominator to all the relationships. They probably run into all kinds of women... just only connect with the bitches.


I've had relationships where I had to learn different things, like standing up for what I wanted... which sometimes ended up breaking up, sometimes opened the relationship to more love and space for me to be me, but ultimately I believe they got me ready to meet my fiance.


And strangely I felt like in all my previous relationships they had time limits, and when I met my fiance, it felt like this one can go the distance as long as we choose to stay together.


The crux of it all though, is that if you don't like something, it's more about you... and when you get really clear and aware, you can love everyone. And I believe anywhere you don't is a place for growth. Where you aren't ok with something in yourself.



Edited by JohnC
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PUA means Pick Up Artist


i was listening to a PUA guru today and he said something very interesting


he said


"In fact, attracting women is one of the actual, practical uses to all that Zen stuff you may have heard-- you know, stuff like, “avoid judgment, empty the mind, see the ocean in a drop of rain, be at one with the universe, see beauty in a pile of trash,” and so forth."


what do you think about this ? he didnt explain it much ?


There isn't much context here so I don't know exactly what he was getting at.


I think one thing people find in the Game is that paradoxes exists, like how to be proactive and lead, while at the same time not chasing or being needy.


Another truth that is big in spirituality, dropping attachments. Well, with picking up women you are going to have to drop attachment to the outcome. If you need to get her good reactions, or can't show that you don't need her to like you to feel good about yourself, you will have a repellant vibe. She will notice that when she doesn't give you a good reaction like you want, doesn't laugh at your joke etc. that it effects your positive state, and that's not attractive to anyone. You can't chase her reactions, you have to be unreactive, etc

Edited by Immortal4life

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I'm actually getting married next month. B)


But when I was single, yea sometimes I would approach or go to bars/clubs, but mostly I would do things I love to do and meet people there. If I did go to a bar or club it was only if I thought it was going to be fun. My intent from the begining was on having fun, not meet/pickup women. Having fun could include playing with or 'picking up' some women, but is a key distinction. Even the concept of 'doing an approach' idealizes it and makes it this difficult thing that only amazing men can do.


When all your doing is talking to someone.


I didn't screen for spiritual women, because I was focused on having fun, doing what I love and being myself. This on it's own was screening... because if she wasn't compatible with me, then it wouldn't be fun real quick haha. This could show up in that we'd value different things, or what have you. And she doesn't need to be ... anything that you are. It more comes down to how good are you at navigating emotions and speaking to the moment with her. As in say, she's not spiritual... so you get to introduce her to something your passionate about, and she may or may not be interested. How you navigate that with her is up to you. You get triggered 'WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOUR NOT SPIRITUAL?!!' you collapse 'oh... well it's stupid stuff any way' or you are alright with it, and just show it to her 'oh it's this stuff I practice a lot... I really love it.'


The key in this though, is the more she has to be a certain way for you to be OK, the more it's about you and a trigger or something to explore. And the more it'll get in the way of connection and unconditional love. For you it may be, 'Is it ok if the woman is completly not spiritual? If not, why?'


I would run from chatting up women that I had the felt experience of attraction with... and if I let that speak, I would say all the right things and we would have fun together. I believe everything else is just mind stuff. What is right/wrong, what is moral/not moral, all just ideas and bullshit... when it all just is.


And I think your intent is critical. This has only gotten louder as I've done spiritual work. That from your intent, your thoughts/emotions, from those your actions. It's like it creates a little universe. The longer you follow the intent the stronger it is in your life.


I also believe that you meet those that you are ready for and who will provide you the most growth. Some guys keep getting friend zoned, and depending on the guy, it can mean they've got to let go of their mom, learn to say no and set boundaries... or any number of things. They make conclusions off this, like 'you've got to be mean', 'women are bitches' or other bullshit... when in reality they are the common denominator to all the relationships. They probably run into all kinds of women... just only connect with the bitches.


I've had relationships where I had to learn different things, like standing up for what I wanted... which sometimes ended up breaking up, sometimes opened the relationship to more love and space for me to be me, but ultimately I believe they got me ready to meet my fiance.


And strangely I felt like in all my previous relationships they had time limits, and when I met my fiance, it felt like this one can go the distance as long as we choose to stay together.


The crux of it all though, is that if you don't like something, it's more about you... and when you get really clear and aware, you can love everyone. And I believe anywhere you don't is a place for growth. Where you aren't ok with something in yourself.




Nice stuff John congratulations on the wedding, hope it all goes well



Wow thanks for sharing will take on some useful info here.


Part of me finds it difficult to wrap my head around the idea of being able to gel with a girl whos not into this stuff. I guess thats a nonsense belief. I keep thinking what about her energy, am I going to drain myself with sex (I am getting pretty powerful) I think thinking what if I get annoyed listening to materialistic conversations or not allowing me to be honest.. I guess here is nonsense to eliminate...challenge ahead

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Part of me finds it difficult to wrap my head around the idea of being able to gel with a girl whos not into this stuff. I guess thats a nonsense belief. I keep thinking what about her energy, am I going to drain myself with sex (I am getting pretty powerful) I think thinking what if I get annoyed listening to materialistic conversations or not allowing me to be honest.. I guess here is nonsense to eliminate...challenge ahead


Wow, a vivid imangination!


First thing first, you need to find a girl that piques your interest and say hello to her with a smile.

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Edited by sinansencer
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helpful to notice my own garbage. edited


Good eyes!


I still want to talk about the girl who told her friends that you were wierd if you don't mind.


The other interpretation is that girl was open minded and a independent thinker. She thought you're strange. But she still invinted you to her house. Open mindedness is good in my book.


I'd assume a PUA won't be bothered by super facial intellect analysis. They have their target set and go for it.

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Part of me finds it difficult to wrap my head around the idea of being able to gel with a girl whos not into this stuff. I guess thats a nonsense belief. I keep thinking what about her energy, am I going to drain myself with sex (I am getting pretty powerful) I think thinking what if I get annoyed listening to materialistic conversations or not allowing me to be honest.. I guess here is nonsense to eliminate...challenge ahead


One could say that this is garbage or not, only if you define your goal in life.

If you want to achieve certain things, yours are the words of a great sage...

Edited by DAO rain TAO
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Attracting women has to do with your looks.


No, it really doesn't.


(I'm married BTW). I'm not particularly good looking, but I've done pretty well at attracting women over the years...

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Good Looking men are obviously very much appreciated by women who like good looking men, though.



I think this is undeniable, to be frank.

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