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Experimental question on how to change Consciousness to match an object Identically through Intention

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Hello dear ones,


something enormously peculiar ran through my mind today after watching a documentation about quantum physics, quantum field and the unified field.


A scientist was talking about highly-trained meditators who had what we would say a next-to (or even) perfect intention. With that intention they managed to alter the PH-level of purified water. It was just an example experiment.


If you want my experience, feel free to read the following - if you feel you are in a hurry, please skip down to the nitty gritty after the "-" parting.


Now with what I am experimenting in my personal life is, how my intention works. I meditate or let my mindstate change automatically by issueing myself into a wholesome situation and play around how Birds react to me. When you come into our garden, you could say there would be an imaginary aviary for birds... just by seeing how fearless these beings can become when you encounter them with more and more of your purest intention. Anyone can do, if he or she wants.


We as an observer become what we observe and change that object unconsciously or consciously with our intention. Our observation is more than just looking with our eyes and seeing something on the other end. There is a connection between the perceiver and the perceived. And here is information being sent. I am not sure to what extend but a large portion of your inner being is transmitted into that object you observe.


I notice that when I started this in mid 2012, how many birds flew away and I intuitively became the feeling of their uncomfort. Also when I insisted in my mind for some of my favorite Aves such as ravens to stay in one place, they felt disturbed and flew away. "Chains" and sentences like "you are too heavy, let it be" sprung into my mind.

Early 2013 whenever a couple of songbirds gathered on a particular tree in our garden where I stood under and practiced Qi Gong, I noticed them continualy cleaning themselves. This happened quite often. I at that point were and am still cleansing my system, both mentally and physically. So intention seems to extend out of our being, not being limited only by our eye-sight (which can be seen as a laser for intuiton, a precision tool). How could it be any different.


I chose birds, because birds are very sensitive beings to intention. I behave like a newbie in these techniques, because I do not yet meditate on a consistant basis (but very soon will come back to and continue) ... and so I have had days where I was just confused what was going on, how birds suddenly react to me and the other day everything seemed to be ponies and sunshine in the forest to every animal that saw me. Even deers. Over the months this now seem to evolve to bigger and (what I would call) more complex or intelligent organisms such as hawks or swarms of birds seen as one group spirit.


I do not know yet if something like an animalistic memory exists. That extends from one being to every being in that species. So to speak as a collective animal memory... In any case, all the time it was Me projecting My feelings Into my surroundings. Onto animals. Every Time their reaction was the exact mirror of my inner world.


But it is clear to me that when we incorporate the vibrations of nature, automatically animals see us as an integral part of nature again and behave like so. As they did centuries back in time. Where I am sure not a single preditor existed.




Now to get to the nitty gritty!


Nearly every meditator wants to understand everything. Regardless if coming from a scientist PoV or a purely spiritual. Or mixed. You name it. And so do I want to purify my intention, want to make it as pure and crystal-clear as the most perfect entity we can describe with our words. And this will obviously be tangible reality for everyone here, by becoming a fully conscious spiritual being.


But coming now from a manipulative standpoint... and not meaning this harmful in any shape or form, simply out of curiosity to learn further more from it:


If I want to move a feather without blowing wind in it's direction, I must obviously Become the feather. I, as a conscious being, must alter my ... fabric, my inner symmetry of my consciousness ... to basicly assume the formless form of what I would call here, a "feather consciousness". I know this is possible, I am just not sure how. It has been said that long before we become "human consciousness" that we were all sorts of different consciousness. Part of the air, the water... part of all elements.


Is there anyone that has a glimpse how this can be done?


Now imagine yourself being not a serious "adult human being" for one second and drop your ratio, be the young spirit that wants to discover endless possibilities, in an infinite sandbox and please try to answer this simple question:


How can you as pure consciousness, flow into an object and be the object and move yourself momentarily in that way, as the object itself?



That is it.


All the best to everyone.

Edited by 4bsolute
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Understand that there is really no thing which is a feather, there are impermanent fluid phenomena which we label feathers. This is sunyata.


The same idea applies to you - there is no fundamental self, just fluid mental and material processes which the mind mistakes for a solid thing, 'I am this owner/doer'. This is anatta.


Realise anatta and sunyata, and you may achieve your goal and much, much else besides.

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The feather does not need to be move, it is already moving.

Much same with the wind, the birds and yourself.

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The feather does not need to be move, it is already moving.

Much same with the wind, the birds and yourself.

I was thinking along similar lines. 'Be the feather', then you're doing its thing; lying there peacefully with no need to prove anything.

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the feather is you, it has your face, your thoughts, your fears


ohhhh wait, you want to know how to MOVE it ;)

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