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mike 134

inhaling vs exhaling

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Hi guys.


I can manipulate "kundalini heat" through my mind only, but lately I've been experimenting with supplementing with movement as well. Unlike all of you, I always try to send it downward to ground and never upward where it causes bad symptoms. I found that I can squeeze it downward by forcefully contracting my chest and intercostal muscles while pushing the shoulders down. However, I am not sure if I should be doing this on inhalation or exhalation. I've been reading around and it seems like most people inhale when they try to move "energy" upward, so it would make sense to exhale when trying to move it down. But exhaling involves pushing the diaphragm muscle upward, so shouldn't inhalation (which pushes the diaphragm, and presumably "energy", downward) be used instead?



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Can you do one without the other....??? Both are significant in breathing. There should be no questions asked.

BTW, it is not the inhalation nor exhalation that moves energy. However, breathing moves the air in and out of the body.

It is the body cells that create the energy. Energy do not move inside the body. It was only an old conceptual idea of the ancient Taoists.

Edited by ChiDragon
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Unlike all of you, I always try to send it downward to ground and never upward where it causes bad symptoms


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Hi guys.


I can manipulate "kundalini heat" through my mind only, but lately I've been experimenting with supplementing with movement as well. Unlike all of you, I always try to send it downward to ground and never upward where it causes bad symptoms. I found that I can squeeze it downward by forcefully contracting my chest and intercostal muscles while pushing the shoulders down. However, I am not sure if I should be doing this on inhalation or exhalation. I've been reading around and it seems like most people inhale when they try to move "energy" upward, so it would make sense to exhale when trying to move it down. But exhaling involves pushing the diaphragm muscle upward, so shouldn't inhalation (which pushes the diaphragm, and presumably "energy", downward) be used instead?




Play around with it and do what feels best for you. That is what I say to everybody. I never adopt old believes, mindsets or rules made by our society. So how can I tell you otherwise.


You and only you are responsible for the expansion of your very being. No one else.


I know how it is to have questions and that you want to ask them. But on a base level you only want to ask them yourself. They will all come in the right moment, tailor-made for Your very being. You just have to be receptive for it and I assume you already do no longer put too much input in your brain (intellectual or entertainment).

And then this information comes Purely Raw, without any filter coming from other personalities or believes, which ultimately You have to filter then again, for your being and your current state of development in which your spirit is.


A quite walk in the woods, with mostly no thoughts at all gives me the most wonderful answers to questions I had previously. Or even mind-blowing ideas I never thought about regarding completely new approaches to life.


All the best and be genuine. What else do you want to do, for the health of your Self.

Edited by 4bsolute
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What happens in a bath tub and you inhale and exhale, what does the body do? When we stand up the lower body sinks and the upper body rises ( negative and positive poles), two energies simultaneous If we had just sinking energy we would not be able to leave the ground and move if we had just rising energy we would all just float off into space.

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Yes I know I inhale and exhale but I need to know which one to emphasize. I can inhale normally and forcefully exhale, or I can forcefully inhale but passively exhale. Which one is best for sending this heat/energy/chi/kundalini whatever downward?


It tends to go up with most activities. I bend my back, it goes up. I watch TV, it goes up. I listen to music, it goes up. I read something, it goes up. I get excited, it goes up. So at the end of the day my head feels like it's gonna explode, so before going to bed at night I spend a couple of minutes trying to force it down so I can sleep without becoming agitated. Believe it or not what I am currently doing actually works, and most nights I can fall asleep, but it's not 100%. I'm always on the lookout, experimenting with new methods to ground. My current regimen is the result of months of trial and error.

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Yes I know I inhale and exhale but I need to know which one to emphasize. I can inhale normally and forcefully exhale, or I can forcefully inhale but passively exhale. Which one is best for sending this heat/energy/chi/kundalini whatever downward?


FYI. Neither one will do the trick for you.

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Hey Mike, What I do to send energy down the descending channel standing is to give the body a 5% tilt forward and exhale. some systems focus on energy rising and ignore the downward movement which can create illnesses.


To help with sleeping laying down (as crazy as it might sound) is bring your energy / attention to the feet. Point and flex and rotate feet clockwise and the counterclockwise for a number of times.


One should never force the breath. The energy of rising and sinking is only visualization tool until you get the feeling and you train your body to follow the mind. Most people get frustrated learning say tai chi because their body does not do what the mind wants it to do.


The "heat /fire travels up the spine. The cool / water descends the front of the body. Imagine cooling your seat of emotions, heart with cooling mist descending. You do not want to fire up things that are already "hot".


The breath of attention will warm the lower elixir field which rises up the spine. to keep the fire not too hot or not too cold is the mixing of the rising and sinking energy aka fire / water method.


Kundalini is about opening awareness, to collect this energy/trying to achive in the upper field is not so good. We can not force a flower to bloom.

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WMJ: thanks for that insightful post believe it or not I'm doing something similar to what you mentioned. For the last couple of weeks I've been trying to force it downward with exhale while standing (not tilting though). I also bring attention to my feet both through mind as well as by hopping and balancing on one foot. You know what it is way easier bringing this stuff upward than downward. I can think about my forehead and instantly there is heat and pressure there, and then I start twitching, getting agitated, and restless, but in order to bring it down I have to use really strong visualization as well as very tight squeezing of my chest, shoulder, and intercostal muscles, coupled with relaxing of the abdominal muscles to force it down. I'm constantly on the lookout for additional grounding techniques that might be easier. Pure visualization alone is too weak. When I am squeezing my chest muscles the expression on my face is identical to when I'm lifting heavy weights at the gym.

Edited by mike 134
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