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I have always been interested in the concept of Qi.

Nearly 25+ years ago I quit smoking with the help of acupuncture.

2 years ago my asthma was cured (yes, cured was the word used). I haven't used either of my inhalers since.


It's pretty hard to argue against the existence of Qi. (Not that I would).

It has always intrigued me. Even in Taekwon-do, Qi sometimes referred to.


Any thoughts or experiences with Qi from anyone here?



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Any thoughts or experiences with Qi from anyone here?




TTB member forestofsouls talks about his encounter with Waysun Liao here:


I was perusing the John Chang thread recently, and it made me wonder: how many people out there have actually met some one who could provide a real, demonstrable manifestation of chi or chi-like phenomenon? I think that Mr. Denty is right: once you taste the real thing, there's no doubt whatsoever. Personally, I've met two.
The most powerful was Master Waysun Liao.


When I met Master Liao, I wanted to "test" him. We've all seen those martial arts demonstrations where the so-called master demonstartes mystical techniques on people of their own choosing. I had this in mind and wanted to test ML. Much to my surprise, he ASKED me to test him. At one point, I had my body wedged between the floor and his arm trying to keep him from lowering it, all to no avail. But the real kicker is when he was demonstrating how chi should feel when one is practicing correctly. Make no mistake, this stuff is as far from imagination as the law of gravity.


I'm wondering if anyone has had similar first-hand experiences, and if so, with who.


ong>"Problem is what is 'chi'? How does Master Liao 'demonstrate' how chi should 'feel'? Alot of stuff that some people call 'chi', because they don't understand what is going on, is actually body mechanics, conditioning, etc.

So I think we should put some context around the examples.

Good thread, btw, not trying to poo poo it right off the bat.



Sorry, I haven't gotten the quote thing figured out.


What we did was we all gathered in a circle. Master Liao had us put our hands out in the tai chi ball stance, which is standing shoulder width apart, with our palms facing one another, perpendicular to the floor. Sort of like holding a beach ball in front of you. He placed his hands around my hands, without touching. Then he said, let me know when you feel something.


Mind you, I was a chi skeptic at this time. I could feel vague light buzzings, but nothing substantial.


What I did was try to keep an open, empty mind and a relaxed body. I was curious, but quite sceptical. What happened was it felt like suddenly I was hooked up to a power generator. When I was younger, I once grabbed a refrigerator that wasn't fully grounded, and was mildly electocuted. It was similar, but it felt good. It started out vague, then I felt a lot of pressure as though I was submerged under water. I said nothing, and the feelings got very strong. Then the pressure gave way and it felt like liquid electicity was flowing throughout my body, and it felt as real and vivid as an oak table. I also felt my lower dan tien and upper dan tien swelling and opening, and it was ecstatic. It also felt like there was a fine electrical wire connecting the two dan tiens. I felt giddy and high, and couldn't stop smiling. It also felt there was an actual ball between my hands.


The main thought I had was "Oh my God I can't beleive this is real!"


Master Liao said that the object was to cultivate oneself so that one could feel that way without a master "charging you up".


To some extent, we all feel chi: when we are well rested and feel alive. But this was magnified many times over. I would say chi is energy, much like electrical energy. I've been told that some people can hear it, some people can see it, but most feel it. When talking about chi, I mean feeling electrical energy with no technological source that feels as vivid as physical objects.


I agree with what you say, T. I firmly believe that most of the stuff on chi out there is imagined, wrong, or mistaken. Which is why I wanted to start a thread, to try to separate out the phonies. Now I'm not saying that Master Liao is the ONLY possible source of authentic chi exercises, just one. I think Wong Kiew Kit may be another, but I don't have direct experience and so I can't say. I hear Yan Xin does some amazing things, but once again, I don't have direct experience of it.

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This is a chi test.... fill one tea cup with some sand or dry dirt open eyes wide and blow into the cup. eyes fill with sand, chi in action


This is a chi test...put on blindfold because your eyes hurt after first test and face a wall. Have a willing partner stand behind you and throw tennis balls at you,after being hit many times you will start to move out of the way using magic chi ability, I mean natural ability of not wanting to be hit anymore.


This is a chi test... stay blindfolded and hold your hands out palms facing each other then have partner pass their hand in between yours, when you sense their hand clap it...


This is a chi test...fill a tire tube with chi and float down a river. then do not fill tire tube with chi and sink in the misery of uncertainty and confusion.


So many ways to use chi so little time. I demonstrate the line of ten or more people pushing against me. Using proper body mechanics in ward off I am not moved. The energy is like a boat riding on the waves a small adjustment by me sends the energy or force in another direction neutralizing it. When the wave has less force I push and knock the line down. when the wave is full of strength I pull and the line comes tumbling down. It looks cool but each person is neutralizing each others force so the strength of the whole line is not really being applied.


Ok last chi test, walk into a room you can tell if it is joyful or sad. when you look behind you and someone is looking at you, totally natural with no training.

Edited by Wu Ming Jen
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I healed my back, depression and seasonal allergy with qi and diet. It's been so great that I want to expand from just helping myself to helping others.

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With the success of acupuncture I find it is difficult to deny its existence. (As a few die-hard atheist friends of mine do).

(I'm not here to argue for its existence, simply the success of my experience).


I'm not sure where I 'stand' on the issue of Jedi-like feats with martial arts Masters. I would tend to be doubtful on these.

(I am a student of Master Florin - a 7th degree black belt and direct student of General Choi - originator and founder of Taekwon-do - and I have never come across the use of Qi to any of these fantastic abilities).


It tends to be an underlying principal rather than a magic-like power.

Edited by Seph

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Could you please elaborate on how your Asthma was cured?


Thanks :)


First of all, for clairity sake, my doctor describes my asthma as “cured”.

I'll wait and see, but I would prefer to say my asthma was treated with acupuncture.


An acupuncture session is 1 hour long.

I began, for the first month, having 2 sessions a week.

The next month it was 1 session a week.

Then once a month for the following 2 months.

Periodically throughout this 4 month period I took several herbal teas (Traditional Chinese Medinine). (Some were pretty bad :( )

Now I go once a year, just before winter for a “tune-up” (because of the cold weather in winter) and that's it.





from a more technical (TCM) point of view, my doctor said that I had a yang deficiency in my kidneys. (Can't tell you exactly what that means).

Edited by Seph

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Thank you Seph :D I may look into acupuncture for my asthma.

Word of advice.

Make sure you find a Dr. TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and acupuncturist.

I know many people who have tried acupuncture to no success, only to discover after some conversation that they didn't go to a TCM doctor. (You can get a weekend or week long 'course' on acupuncture and receive a certificate... not the real thing. I've had this same experience also).

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;) Once again thank you Seph,


Yes ive heard of acupuncturists that actually know very little about energetics - i think 2 schools have developed here in the west - Eastern & Western.


I will look for a TCM doctor.

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There is also "western acupuncture" that doesn't use the traditional points. Avoid that one like the plague!

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