
Castaneda/ finding your pace

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I read these books a long time ago. But every once in a while, a seed that don Juan Mateus planted in my soul bursts up from the ground. It happened today.


If you have read the books, do you remember the part somewhere don Juan was trying to get Carlos to 'find his pace?' and Carlos had no idea what he was talking about? Unless I'm mixing this up with another part, didn't Carlos run out into the desert on a moonless night trying all sorts of ridiculous paces until he came up that he thought was 'his'? If I recall, don Juan was in stitches.


I don't recall that the book ever came across with any sort of answer for Carlos. I suppose it was left to be inferred that he finally did find it. But I find that this is the magic of the Castaneda series - how often a question will much later be answered (or 'realized') in your heart, and you didn't realize the question was there!


Today I discovered my pace, without realizing it. Inadvertently. I was walking my dogs along a creek in the woods today; the wildflowers were just starting to come up, the place was full of bugs and birds and sounds of life everywhere. I watched a water snake make his way across the creek. Spring has finally arrived.


I was walking at a stroll, not a pace at all. I could smell every aroma in the air, feel the sun and shade alternately on my face. The bliss was indescribable in The Moment.


Is it possible that we all have the same pace, and that it's not a pace at all?


It's a stroll of appreciation?

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I read these books a long time ago. But every once in a while, a seed that don Juan Mateus planted in my soul bursts up from the ground. It happened today.


If you have read the books, do you remember the part somewhere don Juan was trying to get Carlos to 'find his pace?' and Carlos had no idea what he was talking about? Unless I'm mixing this up with another part, didn't Carlos run out into the desert on a moonless night trying all sorts of ridiculous paces until he came up that he thought was 'his'? If I recall, don Juan was in stitches.


I don't recall that the book ever came across with any sort of answer for Carlos. I suppose it was left to be inferred that he finally did find it. But I find that this is the magic of the Castaneda series - how often a question will much later be answered (or 'realized') in your heart, and you didn't realize the question was there!


Today I discovered my pace, without realizing it. Inadvertently. I was walking my dogs along a creek in the woods today; the wildflowers were just starting to come up, the place was full of bugs and birds and sounds of life everywhere. I watched a water snake make his way across the creek. Spring has finally arrived.


I was walking at a stroll, not a pace at all. I could smell every aroma in the air, feel the sun and shade alternately on my face. The bliss was indescribable in The Moment.


Is it possible that we all have the same pace, and that it's not a pace at all?


It's a stroll of appreciation?


IMO very few people are aware of their own pace of breath. From the moment of birth we gasp,...and begin a life breathing out of "pace" with our natural selves. Some suggest that harrmoneous breathing is the same for everyone,...a sort of Connected Breathing.


If you tell most people that they don't know how to breath, they will look at you in a "who the f are you" way,...and once upon a time I would have said the same,...until I happened upon the "Pace of Breath" at a 3 week Leonard Orr workshop in '94.


As a hike organizer, I'm quite familiar with peoples happy pace,...and how those with incompatible paces find hiking together very irritating.


I'm not suggesting that peoples happy pace is their natural pace, breathing, I don't feel people really uncover their natural pace until they uncover it. My guess would be that few every uncover it.

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The way I experienced it yesterday was the pace at which Here and Now was present - no hurry, just appreciation. It was that sudden awareness, the Here and Now-ness of my stroll, which suddenly struck me and reminded me of the enigma that Carlos Castaneda found when don Juan was challenging him to find his pace. I'm thinking now that don Juan wanted him to find the pace of Oneness - not hurried toward a destination or striving for something.


I could be dead wrong as to don Juan's intention, but it was just an odd juxtaposition in my mind when the moment of bliss occurred. It answered a question I must have had percolating in my mind for years but I was unaware of it. But the answer came in its own good time - if indeed that was don Juan's challenge. Maybe the pace he was looking for from Carlos was unhurried and unstriving and un-goal oriented.



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I usually walk very fast but lately I've found that I really like moving at a slow pace. Breath is naturally deep and posture starts correcting itself on it's own when I find it. Just my experience, don't know much about Castaneda.

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I usually walk very fast but lately I've found that I really like moving at a slow pace. Breath is naturally deep and posture starts correcting itself on it's own when I find it. Just my experience, don't know much about Castaneda.



I think you're experiencing what I'm talking about. Castaneda was taught by a master (nagual) of the Toltec tradition - Carlos Castaneda, his student, was a UCLA anthropologist working on a thesis about indigenous societies, or something similar. What he ended up finding instead was enlightenment, although in a different sense than he expected. He spent many years in the company of don Juan Mateus.


Carlos did what most of us would do - when asked to find his pace, he ran out into the desert and tried all sorts of paces or gaits on for size, trying to find 'his'. My point with this thread is that our 'gait' or pace, in a more metaphysical sense, (as don Juan Mateus would have intended it) it is perhaps the maximum pace at which one could feel At One With Everything. If we're walking at a hurried pace, our mind is elsewhere, not in the moment. Not in the Now.


If we are pacing for exercise, this is goal-oriented as well and staying in the Now would be difficult although probably possible; but I think that a well paced exercise walk would probably lose some of the awareness of what is in front of us Here and Now. The bugs, the bees, the sounds. It would take an adept one to maintain that kind of clip and still experience all the essence that nature has to offer.


I think I'm just talking about a plain old amble. An amble where everything is noticed, touched, and talked to. My other half had an interesting conversation with a centipede today.


I'll bet that's the pace that don Juan was trying to get out of Carlos after all was said, done, and laughed about.

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well, to express what may be an unwelcome viewpoint, I would take Castenada's writings with a kilo of salt. IMHO there are many compelling reasons to think that they are incredible works of fiction. His publishers don't agree, of course.


I think The wikipedia entry gives a reasonable overview of the controversy.


As far as I can tell, Castenada did very thorough research and used good primary sources for his early books.


I am not saying that you cannot profit from them, or that there is not profit to be had from them. I would suggest you use caution in taking them as a guide, that the most profit might be had by viewing the books as allegory.


Anyway, your mileage will vary.

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LOL - I get Prius mileage on Castaneda. Regardless of what others may think of him or what is written, he surely tapped into something. I will be real hard to convince one who has come up on the Castaneda path that he is all wet. He was just right for my mind at the time.


Getting back to the physical and metaphysical pace, it occurs to me that most religious icons, when you think of them, are in a stroll, aren't they? Is Buddha or Jesus ever pictured walking along at a fast clip? The Dalai Lama? The sage? What they all seem to have in common is their gentle and slow nature, that pace at which the Here and Now can be realized and appreciated.

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don't know much about Castaneda.


Don Juan Matus implied to anthropologist Carlos Castaneda that everything is the same thing; we simply view the same assemblage points from a different perspective and thus perceive differences. Perceived reality is always relative to our perceptions. Actual reality, that is, the way things actually are,...beyond all beliefs, much different than sensory based perceptions.


Don Juan was a nagual. Naga, meaning Wise Serpent, is one of the few words that span both centuries and continents. For instance, Nargals were Chaldean chiefs of the Magi, and Naguals were, and are, the title of the brujos of some tribes of Mexican Indians, dating back to at least Quetzlcoatl, the Plumed Serpent.

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I did read Journey to Ixtlan once on a train trip in late 90s. I took it as light reading from my parent's bookshelf when I was visiting them. The controversy seems pretty crazy. After I read Ixtlan I was warned by a friend who was into Castaneda that the later books were less reliable and something maybe had went seriously wrong for Castaneda at one point. I was into other things then so I avoided the whole deal.


I'm experimenting with some speed variation now that it's been brought up. I think atleast one guy thought I was crazy when I moved in slower than many grannies when he went past me. :)

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Don Juan Matus implied to anthropologist Carlos Castaneda that everything is the same thing; we simply view the same assemblage points from a different perspective and thus perceive differences. Perceived reality is always relative to our perceptions. Actual reality, that is, the way things actually are,...beyond all beliefs, much different than sensory based perceptions.


Don Juan was a nagual. Naga, meaning Wise Serpent, is one of the few words that span both centuries and continents. For instance, Nargals were Chaldean chiefs of the Magi, and Naguals were, and are, the title of the brujos of some tribes of Mexican Indians, dating back to at least Quetzlcoatl, the Plumed Serpent.

i always love your history! many arent versed in history and have no idea whats really going on and what happened...

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I did read Journey to Ixtlan once on a train trip in late 90s. I took it as light reading from my parent's bookshelf when I was visiting them. The controversy seems pretty crazy. After I read Ixtlan I was warned by a friend who was into Castaneda that the later books were less reliable and something maybe had went seriously wrong for Castaneda at one point. I was into other things then so I avoided the whole deal.


I'm experimenting with some speed variation now that it's been brought up. I think atleast one guy thought I was crazy when I moved in slower than many grannies when he went past me. :)


When living in Puerto Vallarta, I'd stopped at the plaza in Ixtlan every time I'd go to Guadalajara, and ponder on things. My favorite book however was The Art of Dreaming,...perhaps his 8th book.


“The mind cannot comprehend an entirely new idea until a corresponding vibratory brain cell has been prepared to receive it.” Charles F. Haanel

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In case there is a misunderstanding I'm not dismissing Castaneda. To explain, there's no doubt in me that you can make techniques work that are in the books(I've done the "hands" for awaking in dream). Back when I read JTI I was reminded about things I'd learnt or read from Mexican tradition as well as western esoterics. Many things felt authentic but like I said I was into other things back then that I was trying not to mix practices with each other.


The controversies are a different thing. Who knows what happened in there? It's possible my friend freaked out from hearing about these things and eventually got turned off to the whole thing.

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I don't want to defend Castaneda in this thread because when you've walked the path of the Toltec wisdom for many years, there is no doubt in your mind that there is incredible wisdom there. And as Marco said, it all involves developing a 360 degree perspective from one's own assemblage point.


The illusory thing about Castaneda is the seemingly simplistic stories - but one must stand back to see the connection between the teachings of don Juan to Carlos and see them for the metaphysical truths they contain. I guess it just depends on how your brain is set up. The books worked for me because my brain was left brained and logical before I got involved with Castaneda. His books helped me shake up my linear perspective and be more receptive to things unseen and illogical.


He taught Castaneda to Be Present. And to be impeccable. And to track his own behavior - all things that any viable path in the world will ultimately lead to as well. I always find it a little odd that often times don Juan would bring something up, like having Carlos recapitulate his life (similar to 'taking a personal inventory'), and Carlos would be working on his recapitulation for years. But the books never really came back and gave you the inner dynamics of Carlos' personal inventory; I suppose it would have taken a whole other book to record those results. But I suspect that many people miss this part, if they decide to pursue this path. A life recapitulation is not a great deal of fun but in my view absolutely essential to spiritual progress.

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Excuse me for the sidetracking. I didn't want to attack him either. I know there are many paths that really do work. My question is do I want to get where it leads? With Castaneda I don't know because my experience in it is limited. Some people would argue that all spiritual paths lead up the same mountain but I'm not that convinced.


I don't like relying on second hand sources and since we started on this sidepath maybe I'll read the books myself and see what they contain. Would Teachings of Don Juan be the place to start?

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My view is that we all have this wonderful spark within us that wants to get to full Awareness. We all have it, even if we're total deadbeats. The total deadbeats may have to recycle through a few times more.


Any path that takes you through yourself is going to result in self-awareness, self-realization. This is what the spark wants, for us to recognize it in its true form. I do think that all paths lead up the same mountain - even devil worship, if you want to get ridiculous; because devil worship will ultimately lead to the One as well, once the devil worshipper arrives at the realization that there is not Two, there is One. The devil worshipper would have to ultimately realize Love in the equation, as that's the underlying force.


The Castaneda path is the wisdom of the ancient Toltecs; that part of it that has survived to this day. It leads to the One as well. It is Tao in another form, the dynamic at work in a part of the world that didn't have privy to Lao Tzu. But it certainly takes you there.


I climbed up the Castaneda path (as well as the path of self-discovery through alcoholism recovery); I ran into a copy of the TTC at a yard sale and loved it - it perfectly meshed with my own understanding.


And they all meet at the intersection of Be Here Now and Love your brother as Yourself, in my view. Us old Castaneda hippies are well represented here.


Vaina - there would be no reason, with the understanding you possess, to go back and start a new path. Whatever you have done has put you right where you need to be, any more than I would decide to suddenly take up Buddhism and start all over again. Once the path has taken you to inner realization, this is where we all meet and what binds those that possess inner knowledge. It's all good - and I think the 'horses we rode in on' are merely different colors and breeds....but all horses none the less. In my view, the only 'wrong' path is the one that says all other paths are wrong.


To answer your original question, yes, the Teachings of don Juan would be a good place to start; all the books have the list of his writings inside the front cover. If you're interested in Castaneda, he's a hoot. What's good too is the further understanding gained on that path from subsequent shamanic writers like Ruiz or Ken Eagle Feather - which merge the original knowledge into more modern day terms and actually extends a little beyond Castaneda, IMO. If you're curious, have fun with it. You'll come to love the characters as your own family. A lady named 222 Buttocks, for example - although she loses a bit of weight and becomes a stone fox after she walks the path and sheds her excess illusion.

Edited by manitou
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I'm aware of the divine in every being and get along quite well with even the deadbeats. Sometimes I help them but even if I don't think I can help I try to be the friendly face that knows they're human and not some waste product. I've gone down a path leading to a dead end, that's why I'm a bit wary. But maybe getting burned is what I needed to start valuing life like I do now? It's a good argument you make.


Vaina - there would be no reason, with the understanding you possess, to go back and start a new path. Whatever you have done has put you right where you need to be, any more than I would decide to suddenly take up Buddhism and start all over again. Once the path has taken you to inner realization, this is where we all meet and what binds those that possess inner knowledge.


Yes. I understand there's no need to start over. Getting on the dao trail I felt the footing was firm ever since I started. I somehow knew I had to go this way. I've been reluctant to pick up extra baggage ever since.


The Castaneda path is the wisdom of the ancient Toltecs; that part of it that has survived to this day. It leads to the One as well. It is Tao in another form, the dynamic at work in a part of the world that didn't have privy to Lao Tzu. But it certainly takes you there.


I know it's been good to you and you have a no-nonsense attitude. I've come to the conclusion that there is only one real spirituality, but some religions and paths distort it. That's why I'm careful to see how clean it is instead of going in head first.


I have deep respect for Native traditions of the Americas like I do with with the Ancient Chinese and my own ancestors the Ancient Finns. If Castaneda is a representative of the tradition, I don't think I'll have problem learning from there. Atleast it sounds I will enjoy the stories no matter what I conclude in the end. :)

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A natural pace? As you enter your stillness within, float above the ground as that stillness reflects itself in the physical,...the whole world will move below you, in the next 24 hours. Imagine all the airfare you'll save.

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I climbed up the Castaneda path (as well as the path of self-discovery through alcoholism recovery); I ran into a copy of the TTC at a yard sale and loved it - it perfectly meshed with my own understanding.


Be careful of that, Gurdjieff said, our Chief Feature, that is, the number one obsticle to Truth Realization, is usually what we like best about ourselves,...which is to say, the the understanding arising from our 6 senses..

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Speaking of Mr. Mischief, (or Mr. G.) I'm thinking music could have some play or implications here, as in a fitting song and its "pace" for every situation and or the ability to transmute from same...

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A lot of fake gurus are cult leading sex abusers and Carlos was one of them as this documentary by the BBC exposes.


Glad to know people don't want to defend him. haha.


Personally I feel obligated to point out that the dude was abusive and the opposite of a real spiritual teacher.


Yes his books ripped off some other books that themselves were also rip offs!!


Check out all the Carlos fanatics in the comments - it's like Scientology!! haha.


There's tons of books detailing how Carlos was a fake.


Rodney Needham is my favorite on Carlos.


So people go -- so what Carlos wrote fiction!!


No - that's not my point - the dude was a power monger abusive cult leader.


He stole his "good" ideas from other books - forgery.



Finally, once you realize that when he writes "today I attended a Peyote ceremony" he actually refers to him sitting in the library reading about a Peyote ceremony, you get a lot of the debates prompted in the 1980s by Writing Culture, and in particular the way myth relates to everyday experience, writing and orality, etc.






Then some people say there would have to be proof that Carlos had "intent to deceive" -- well gee - he sure did deceive his cult of sex slaves.


Carlos Castaneda and the Suicide Women


Seriously are we not morally obligated to "out" this fake guru who was abusive to women?


It's like saying - ah but some people got good out of it (insert your fake spiritual abusive cult here).


there's tons of them. I could list some but once I got going.....



The five suicide women included two witches, a chacmool, the president of Castaneda’s company, and his adopted daughter/paramour.


So to be a real shaman in training there needs to be celibacy of the mind and body - but Castaneda was not that type of person.


He was a sex abuser.


More specifically male ejaculation addiction.


The dark legacy of Carlos Castaneda


So you judge a person by their words or by their actions?


haha. Ah such "pretty" words by Castaneda...





Castaneda’s frequent discussion of suicide in private group meetings. Achieving transcendence through a death nobly chosen, they maintain, had long been central to his teachings.


Nice! (not)


LIke Heaven's Gate!!



numerous internal contradictions in Castaneda’s field reports and the absence of convincing details.

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A lot of fake gurus are cult leading sex abusers and Carlos was one of them as this documentary by the BBC exposes.


Glad to know people don't want to defend him. haha.


Personally I feel obligated to point out that the dude was abusive and the opposite of a real spiritual teacher.


Yes his books ripped off some other books that themselves were also rip offs!!


Check out all the Carlos fanatics in the comments - it's like Scientology!! haha.


There's tons of books detailing how Carlos was a fake.


Rodney Needham is my favorite on Carlos.


So people go -- so what Carlos wrote fiction!!


No - that's not my point - the dude was a power monger abusive cult leader.


He stole his "good" ideas from other books - forgery.








Then some people say there would have to be proof that Carlos had "intent to deceive" -- well gee - he sure did deceive his cult of sex slaves.


Carlos Castaneda and the Suicide Women


Seriously are we not morally obligated to "out" this fake guru who was abusive to women?


It's like saying - ah but some people got good out of it (insert your fake spiritual abusive cult here).


there's tons of them. I could list some but once I got going.....




So to be a real shaman in training there needs to be celibacy of the mind and body - but Castaneda was not that type of person.


He was a sex abuser.


More specifically male ejaculation addiction.


The dark legacy of Carlos Castaneda


So you judge a person by their words or by their actions?


haha. Ah such "pretty" words by Castaneda...






Nice! (not)


LIke Heaven's Gate!!


I started laughing during the video when it was said that Castaneda didn't want to do any of the abstinence required of shamanic pilgrimage lol.


In my school there are a couple guys who are these yoga teachers and have their own gig and make this big deal about being teachers and how evolved they are, but they are actually pervs haha. Especially one of them, he always looks at the girls in school like a wolf licking his chops when seeing a lamb lol.


He was doing this meditation class at a Kava bar last fall and he invited me. The content was actually interesting as he was teaching these vedic planetary meditations to invoke the qi of various planets into your life to help you with specific issues. But having already been in a cult like church and having had that experience I am now super sensitive to anyone who wants to build a following based on a personality cult. Well this guy felt that way, so I quit going to his sessions. The girls can feel this too as I've actually had a few of them ask me to walk with them to their cars so he would not start trying to make the moves on them in the parking lot.


But like I said my church experience was much like that. Run by this narcissistic perv who had built himself a personality cult.

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I started laughing during the video when it was said that Castaneda didn't want to do any of the abstinence required of shamanic pilgrimage lol.


In my school there are a couple guys who are these yoga teachers and have their own gig and make this big deal about being teachers and how evolved they are, but they are actually pervs haha. Especially one of them, he always looks at the girls in school like a wolf licking his chops when seeing a lamb lol.


He was doing this meditation class at a Kava bar last fall and he invited me. The content was actually interesting as he was teaching these vedic planetary meditations to invoke the qi of various planets into your life to help you with specific issues. But having already been in a cult like church and having had that experience I am now super sensitive to anyone who wants to build a following based on a personality cult. Well this guy felt that way, so I quit going to his sessions. The girls can feel this too as I've actually had a few of them ask me to walk with them to their cars so he would not start trying to make the moves on them in the parking lot.


But like I said my church experience was much like that. Run by this narcissistic perv who had built himself a personality cult.


There is a dude on Realitysandwich who makes a big deal about how his dad was a fake Christian evangelical preacher who was all swarmy on the females. So then this dude, the son of the perv preacher, sets up this swarmy tantra tarot astrology business in NYC. haha. But no - he's not like his dad! haha. Of course no point in point it out. But that website was promoting Castaneda and the dude who was promoting Castaneda -- he has this fake spiritual cult and I was contacted by some of the former members -- basically he was getting all these young males to give him money for just these "secret" podcasts that were all slimey. His whole schtick was how he grew up uber-rich but he disowned his money but he is obsessed about how his family was basically satanic and his older brother is this famous "rich" writer in the U.K. - writing about his rich and decadent sex perv lifestyle. So this cult leader dude just obsesses over his rich brother who was sadistically incestuous with him.


I just told the dude - look you're not a spiritual leader - you were sexually abused by your brother - you're still not over it - and you are trying to do the same to other young males -- and you are promoting Castaneda who was also a sex abusive slimy cult leader.


Of course people freaked out about me going off - but see I could READ HIS ENERGY. haha. So I felt obligated to out this dude as a fake. So then he tried to do reverse psychology on me by trying the shame me.


Oh "now I am thinking of no longer publishing since you are being so critical of me!"


This was supposed to make me feel guilty or even better get a mob against me - how dare I victimize their spiritual leader who now may shut himself off from the world! hahaha.


I just said - GREAT I HOPE YOU DO STOP WRITING. haha. I told him to get some help, etc. And amazingly that was the last time he published on that website - thankfully.


Oh yeah then that website later on -- I can't even remember the reason - I was critiquing something else - and so they IP banned me. Big deal. But what was really funny is they went back to delete all my previous comments on that website.


Oh I think it was when I was critiquing Graham Hancock's censorship... whatever. But hilarious that Realitysandwich then censored all my comments -- like retroactive censorship. haha.


I had a professor try to do that to me once - I was so shocked I started tearing up. He claimed my string quartet transcription of a Schoenberg piano sonata was COMMUNIST. haha. Then he told me to redo my past assignments even though I had already been graded on them with As or Bs. The thing is I was a regular protester on the mall that was nearby the music composition building and he bragged how his department was aligned with the Ivy schools like Princeton, etc.


HILARIOUS. I just dropped out of that major as I knew the whole thing was a joke.

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Speaking of Mr. Mischief, (or Mr. G.) I'm thinking music could have some play or implications here, as in a fitting song and its "pace" for every situation and or the ability to transmute from same...


Remember, Mr G was big into "Stop Exercises?" That very well may be incorporated into his music,....sounds that lead you into a state of being, then stops.


Enlightenment within 2 years,...for sure,

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A lot of fake gurus are cult leading sex abusers and Carlos was one of them as this documentary by the BBC exposes.


Glad to know people don't want to defend him. haha.


Personally I feel obligated to point out that the dude was abusive and the opposite of a real spiritual teacher.


How does one recognize a Real Spiritual Teacher? They are as assassins of ego,...and the 6 senses.


Arthur Blessitt, Eric Yoffie, Damon Denson, David Barton, Jesse Duplantis, Ali al-Sistani, Thich Nhat Hanh, Leila Ahmed, Neale Donald Walsch, Joseph Ratzinger, Gibril Haddad,...all highly thought of as Top People by society,...and yet not a single Real Teacher among them. They tell their students what their students want to hear,...never the truth. They wouldn't recognize truth if it was in front of them,...which by the, it is..

Edited by Vmarco

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