
is it possible to see chi?

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is there anyway to train ones' self to actually see Chi? (or aura's or whatever you'd like to call it) I've heard stories of people who were born with the ability.. any insighT?

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The garden is meant to be viewed from a seated position on the veranda of the hōjō, the residence of the abbott of the monastery.[10]

The stones are placed so that the entire composition cannot be seen at once from the veranda. They are also arranged so that when looking at the garden from any angle (other than from above) only fourteen of the boulders are visible at one time. It is traditionally said that only through attaining enlightenment would one be able to view the fifteenth boulder.

Edited by Stosh
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bones are piezoelectric semiconductors - insulators before an energetic threshold is reached, conductive after it is breached.

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It's not an ability you are born with, anyone on earth can see yang chi if the master is developed enough to manifest, it looks like blue lightning (yes that sounds corny), it is an actual energy, it is what powers your consciousness itself, and you life processes. There is nothing supernatural about it.


Yin chi cannot be seen or experienced except by it's interactions with yang chi in the body, it is a passive field type energy that comes from the earth.


Almost all spirits are 100% pure yin chi, and we cannot "see them" as a result.


It is only when yin and yang have been fused as one inside the body that we can experience yin chi more directly.


The only exception to this is in the deepest states of trance possible, where your physical body would be pronounced clinically dead as your metabolism has slowed to such a degree.


is there anyway to train ones' self to actually see Chi? (or aura's or whatever you'd like to call it) I've heard stories of people who were born with the ability.. any insighT?

Edited by More_Pie_Guy
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Not in a direct way, same as we can't see electromagnetic waves with your plain eyesight. Chi is a consciousness energy. Energy with an intent. Usually, cultivators and people following the path of the Tao see and experience the chi energy in the form of white light as well as warm and cold sensations, during meditation. Don't underestimate the power of Chi because Chi is the only force that can transform your body (making your body healthier) in order for you to reach enlightenment. Enlightenment isn't just about the mind only. It is both the mind and body.

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People without their third eye opened can see qi as well, if the master is developed to the level needed to be an actual teacher.



People with opened third eye's can see qi.

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I think he's got a valid point, almost all teachers and systems are just make believe, only a handful worldwide are real and actually do anything at all. People lose their minds when you point this out, but it's also the reality of the situation.

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is there anyway to train ones' self to actually see Chi? (or aura's or whatever you'd like to call it)

Yes, Kap does and I would expect any complete system would too.

It's a shall we say side effect (like a sidi) more than an ability to search for.

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dbl post

Edited by Mal Stainkey

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Yes. But sometimes it is not so pleasant. If you want to see energy without going through the process of enlightenment and moving the mind. Go find major power lines and don't look at them directly. You will usually see a brown fuzzy aura around the power lines. Chi looks different and I have never seen it with my naked eyes.


Interesting enough, if everyone could see energy, people would easyily be able to see the nature of others and their true intentions.

Edited by DragonsNectar69k
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Can you tell me what is Chi Kung(qigong).....???



qi - energy


gong - work


so its working with your qi or energy.

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Yes, Kap does and I would expect any complete system would too.

It's a shall we say side effect (like a sidi) more than an ability to search for.

Ok, ok, what is aura? And different color auras are supposed to represent something? If so, why going through all the troubles trying to see the aura when you can just "know" what it is, such as one's personality and etc. :)

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Everyone can if the teacher is legit, and developed to a high enough level.



if everyone could see energy, people would easyily be able to see the nature of others and their true intentions.

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seeing it and interpreting it are 2 different things.

i think some of ya'll depend way too much on "teacher"

just play with it and experiment with it. keep an open mind

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qi - energy


gong - work


so its working with your qi or energy.


Thank you, this is more simpler than I thought.... :closedeyes:

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seeing it and interpreting it are 2 different things.

i think some of ya'll depend way too much on "teacher"

just play with it and experiment with it. keep an open mind


Yes, a teacher can only get one started, the progress was determined by one's intelligence and self intuition. A teacher cannot and will not stay with a student for life. Once the student had learnt the basics and practiced long enough, it is time to go on one's own for further comprehension and development.

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If so, why going through all the troubles trying to see the aura when you can just "know" what it is, such as one's personality and etc. :)

I feel "just knowing" is the correct path, rather than the "troubles of trying"


I'm not a teacher and I'm still learning. it's not something I "try" to do and my explanations could well be misleading rather than helpful

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any teacher better still be learning themself.

and dont go believing everything you read in the book either.

when your experience tells you one thing and the book says sth else,

who are you gonna trust?

nice thread i gtg , will return tomorrow, that qigong empowerment book tells how to get started seeing auras and stuff like that.

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To see qi, you have to stop that voice that tells you that you are only imagining things, or didn't really see that. Usually it's so ingrained that we don't even realize we are doing it, and we push it away within milliseconds. This helps us feel "safe" and in "control".


Meditation also helps a LOT. It is the most affective exercise I have ever seen for increasing the senses.


Another aspect is going with those "gut instincts" for awhile and seeing how amazingly accurate they are. Also standing in qi filled places such as near waterfalls or in forests.


Some see qi physically with their eyes, others "see" qi on a more psychic level. Others can physically feel it (especially those qi balls), and others just get a sense of it. Everyone is different in this sense.

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You don't need to stop or do anything to see qi from a legit master of a high enough level, any more than you need to do those things to see the light from the sun.





To see qi, you have to stop that voice that tells you that you are only imagining things, or didn't really see that. Usually it's so ingrained that we don't even realize we are doing it, and we push it away within milliseconds. This helps us feel "safe" and in "control".


Meditation also helps a LOT. It is the most affective exercise I have ever seen for increasing the senses.


Another aspect is going with those "gut instincts" for awhile and seeing how amazingly accurate they are. Also standing in qi filled places such as near waterfalls or in forests.


Some see qi physically with their eyes, others "see" qi on a more psychic level. Others can physically feel it (especially those qi balls), and others just get a sense of it. Everyone is different in this sense.

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