nine tailed fox

Negative Effects of New Age teachings

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well right now in my life i am in a very weird situation


i think too much, i am always thinking about something, worrying about little things


its a very weird feeling, its like nothing is good, something is missing


this feeling started about a month ago


i am feeling like nothing is good in life


i decide to meditate but cant do it regularly


i have decided many times to meditate only to stop it after few days


its summer vacations here and i decided before the vacations that i would work on myself but i am doing nothing right now


i am just too lazy, i find it more pleasurable to rest on bed


i think this is happening with me because i have procrastinated my spiritual practices many many and many times, may be it has created some weird neural connection in my brain lol


well thats the situation right now


now lets talk about new age teachings


i think new age teachings is having bad effect on me


new age teachings say that you thoughts have profound effect on your reality


if you think negative , it will happen and if you think positive it will happen


now the weirdest thing lol


my mind thinks those negative thoughts automatically which i dont wanna think , weird ehh ?


it could not have affected me before but now because i know these thoughts can become reality i am struggling to control these thoughts which is causing even more thoughts lol


its called the pink elephant effect


if i tell you not think about pink elephant, you will certainly think about it


i have read in some book that you should never make fun of someone's physical or mental disability, you might also get into that situation in future


so what happens with me is like this


i see someone who has some disability, and i know that i should not think about or compare myself to him


but on the contrary my mind will automatically start thinking about it


and than the worry starts because i should not have thought about it because it will cause bad things for me


its like i am always trying to control my mind because i fear that if i will think negative it will manifest in my life


Damn you New Age Bunnies

Edited by nine tailed fox

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well right now in my life i am in a very weird situation


i think too much, i am always thinking about something, worrying about little things


its a very weird feeling, its like nothing is good, something is missing


this feeling started about a month ago


i am feeling like nothing is good in life


i decide to meditate but cant do it regularly


i have decided many times to meditate only to stop it after few days


its summer vacations here and i decided before the vacations that i would work on myself but i am doing nothing right now


i am just too lazy, i find it more pleasurable to rest on bed


i think this is happening with me because i have procrastinated my spiritual practices many many and many times, may be it has created some weird neural connection in my brain lol


well thats the situation right now


now lets talk about new age teachings


i think new age teachings is having bad effect on me


new age teachings say that you thoughts have profound effect on your reality


if you think negative , it will happen and if you think positive it will happen


now the weirdest thing lol


my mind thinks those negative thoughts automatically which i dont wanna think , weird ehh ?


it could not have affected me before but now because i know these thoughts can become reality i am struggling to control these thoughts which is causing even more thoughts lol


its called the pink elephant effect


if i tell you not think about pink elephant, you will certainly think about it


i have read in some book that you should never make fun of someone's physical or mental disability, you might also get into that situation in future


so what happens with me is like this


i see someone who has some disability, and i know that i should not think about or compare myself to him


but on the contrary my mind will automatically start thinking about it


and than the worry starts because i should not have thought about it because it will cause bad things for me


its like i am always trying to control my mind because i fear that if i will think negative it will manifest in my life


Damn you New Age Bunnies

I'd say you need to work on your spleen due to the over thinking. The spleen healing sound is "hu"

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So what does this worrying have to do with New Age? You think a reptile is going to get you? :D

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You probably need something more powerful than new age teachings, something which is going to show you the illusion of all thought, rather than trying to discriminate which thoughts are better than others

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I have told many people that they think too much.


I guess I have to suggest that to you too.


Have you tried living naturally yet? You know, just going about doing unto others as you would have them do unto you?

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I think I will add this:


Thinking too much also allows us to begin establishing illusions and delusions in our mind. As we think upon these they gradually become real - a false reality.

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I think I will add this:


Thinking too much also allows us to begin establishing illusions and delusions in our mind. As we think upon these they gradually become real - a false reality.


There's nothing wrong with thinking if you do it properly. That means you have to follow through ideas and test them to destruction ... if they don't collapse under scrutiny keep them otherwise dispose of them quickly.


If a thought process is preventing someone from doing what they choose to do ... like sitting meditation more often then the thing to do is to examine the thoughts actively so that any flaw or inconsistency can be detected and then the pattern which has been built up will collapse. If you passively allow the thoughts to circle round in your mind then you can become trapped in an inertic loop which robs energy and leaves you passive. The thing to do then is to just will to break the pattern by doing something different and then you will be able to look back to see it for what it is. This will involve getting off your ass and stopping indulging. Possibly if the goal is more sitting meditation it will involve getting on your ass (LOL).

Edited by Apech
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Well, yeah, but I didn't want to get into all that. Hehehe.


Shucks! We could have had a long thread on this :)

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"The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts" is an infamous critique of New Age. The author concludes that "spirit guides" are actually hungry ghosts from Buddhism.

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My understanding is that there isn't anything wrong with any of your thoughts, it is just believing in your thoughts which causes you problems; believing that your thoughts about something are the same thing as the thing itself is the fundamental crux of the dream state most of us are in and trying to wake up from.


So from that perspective I think many of the New Age practices are just another way to keep you stuck in the drama of your mind and inevitable confusion, struggle and conflict that creates in you, as they maintain the delusion that you will find what you really want from that realm and it can make you happy.


Adyshanti says "There is no such thing as an absolutely True thought, this doesn’t mean that some thoughts are not truer than others, only that no thought is absolutely True" So if that is true and you are interested in reality and the potential peace that brings it might be useful to try see through the illusion that thought creates altogether, rather than go chasing certain thoughts and trying to get rid of others.

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The underline hardware and mechanism of producing thoughts are in our genes. The human genes are products of millions/billions years of evolution.


It's unrealistic and naive to believe that will power alone can change all that in a single life time.


"For decades, Kandel has studied how we create short-term and long-term memories at the molecular level. His work has shown what genes are changed during the learning process, how these genes are altered and how the changes contribute to the growth of new connections in the brain."


"But the remarkable thing that Darwin discovered is that evolution is very conservative. If it finds through natural selection that some set of mechanisms work, it tends to retain those mechanisms in perpetuity. And this is what one finds with the learning process"

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work the 12 steps of recovery. Don't think about it. Just do it.


Even if you think you don't have anything to recover from, it is a powerful template for taking you through yourself and out of your place of confusion and stucked-ness. Replace any mention of 'God' in the steps to a concept you can live with. Replace the word 'alcohol' with 'life' (or in your case, 'thinking').


It's just a question of getting yourself out of the way - new age thinking and old age thinking are not incongruous, they all lead to the same Awareness of Self and who we really are.

Edited by manitou
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I'd say flush the self help and new age books for a while and concentrate on a few simple things. Develop a couple of good habits. Start w/ getting up early and going for a walk. Consider it a number 1 priority. When you get back a good breakfast.


Make out a list of short term and long term goals. Keep the short term ones easy, detailed w/ when and where and do them. Cross them off the list daily. Keep it simple, simpler then you think but write'em in the morning, cross'em out at night. Get many easy consecutive successes under your belt. Build up momentum.


For 1 week you've gotten up early, big success. Doing easy exercise, even if its standing during commercial breaks, Success. Or maybe turn off the TV and meditate for 3 minutes then turn it back on. Begin to break an addiction to having your mind filled. If you think too much, lessen TV, radio, news. Start by telling yourself no reruns, no crappy shows or movies, only quality. When bored have a positive todo list to fall back on made just for that occassion.


Set yourself up for many easy successes. Crap I sound like another self help book myself. Still..develop good 'gateway' habits and you'll break the cycle you're in. 'Gateway' habits are ones that lead you to do the next thing, too often our gateways are bad. IE a late night cap leads to snacking on bad stuff, leads to poor sleep, leads to bad morning etc., The habit of working out leads to more energy, better sleep and better consciousness of our body, so we take better care of it.

Edited by thelerner
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some forms of new age "Buddhism" are at least a mixed bag, and can also be flushed.

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well so is there any program or something which can flush out ( :D ) these negative patterns of thoughts and habits from my system? and give me some control over my mind ?


as for negative patterns of habit


yesterday someone told me that if you are going to start a new work and electricity goes off, than you will not succeed in that work


now my mind somehow took this very seriously


and today when i was about to do something, lights went off lol (how powerful is our mind), and obviously i didnt do that work because of fear


i know omens are not true but our belief in them can make them true, but its easy to say than do


so you see i have become more vulnerable because of all this



i just wanna get free from all this

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now lets talk about new age teachings


i think new age teachings is having bad effect on me


new age teachings say that you thoughts have profound effect on your reality


if you think negative , it will happen and if you think positive it will happen


now the weirdest thing lol


my mind thinks those negative thoughts automatically which i dont wanna think , weird ehh ?


it could not have affected me before but now because i know these thoughts can become reality i am struggling to control these thoughts which is causing even more thoughts lol


its called the pink elephant effect


if i tell you not think about pink elephant, you will certainly think about it


For those negative thoughts, I'd try subliminal meditation to either block them or transform those negative thoughts into positive thoughts.


As for those New Age teachings, perhaps they are incompatible with your nature?


Interfaith, Syncretism, Universal Love: A Study Of New Age Taoism

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well so is there any program or something which can flush out ( :D ) these negative patterns of thoughts and habits from my system? and give me some control over my mind ?

Yes. It is a DOS function called "format". It wipes everything clean so one can start over.

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Dr. Christopher Hyatt created a system specifically for this purpose called Radical Undoing. He passed away a few years ago, but all of his material is available through The style of his work is not for everyone, but it is extremely effective for some people. If you check it out and are interested you might start with Undoing Yourself With Energized Mediation and Other Devices.


what a coincidence


when i read Marblehead's reply, his words just reminded me of radical undoing

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