nine tailed fox

Negative Effects of New Age teachings

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New age is a problem because it takes a little bit of this, a little bit of that, and puts it all togeteher in a mixing machine. Not that everything is wrong,


But, in any tradition, you have a specific way to achieve the goals. If you miss a step it can be pretty messed up.


You say you do mediation, ok, but what do you mean by that? Zazen, Vipassana, Zuowang, visualisation? These are just a few sitting practices, that we call "meditation".

Do you have a teacher? I no longer have one, but I used to. I think it is very important to have someone (in real, not just a book) to monitor you in the beginning. Find someone who has experience, and you would want to be like him later (internally, I mean)

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well so is there any program or something which can flush out ( :D ) these negative patterns of thoughts and habits from my system? and give me some control over my mind ?


as for negative patterns of habit


yesterday someone told me that if you are going to start a new work and electricity goes off, than you will not succeed in that work


now my mind somehow took this very seriously


and today when i was about to do something, lights went off lol (how powerful is our mind), and obviously i didnt do that work because of fear


i know omens are not true but our belief in them can make them true, but its easy to say than do


so you see i have become more vulnerable because of all this



i just wanna get free from all this

Flush negative thoughts? Are you fcking kidding me? Fck new age, they're all afraid of demons. Give them the message, love is so all inclusive, it even includes your self-exclusion, and watch them tremble in fear, and you will taste the joy of their terror. You don't even have to do a thing. Become one of us and you're free to be whoever the fck you wanna be. Now that's a positive thought! Work on your self? Pff.. Fck that sht! You don't need to work for a slavemaster! You can do whatever the FCK you want to do. You are the master of your life.


There are plenty of more fun things to do, besides what other people have told you can do. Don't let others define your spirit for you. You are your spirit, you say what is spiritual and what is not. You are alive, YOU ARE YOUR LIFE, YOU ARE THE MASTER OF YOUR DECISIONS. YOU GET TO CHOOSE ALL OF IT. You are free... If you want enlightenment, lighten up on yourself. Make peace with the mirror and accept what you see. Don't buy the judgement of other people. Then they will start buying your judgement.


Don't run away from negative thoughts. Let the chains of the negative thoughts pull you free you once again, you will find your truest purpose in the darkest of darkness. You will see, the escape route had been covered all along. Don't give up, brawl till the day you fall. Face your truth, don't shy away. You are who you are. I promise you, you will allways be who you are. Sometimes you just let yourself be more of who you are then other times.

Edited by Everything

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At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the 'flushing' program you seek is the 12 steps of recovery - it will give you a great start on removing your character defects so that truths can be more easily seen. This was a magic pill for me, my head was where yours is now - nothing but negative thoughts, and mine were hateful and homicidal as well. I was having daytime lucid dreams about going into the police station I worked at and blowing away everyone I saw with an M16.


This 12 step framework changed the negativism forever within my mind. It has worked for countless people - it would be a simple thing for you to try, and if it doesn't work, go to the next thing. But the steps have been working for folks since 1935 and the Oxford Group before that. It doesn't have to be used merely for recovery from addiction. They can be employed by anybody with a will to uncover their own character flaws. And the more character flaws we can remove, the more clarity we achieve because our visual 'lens' is no longer contorted.

Edited by manitou

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Just let go.. let go of beliefs and knowing.. be still and quiet, see/experience what is actually happening.. when 'that which is' is seen/experienced without the distortions of beliefs and knowings all else resolves into clarity.. when 'that which is', 'isness', is seen/experienced, that which is 'you' will adapt into resonance with what is actually happening.. this cannot happen while 'you' are attached to beliefs and knowings.. letting go is liberation, and liberation is frightening to those still attached to beliefs and knowings..


Be well..

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what "new age" stuff? much of it is thousands of years old, just repackaged.

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what "new age" stuff? much of it is thousands of years old, just repackaged.

Too many people are attached to the 'packaging', and miss the 'stuff'..


Be well..

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Kriya yoga of Lahiri Mahasaya is a New Age tradition that can be flushed.

Why is that? Could you expand upn your comment?

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At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the 'flushing' program you seek is the 12 steps of recovery - it will give you a great start on removing your character defects so that truths can be more easily seen. This was a magic pill for me, my head was where yours is now - nothing but negative thoughts, and mine were hateful and homicidal as well. I was having daytime lucid dreams about going into the police station I worked at and blowing away everyone I saw with an M16.


This 12 step framework changed the negativism forever within my mind. It has worked for countless people - it would be a simple thing for you to try, and if it doesn't work, go to the next thing. But the steps have been working for folks since 1935 and the Oxford Group before that. It doesn't have to be used merely for recovery from addiction. They can be employed by anybody with a will to uncover their own character flaws. And the more character flaws we can remove, the more clarity we achieve because our visual 'lens' is no longer contorted.

I actually never got drunk in my life, and look at the purity of these 12 steps, it was created by alcoholics, god bless alcohol. I should really start drinking now.


Step one: I admit, Alcohol fcking numbs me to all the fcking bullsht of this world. I love alcohol, and I can't help but drink alcohol and without alcohol, I cannot be happy.


Wait, I don't even like alcohol... Like what am I suppose to drink now? :lol:


You think red whine is a good start? :)

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I actually never got drunk in my life, and look at the purity of these 12 steps, it was created by alcoholics, god bless alcohol. I should really start drinking now.


Step one: I admit, Alcohol fcking numbs me to all the fcking bullsht of this world. I love alcohol, and I can't help but drink alcohol and without alcohol, I cannot be happy.


Wait, I don't even like alcohol... Like what am I suppose to drink now? :lol:


You think red whine is a good start? :)



What a quagmire, lol! yes, do become a degenerate now so that you can recover later. Worked for me. I think what I was trying to say is that it's just a way of discovering your own character. Not all steps would pertain to someone on TTB's that didn't have an alcohol or addiction problem. Step 4, for example, is the one where we make a list of our character defects. Step 5 is where you communicate those defects to someone you trust, a humbling experience to be sure. One of the later steps (can't remember which) one must make amends to the people we harmed (that we uncovered in step four). Step 11 is to continue to take personal inventory and when wrong promptly admitted it.


That's it. Nothing about alcohol. But a powerful and organized tool it is.


And yes - red whine would be a good place to start.

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what a coincidence


when i read Marblehead's reply, his words just reminded me of radical undoing


Then DO it! Stop thinking and start FEELING. Break those muscles down and then sense and feel your body. I assume you also know the You Meditation? If not, pm me.

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well right now in my life i am in a very weird situation


i think too much, i am always thinking about something, worrying about little things


Stop thinking about everything. As Bob Marley said, "Don't worry about a thing,

'Cause every little thing gonna be all right..."


Seriously though, there isn't necessarily a direct causal relationship between thoughts and results.


When you meditate, don't worry about the results. Don't worry about whether or not you can even get into a meditative state. If you need to, just sit and listen to music, or go for a walk in the park. Many religious traditions have 'walking meditation' of sorts, just go out into nature and learn to appreciate the little things.


Meditation, mindfullness, and enlightenment only come with practice, and often realizations about the world and ourselves come only by accident. Even experienced meditators may only have an 'experience' one time out of 10. Baby steps, if you can't meditate, learn to relax. Don't think about meditation. And then in time, you may come back to it with better results.

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"The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts" is an infamous critique of New Age. The author concludes that "spirit guides" are actually hungry ghosts from Buddhism.


really ? you mean abraham hicks, bashar and seth type of beings ?

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really ? you mean abraham hicks, bashar and seth type of beings ?


Yes those. Plus the personal "spirit guides" of many New Agers. The author of the book committed suicide, as he was driven insane by these hungry ghosts.

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