nine tailed fox

free will is BS

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How can I take a trip to Neptune?

To the best of my recall there has been only one craft that got close enough to that planet to drop you off. You missed your chance.

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temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy of the atoms not electrons.

Thanks. I knew someone would come around and keep me honest.

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actually its 2.7 degrees kelvin above absolute zero because of the background radiation from the Big Bang.

Without looking I will just accept this as fact.

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Thanks. I knew someone would come around and keep me honest.


I think you were honest anyway :)

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Without looking I will just accept this as fact.


Its microwave radiation ... you can't see it ... and it won't cook your pop-corn either :)

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Probably wouldn't broil my crawfish either then.




Nope ... I checked no crawfish that I can see ...

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Thanks, Cat, for the information on Dieter Broers and the Solar Revolution. The clip didn't play when I tried (copywrite problems?) but I did get on his website. If All Is One and reversion is the action of the Tao, then perhaps the sun is the very thing we 'revert' to, as part of the One. If the sun is acting up in some different ways, then who's to say this isn't affecting our mentality?


All I can speak for is myself. There are new neural pathways being created, I can feel them being created, and they lead to some interesting places. My guess is that you are experiencing the same.

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Thanks, Cat, for the information on Dieter Broers and the Solar Revolution. The clip didn't play when I tried (copywrite problems?) but I did get on his website. If All Is One and reversion is the action of the Tao, then perhaps the sun is the very thing we 'revert' to, as part of the One.


We're much bigger than sun. We're the universe and more.

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We're much bigger than sun. We're the universe and more.

Did you know that after the Big Bang hydrogen was the first element formed?

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Ahh Material. Ummm. Hrmmm. The Big Bang is great. Two celestial beings were BANGING and then BOOM. :P

One could look at it that way, I suppose.

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So you think your whole life is a lie and a dream? When you wake up from this "bad dream", your real splendid identidy will be revailed to you?


Dream on.


Of course not,...thinking such stuff is a delusion. However, once you cease thinking,...because thinking can NEVER be in present, become aware that the life of thinking is actually a dream, and yes, a lie, in false,...the way things are not.


When you cease thinking, and become aware of the Tao, you simultaneously are aware that this is a dream. You CANNOT become aware of the Tao while in the dream,...the dream has nothing to do with Tao,....except in that the dream effects its motions upon the Tao, a lever effects its motion upon a seesaw fulcrum. The fulcrum does not make the lever move,...nor is the lever part of the fulcrum. Of course, one must wake up as to the illusion of the lever first.

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Atoms become excited as radiation strikes them and begin to move faster. The slower a group of atoms move the "colder" they seem. The faster they move the "hotter" they seem.

Couldn't pass up the opportunity.


"As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such." Max Planck, Nobel laureate


As for Planets....


For anyone to say that the planets around us do not exert forces, albeit subtle, is like saying that the seasons do not affect the clothes that we wear or the foods that we crave. It would be like claiming that our moon has nothing to do with ocean’s tides or that the orbital distribution of electrons within an atom does not influence its nucleus. Viewing astrology only through the blinders of a sciential point of view, instead of through the point of view of what is being observed, is paralogical.


To differentiate my assessment of astrology from a relative perspective, consider Bode’s law. If the earth were one measure from the Sun, then Mars would be 1.5, the asteroid belt 2.5, Jupiter 5, and Saturn 9.5, relationships less in relative distance than the particles within the volumes of many atoms.


Of course, Planck suggested,...atoms don't exist.

Edited by Vmarco
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Did you know that after the Big Bang hydrogen was the first element formed?


I wonder how Cosmologists Steven Hawking and Jim Hartle would respond to that? In their No-Boundary theory, they said that since time loses characteristics that separate it from space, the concept of a beginning in time becomes meaningless. There is no BigBang, no singularity, creation or creator, because there is no time.


Lao Tzu would have like Steven Hawking and Jim Hartle.

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We're much bigger than sun. We're the universe and more.

But what if all the suns were the same essence? That suns everywhere are the very same substance and thereby part of the All? That the Idea is the same in each universe, only in some universes there does not 'appear' to be life. And what if there is life all over the place but our particular sensory set-ups just don't see, hear, or smell it?


God, I love this stuff. This is the only place you can conjecture stuff like this and not get locked up.

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But what if all the suns were the same essence? That suns everywhere are the very same substance and thereby part of the All? That the Idea is the same in each universe, only in some universes there does not 'appear' to be life. And what if there is life all over the place but our particular sensory set-ups just don't see, hear, or smell it?


God, I love this stuff. This is the only place you can conjecture stuff like this and not get locked up.


I was just contemplating in another thread yesterday that in Buddhist cosmology the various god realms are described as being as far "above" the earth as the distances to the various planets. This caused me to ponder if there is "life" on the other planets, but just in a form that we can not realize. Could that possibly explain why the Romans associated various planets with various gods?

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I wonder how Cosmologists Steven Hawking and Jim Hartle would respond to that? In their No-Boundary theory, they said that since time loses characteristics that separate it from space, the concept of a beginning in time becomes meaningless. There is no BigBang, no singularity, creation or creator, because there is no time.


Lao Tzu would have like Steven Hawking and Jim Hartle.

Hehehe. Well, Mr. Hawking has gotten things wrong before. Don't know, to my recall, Hartle so I can't speak to him. Yes, all those folks who like string theory want to discard what other physicists have established. As soon as they actually present a theory and construct that I can accept I might start listening to them a little more.


And BTW, I do exist and so does my chair. I'm not sure about you and your chair though.

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For me, considering that (based on current math), somewhere in the neighborhood of 90-95% of our universe is dark matter/energy, that as to yet, we can in no way interact with on sensory level, nor with technology.


We only perceive a tiny sliver of what exists. The stories of higher planes, god realms of higher vibration all gain potential for plausible existence for me, especially based on the plethora of anecdotal evidence by high level practitioners, enlightened beings and random accident induced visitors of encounters with such.


I find it very plausible that there are life forms and energy patterns existing all around us, but I remain rather agnostic. Open to the potential but I'm not running around proclaiming it as belief. Perhaps through practice...


Sort of like fish, unaware of the micro-organisms that infuse the water they breath live and die in.

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I rarely deny the possibility of the existence of stuff we cannot detect yet. But there are other things that just don't sit well in my mind and there is no proof for or against so I just write these off as non-existant.


I did hear last night that the science community has accepted, in general, that one of them has detected dark matter and he even won a Noble Prize for his discovery.

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I rarely deny the possibility of the existence of stuff we cannot detect yet. But there are other things that just don't sit well in my mind and there is no proof for or against so I just write these off as non-existant.


I did hear last night that the science community has accepted, in general, that one of them has detected dark matter and he even won a Noble Prize for his discovery.


I discovered some dark chocolate ... do I get Nobel prize?

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I discovered some dark chocolate ... do I get Nobel prize?

No. You get the Noble Prize. I did misspell that, didn't I?

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