Rebel Emperor

How would YOU overthrow the System and which country to begin in?

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but i am getting closer and closer to complete contentment. what happens when i reach it? do i just wallow in it until i die? i hope you understand that this is non-fear of death and not just regular fear of life.

What do we do when we attain contentment? Keep on living. And be sure, someone will come along and fuck your contentment up and you will have to start all over again. Hehehe.


Yeah, we keep on living because there is nothing else for us to do. And we can share our contentment with others. Sharing is nice.


No need to fear death. It will get your ass one day. That is a promise. But no need to rush it.


Yes, there can be such a thing as a fear of life. Fear of the pain and suffering life affords. We will have the pains, can't avoid that. We can avoid suffering though. Contentment will allow that.

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i find it very funny when people say tv is a distraction, because i actually enjoy some tv programs. If i didn't have all of these distractions i would probably spend more time on meditation, but i certainly wouldn't be running out trying to physically "overthrow" anything

I enjoy my TV as well. It is for the evening after all else has been done for the day and I'm not tired enough to go to bed and sleep.


Yes, I pretty much stay within my physical world. But you are young, you should get out often and experience life.

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if i don't need to share the contentment and i get rid of the want to do so, my question still stands:


what is it that will make me want to bother with it after i have worked so hard to dissolve all wants?

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people keep telling me this, i just don't see why

To experience life!!!!! That's why. Who knows? You might actually have a pleasant experience and end up feeling warm and fuzzy all over.

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if i don't need to share the contentment and i get rid of the want to do so, my question still stands:


what is it that will make me want to bother with it after i have worked so hard to dissolve all wants?

Dissolve all wants? What are you talking about??? Have you been reading Buddhist stuff again? Shame on you.


I wanted a tool that I didn't have so I could work better on the project I am working on today. So I stopped working, jumped into my car, drove to my closest tool store, bought myself a new tool, returned home and put it to work. Worked much better than the other tool I was trying to use for the job.


There is nothing wrong with wanting. There is nothing wrong with having material comfort. There is nothing wrong with have a real life.

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i don't dissolve wants because someone told me it was the right thing to do. i dissolve wants because i genuinely recognize that they create suffering. it is something you kinda have to do if you want to be a happy poor person :lol:


ooo! the want to be a happy person, the last thing on my list of things to get rid of!

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i don't dissolve wants because someone told me it was the right thing to do. i dissolve wants because i genuinely recognize that they create suffering. it is something you kinda have to do if you want to be a happy poor person :lol:


ooo! the want to be a happy person, the last thing on my list of things to get rid of!

Hehehe. So you want to be a sad, sorry ass MF?

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nah, more like neutral with a slight lean towards happy ^_^

Hehehe. I think you are just delusional regarding your life. You know how to have fun. You can make a joke and you can take a joke. You'll be alright once you get beyond the confusion you have experienced recently. I would even bet that there is someone waiting for you to make the first move toward a new friendship.

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Anyhow, between taking breaks at the computer I did get my project for the day completed. Actually, it was just one phase of many phases of a project. The project is still on-going. More work for tomorrow.

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Hehehe. I think you are just delusional regarding your life. You know how to have fun. You can make a joke and you can take a joke. You'll be alright once you get beyond the confusion you have experienced recently.

yeah, there is a good chance i am just completely delusional. :) a lot of confusion recently


I would even bet that there is someone waiting for you to make the first move toward a new friendship.

if there is, then they need to speak up! i am so dense when it comes to social norms and taking initiative. i have no idea who they might be :P

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Simple. Begin first with yourself. Than, the country you are living in. After all, you are liberated from your surrounding first. Don't be silly and being an armchair rebel talking about overthrowing a system or a way of life in another country which is different than your own. You always begin with your own surrounding first.

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If you reduce the problems obscuring the Birthing of Human Beingness sufficiently enough, the key is he obliteration of Christianity,...I'd say that England would be the best Country to penetrate the Christian meme,...totally annilating this hideous virus,...and the rest of the World could not ignore it. As the delusion of Christianity falls,...Islam and Judeaism will collapse behind. Only then,...IMO,...following the collapse of theism,...can an enlightened World arise

How very bodhisattvic of you !

A real Buddhist would never think like this.

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How very bodhisattvic of you !

A real Buddhist would never think like this.

Actually, a real Buddhist would realize that even without religions, the human mind in general would still be subjected to the illusions of the 5 senses. :)

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How very bodhisattvic of you !

A real Buddhist would never think like this.


Ah! never read the Kalachakra....or maybe Buddha wasn't a real Buddhist,...probably not. Buddha was irreligious.


“Do not accept anything by mere tradition. . . Do not accept anything just because it accords with your scriptures. . . Do not accept anything merely because it agrees with your preconceived notions.”




Buddhists talk of the legend of Shambhala and a holy war to move humanity beyond faith-based ideas of good and evil. Shakyamuni Buddha predicted that a holy war would take place among humanity. Many say this war is near. A worldwide inner battle, and subsequent outer one, advancing an age of authentic spiritual consciousness. They say that the days of the Abrahamic meme-plex are numbered. Could the virus of Christianity be consigned to the back walls of museums in our generation?


Tens of thousands of Buddhists have actually been instructed about the holy war through presentations of the Kalachakra initiation, a path to the birthing of spiritual beingness, which at its heart is an empowerment to elevate the precepts of love and compassion as per the teachings of the Vajradhara. The Kalachakra initiation is meant to plant a seed of a love that is not based on the insanity of fear and hope. It inspirits a fierce compassion that shines its light on every pile of shit, even the largest, that of Christianity.


The Kalachakra initiation is a confirmation, an affirmation and a pledge to support the Shambhala war and to participate in the co-creation of peace on earth—a genuine peace that will reveal Shambhala. This is not a symbolic war, but an inner spiritual battle that will project to the outer. The inner always projects to the outer, and the outer is always a mirror image of the inner. The initiation is a commitment of true compassion that arises from the vow to liberate all sentient beings from their attachment to sentience,....not tolerating beliefs and continuing suffering.


In a not too often discussed aspect of Buddhism, lamas spend years developing spiritual awareness in preparation for a journey to Shambhala, an invisible, hidden kingdom—a place of shamatha, where all have a full-spectrum consciousness of self. Shambhala is hidden because the world-at-large is attached to the insanity of religions and beliefs. If religionists knew of the existence of Shambhala, they would seek to destroy it in the name of their god.

There a way to be FOR Non-theism without being AGAINST theism? Ghandhi was never against Britain, he was just for Indian Home Rule. Britain's once dominance over India and the Christian meme are not two different things though.. The Christian meme is a disease, the most series vile virus ever to afflict humanity, even worse than the other Abrahamic illnesses, and all known cancers combined. For the afflicted, they cling to this disease for their identity, obliviously ignorant of their insanity and the malignancy they sustain and propogate.

Buddhism says that True Compassion does "not discriminate whether to reflect on a pile of shit or on a pile of rock or on a pile of diamonds. It reflects on everything it faces.” The existence of the Abrahamic religions is proof that there has been little true compassion in the world. The Buddhists talk of the legend of Shambhala and a holy war to move humanity beyond faith-based ideas of good and evil. Many say this war is near. A worldwide inner battle, subsequent outer one, advancing an age of authentic spiritual consciousness. They say that the days of the Abrahamic meme-plex are numbered. Could the virus of Christianity be consigned to the back walls of museums in our generation?


A true Bodhisattva is intolerant of anything that steps between people and their direct experience,...people are not the cancer of their beliefs.



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Actually, a real Buddhist would realize that even without religions, the human mind in general would still be subjected to the illusions of the 5 senses. :)


A real Buddhist is one who recognizes the problem of the 6 senses,...only egoists separate the brain from the other senses.


The reality of this duality is that there is going to be no shift towards the Birthing of Human Beingness as long as the cancer of religion persists.

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Nice to see you still have this special love for Christianity Vmarco. At least you are consistent.


I love people,...and because I love people, I do all I can to help ease their suffering,...even the cancers, like Christianity, which they cling to for their identity. A Christian is not the disease of Christianity, just as a woman with breast cancer is not Breast Cancer. I love the woman with beast cancer, but am intolerant of the breast cancer.

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Christianity is already on it's last legs over here. The trouble is, it's being replaced with aggressive evangelical atheism.


To shift from one cancer to another, is not getting rid of the cancer. I have pondered upon the atheist movement,...the attachment to no god for one's identity. If it ever came to pass of them (the religion of atheism) having the control that the Abrahamic religions, we would surely be in a sad state.

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If I had godlike powers? Make sure every child born from that point on had a 150+ IQ, and wait.


My answer is identical! The root of all problems in this world is the average IQ. The average ability to recognize connections and the average ability of imagination (to recognize implications how things will most likely develop further) are pathetic.


LOL! MPG, I guess you know why you had to cut the John Chang video into a "readers digest" version, hahaha! And even that will overburden 99% of the viewers! Have you further asked the average viewers what they think about the implications of that video, haha?

Edited by Dorian Black
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My answer is identical! The root of all problems in this world is the average IQ. The average ability to recognize connections and the average ability of imagination (to recognize implications how things will most likely develop further) are pathetic.


LOL! MPG, I guess you know why you had to cut the John Chang video into a "readers digest" version, hahaha! And even that will overburden 99% of the viewers! Have you further asked the average viewers what they think about the implications of that video, haha?

What about the evil genius then?

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What about the evil genius then?


LOL! What do you mean with that besides a pop culture archetype...?

Edited by Dorian Black

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Lol @ thinking middle east and asia are enlightened areas.

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