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I wish they would find the bloody labyrinth already.. There is said to be statues of the Pharaohs of old. Supposedly the Pharaohs of old were hermaphrodites, a-sexual, imagine those powers? haaha

Edited by DragonsNectar69k

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post by Mark Foote




"The Gospel According to Thomas" is an amazing book, I think. There are statements in there that echo other teachers around the world, but stated in a very unique way. There was someone who was an amazing teacher, I'm sure of that. Here's a favorite:


They said to Him: Shall we then, being children,

enter the Kingdom? Jesus said to them:

When you make the two one, and

when you make the inner as the outer

and the outer as the inner and the above

as the below,
and when

you make the male and the female into a single one,

so that the male will not be male and

the female (not) be female, when you make

eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand

in the place of a hand, and a foot in the place

of a foot, (and) an image in the place of an image,

then shall you enter [the Kingdom].


(The Gospel According to Thomas, coptic text established and translated by A. Guillaumont, H.-CH. Puech, G. Quispel, W. Till and Yassah ‘Abd Al Masih, pg 18-19 log. 22, ©1959 E. J. Brill)


I attempt an explanation, here:


Read the New Testament & forget the so called "Gospel of Thomas"


There's enough in the Tanakh & New Testament combined to confound you!


BTW, you might want to pick up F.F. Bruce's "Are the N.T. documents reliable?"


"Biblical Archaeology" dated but good.

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Asexual hermaphrodites? Were they one being, or two beings fused into one? or.. what?


Supposedly these beings were hermaphrodites in the flesh.


But I am guessing this could be talking about Kundalini and shakti lines in the body. Male and female.

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