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Hi guys.

Serious stuff happening here.

I have entered a period of deep healing and some things have been happening to me.

I am learning to remove blockages in my mind, and as soon as I do this I have direct physical reactions. I have on occassion started small convulsions when i am able to concentrate on the freed parts of my mind/self.

I was watching this stupid movie. It triggered some emotions. Throughout the day I had been going removing blockages and going into a more free state. Once the emotions were triggered I started convulsing alot. More than in the past, and much more uncontrollable. I cried a bit too. That only happens when some significant energy is moving.

Any ideas what's goin on? The obvious thing from my perspective is that I am moving some really old blockages and a lot of energy is moving.

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I'd say it is rather good: you're cleaning your energy system, it's pretty normal. Just a step, not always a funny one...

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