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Hello everyone. I discovered this site when searching for some Taoist prayers.


I am Vaishnava Hindu, devotee of Vishnu (aka Krishna aka Rama aka Narasimha, my three favorite forms) but I incorporate elements of Mahāyana Buddhism (leaning towards Tibetan) and now learning about Taoism. I find there are elements of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism that are not incompatible, and in fact are just different, complementary, supplementary and augmentative. I find this to be the case in my own practice. Why? Because I'm the kind of person who takes a broad view and likes the color and richness each of them brings to me. I have my main shrine that is Hindu where I conduct my primary sādhanā, but I also have small Taoist and Buddhist altars where I also make offerings. Unfortunately I've been called "neo-Hindu", "universalist" and said to have a "dangerous touchy-feely salad bar mentality". I don't think so because as the verse in the Rig Veda goes, "One truth the wise know by many names".


Anyway, I have read parts of the Tao Te Ching, but not all of it yet. I like what it says, in that it's not unlike many vedic concepts. I liken the Tao to nirguna Brahman, which is ineffable. Describing it is a waste of time, as it cannot be done. I believe there's been a lot of "cross-pollination" between Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. I recently learned that the Jade Emperor is the protector of the Buddha dharma. He’s called Lord Śakra or Indra in Hinduism, Indra being the king of the devas and the celestial realm in Hinduism.


I recently found the Jade Emperor Heart Seal Sutra and the Eight Spiritual Mantras. I am wondering if it is all right to recite these, not because they conflict or contradict anything in Hinduism or Buddhism (I don't think they do), but because I need some sort of initiation or empowerment? Or are they open to anyone?


I may or may not have a lot to say on the forums, but I know I'll learn a lot from reading. :)



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Welcome to the forum Jainarayan. It's always fun when you can find connections between traditions. :)


My 2 cents, Peace

Edited by OldGreen

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Btw, I know that you have to have 5 posts before accessing the entire site, but does that apply to updating my profile? It seems I can't add any info to it, add an avatar pic or a signature. I like to make my profiles "homey". Thanks.

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Thanks. I noticed that as soon as I made the 5th post, things worked. I know about the 22 posts before signature allowed thing too.

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