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MindBend regarding Manifestation: I wonder... do Sutras only work in Hindu or can they be spoken in any language?

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Dear Ones,


there are far greater things than only language alone behind what we (try to) manifest (each day) in our life.


I am not yet fully aware of it but I know that for the unconscious part, when we do not have a precise knowing what parts of our body are used for doing so, so we can not yet do it purely from our minds, always coming out of our heart, then we do it with voice. These tones, these vibrations are then understood as a code by our spirit with the propper intention behind it that the certain tone already has created (without the mind) in certain areas of our bodies.


As far as I know the vowels alone play a major role in it. What I am yet to figure out


If you think I am nuts, thats okay for the time of being - if you dont understand what I have just written, that is fine aswell. Lets continue


My question then is: Do Sutras only work in Hindu or can they be performed in any other language using only what we wish to change?


For example like written in the topic bellow regarding eating. The translation of this sutra was: "throat, hunger, thirst, overcome."


My information up to this point for mental manifestation includes the actual Mental Body, the Emotional Body and the Physical Body in order to manifest precisely but With a Dual Aspect. Leave your fingers off of it, it's just a demonstration.

  • Throat = bodily ergo Physical - being aware of the throat, feeling the throat (merging with emotions) and more
  • Hunger, Thirst = Emotional - feeling the hunger, feeling the thirst, knowing where it is located and what it actually does (merging with the physical location and with the mental idea behind it)
  • Overcome = Mental - the intention what you want to do with it and how the state of having successfully done it will feel like (wrap it up) both emotionally and physically

If it is possible to formulate this from the heart it might be instant, if we can locate it more precisely. The more precisely such a thing is formulate, the more "instant" it is. That means, the more knowledge you have about how manifestation works, the faster time and events are bridged. The less repetitions needed


But again, the wholesome method is only from the heart. From the brain, you get the opposite right with it.


Has anyone deeper information on this? Really curious...


Kind regards.

Edited by 4bsolute

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