
Does the order what leg is over another leg matter in Full Lotus regarding the Energie Flow?

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::: It seems like that the right foot has to go over the left leg first. Energy in a possitve flow always flows from the right over to the left. The thumb-rule how chakras rotate is always to what location you put your thumb, the fingers on the hand circle. It is always from the right over to the left. So better follow this, I do not want anyone to drain himself accidently with a negative flow of energy :::


Dear Ones,


like the topic says...


is there a male and/or a female posture? I am yet to convert from half- to full-lotus.


Kind regards.

Edited by 4bsolute

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Half or full lotus has nothing to do with the energy flow. It is only a matter of capability of the practitioners can they do it or not.

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Everything is energy!


That's what qigong master Jim Nance says in the interview -


"if we define it as posture we move it one step away from it all being energy.


When you see it as energy you don't limit it to a certain form.


Full lotus is definitely about purifiying your energy.


If you hold the posture and hold still in that posture your energy will purify itself."




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Everything is energy!


That's what qigong master Jim Nance says in the interview -


Everything to a westerner is energy but qigong is the ultimate method of breathing to a Chinese Chi Kung master.

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Lotus or crane for sitting, the main reason why is because it slows down blood flow in the main blood vessels in the legs by pressure of the feet on the main arteries in lotus or compression in crane. This forces blood threw the micro circulatory blood system which is good for health and longevity. It can be compared to damming the main rivers and forcing blood to fill up the tiny streams.


Sitting meditation with leg compression enhances energy flow of the micro cosmic circuit,. when standing the grand heavenly or macro cosmic circuit is on line.


Some martial art schools do not expose the crotch for sitting meditation and it is considered rude behavior.(old school)

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Lets look at what some of the masters say:





Dogen's Fukanzazengi - To sit in the full lotus posture, first put the right foot on the left thigh, then put the left

foot on the right thigh.


A whole series on full lotus starting here:


Edited by adept

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Lets look at what some of the masters say:





Dogen's Fukanzazengi - To sit in the full lotus posture, first put the right foot on the left thigh, then put the left

foot on the right thigh.


A whole series on full lotus starting here:





The left side is the passive, peaceful, inward, yin, meditative side. This side is supposed to help our practice of zazen, and that is why Dogen Zenji only mentions this way of crossing the legs. Buddha statutues on the other side are often depicted with their right foot up - the way of crossing the legs that Dogen does not mention. This is explained by the fact that a Buddha has already attained complete Nirvana, i.e. there is no need for him or her to pacify the mind any more. Rather, a buddha's zazen is active, directed outward and of a yang quality, in order to save all suffering beings.



Yeah that's pretty much exactly what qigong master Jim Nance says in the podcast.....

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Try to meditate on hard rock without a cushion and you will understand why old masters suggested full lotus...


Today people meditate on fluffy pillows, but you should sit on yang to get a ying body :D

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Lotus or crane for sitting, the main reason why is because it slows down blood flow in the main blood vessels in the legs by pressure of the feet on the main arteries in lotus or compression in crane. This forces blood threw the micro circulatory blood system which is good for health and longevity. It can be compared to damming the main rivers and forcing blood to fill up the tiny streams.


Sitting meditation with leg compression enhances energy flow of the micro cosmic circuit,. when standing the grand heavenly or macro cosmic circuit is on line.


Some martial art schools do not expose the crotch for sitting meditation and it is considered rude behavior.(old school)


Great info, thanks.


The thing is, that I can easily do it with the left foot on the right leg (and so forth). And when you google for the posture, 90% do it the other way around. Right foot on left leg first. Might this be possible, because for right-handed people it is harder to do it that way? I am righthanded btw. The other way (left foot on right leg) feels natural to me. But I heard but can not confirm yet, that you can create negative flows of energy which slowly drain you...



Try to meditate on hard rock without a cushion and you will understand why old masters suggested full lotus...


Today people meditate on fluffy pillows, but you should sit on yang to get a ying body :D


This is true. And I switch from pillows to the regular ground. Yes, it might take some time to get used to it, but the relaxation (most certainly because of dopamine after the pain) is much much deeper.


That is also the reason why monks work physically hard during the day, before they meditate at early night / night.


When you are at a certain energetic level, you do not need to sleep and consume food. So being productive that way is just superb, for your virtues (helping others) and that means more boosting for your possitive aspects of your organ > glands > emotions > energy centers.


Mind-Dulling, yang-like work is perfect. "But noohohooo give me pleasure!" - you CAN approach spirituality like that but you will sooner or later understand that what once felt negative is important aswell. Not more but of equal value. You can say the possitive aspect comes automatically and in an enhanced version when you understand the "negative". And I mean truely understand, go in a 6+5+4th chakra-hell aka shopping-center and be open to energies and learn :)

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If you are not comfortable forget your practice!


I can only speak for myself, but learning right at the mouth of the lion is more productive for me, than having a vacation in meditation. Meditation is not for vacation. Vacation is a mind-candy and that aswell does not mean that otherwise one would torture oneself. No! You are born where you are born for a reason. And if it is loud there and you want to be spiritual, sit there and learn.


And do not worry: Higher energies always overwrite lowers. That mean you might be the golden person that can transform a whole city during your practice and then go out and wonder why everyone is super friendly.


...like I am witnessing with my argueing neighbors since I sent them some prayers occasionally. And this no magic or a miracle :) pure universal energy IS that transformative.

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If you are not comfortable forget your practice!


I think what you meant is: if one cannot do the full lotus then do the half. Let's not force oneself to do something that is going to regret.

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