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Short piece of writing

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Finding his life path required some thought. It stressed him out, made him think that he was nobody unless he was very good at one particular thing that others could recognise him for. He felt like he had to be good at something. He felt like he had to hurry otherwise time was running out and he would be doomed to a job he hated and couldn’t deal with forever. He didn’t trust in himself to put his creative ideas to good use. Even though he had extreme creativity he felt like he couldn’t do anything with it.


He needed to relax though, forcing himself to create with deadlines, pressure, thoughts of trying to become somebody or be better than others in some way wasn’t the way. He realised it had to come out of joy and love and be something that he loved to do for its own sake. So he put aside thoughts of deadlines, he put aside thoughts that he had to endure a job he hated until he could find a way to create and decided to instead ponder on that everything was in harmony and he would manifest the perfect situation. He would instead find a way to enjoy things and love his life, with the reward coming as a little bit of sauce on the meal.


What did he enjoy doing? What made his heart beat? What made him feel joy? What made him excited and happy? Questions he could contemplate during his dance meditations, Qigong or walking. The answers would come to him as they usually did receiving inspiration from higher beings and his higher self. When he didn’t eat so much his channels were really open and he received so much wisdom.


Contemplating upon serene joy certain Images popped up in his head. Flashes of nature trails, walks of solitude by waterfalls flashed into his heart filling him with peace. He did like to write as long as there was no pressure involved. He knew that he was a bit lazy with grammar and punctuation and felt like he was so focused on truly expressing himself he cared little for trying to adhere to strict rules of language and pleasing the mind of the person reading it. However it was now time to gently pay a little attention to writing in a decent manner. Writing an appreciation journal everyday helped fill his mind with a positive, appreciative attitude and allowed him to contemplate any beliefs, behaviours, thoughts and patterns that could be made more harmonious. He had an immense amount of power from his spiritual practices but this power meant nothing without positivity and a place to share it.


As soon as he became super pressured and convinced he had now found the one true way that would make him money or support him for the rest of his life, this gave him pressure and inflated his ego. Putting too much importance on a form of play made it a form of work, pressure and created a love and hate relationship with his art. When he found himself knowing his lifes future this bored him, this made his sense of joy diminish , his craft was no longer play but a mere means to some end that would lead to some ficitious ego fulfilment that he could use to brag to others.


He found this funny and realised it was out of pure love that his life was playfully to be led by. Sometimes he had certain ideas such as I cant say that, because its not considered cool, its not respected or considered weird. These kind of ideas wore on his heart, he needed to learn that by following his own heart and trusting in himself that’s where the beauty comes from. His joy and passion for his expression was contagious. Any desperation, struggle, frustration or nagging rush to finish or hurry was also contagious and within any words written was the energy of the person who wrote it.


He was listening to calm dolphin sounds on his computer, having slept for four hours while maintaining inner awareness of his belly. This was impressive to him but he was worried he would need more sleep later, well lets save later for later, the time is now.


He was looking forward to spending some nice time in nature with the solitude, sounds of the birds singing, sounds of the waterfall rushing, the wind, the river and the gentle love of the earth beneath his barefeet. He would go on a spontaneous walk walking wherever he felt like, not having any rush or deadlines to adhere to and allowing his whole being to just respond to the let go and surrender of his intention. One with nature, a part of nature, his friends the trees there to give him true unconditional friendship and love.

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He was looking forward to spending some nice time in nature with the solitude, sounds of the birds singing, sounds of the waterfall rushing, the wind, the river and the gentle love of the earth beneath his barefeet. He would go on a spontaneous walk walking wherever he felt like, not having any rush or deadlines to adhere to and allowing his whole being to just respond to the let go and surrender of his intention. One with nature, a part of nature, his friends the trees there to give him true unconditional friendship and love.

You know, one can do that after one has lived a productive and successful life.

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