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Harmonious Emptiness

Asked to teach some basic tai chi or chi gong

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So, I've been asked to teach a group of about 12 people some basic tai chi to help them cope with stress, temper, and fatigue troubles. I didn't suggest that I could or anything of the sort, but the person who asked me knows that I practice a bit of tai chi and chi gong and that I enjoy it and so figured I would be able to show some basic stuff.


I agreed to show some of the very basics that I practice, which would be Chen style silk reeling with a few warm up exercises, thinking "well, if it can help them, which I believe it could, then sure; so long as they know I'm neither a teacher nor by any means advanced."



So, what do you all think? Should I be praying to the tai chi gods for forgiveness? or is this acceptable? It would of course be unpaid.


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It's acceptable I think. If it is brought up then just be honest about your history and what not. Its great to hear about a fellow bum bringing peace to others. I advocate praying regardless though :)

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It's acceptable I think. If it is brought up then just be honest about your history and what not. Its great to hear about a fellow bum bringing peace to others. I advocate praying regardless though :)


Great advice :)


Thanks for the response.

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Yes from me,teaching will benefit others as well as benefit your own practise.If not comfortable with being paid you could have a donation box for your time. Basics are the best and having a set time for a group to practice and move around is priceless. Being asked to do this already says something about your passion to those close to you. Best of luck

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I think I can respond to the last three responses in noting that I'll just be showing them


*shake the tree


*arm swing + weight shift and light meridian slap


*breathing from stomach by putting hands on chest and stomach (with suggesition to let other areas fill up from there) + posture


*opening tai chi movement with shoulder roll and breathing


*ocean wave breathing(Five Treasures)/breathing of the universe(Spring Forest Qi Gong)/dantien breathing


*tai chi walking meditation with dantien breathing



I don't think this would be too intense, and would essentially provide a basic loosen up, dantien grounding, and time reset/presence in movement.


It's likely only going to be one meeting, so I figure these are pretty easy to remember and practice on one's own.


Also, I've only learned chi gong and tai chi from videos (albeit scouring the internet almost daily for more perspectives on the foundations), so I'm trying to make sure it's well known that I don't have a ton of answers, and that even if I do know or practice styles and forms, I don't have permission to teach them. I'll offer some websites if their interested.



Wu Ming Jen, yes I agree having a group to do this with can be very beneficial for all there, however, as mentioned, my "video training"..


reminds me of this link I saw today though!

Slow Movement with Awareness: Better than Exercise?

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I'll just be...



I don't think this would be too intense,


so I figure these are pretty easy to remember and practice on one's own.



Never assume.


It doesn't matter what you think. What matters is who walks in the door. You don't know them, and you don't know what is or may be going on with any of them. What is intense or not for one person or yourself is not the same across the board.


Does this mean you should not take this opportunity to help others? Of course not. But never assume.


As RV says things can happen, and when people get reactions they will want to know about it. Especially if this is their first contact with these kinds of arts. Some take it all in their stride, others are like "WTF is going on?" and this can simply be from beginning to actually feel their bodies, or their blood etc and nothing all that wierd.


Also be aware, that in any group, regardless of YOU or what you are teaching, a group of that number, usually you will have at least one person who experiences something weird. It is simply what happens when you put a group of people together. So consider before hand how to deal with things, it makes it easier if it does happen.


Thats a lot of stuff! How long do you have?


Chenshi chousi gong is complex, though some break it down into smaller pieces. However I have witnessed and found that people will continue to surprise you with their inability to learn what you feel is the most simplest and basic of things! :D


My advice, have your plan of what you will go over. And then plan on having no one get it, and being able to pull it apart or drop the teaching down a peg or two. If it turns out the group is okay with what you show them, then you don't go there. But as Baden Powell always said, "Be Prepared" and who can argue with a guy with a hat like that! ;)

Edited by snowmonki
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Music. Don't forget tai chi music.


You may want to do a slow demo routine with good music to put them into trance state first.


You'll be OK. The tai chi god is with you. :)

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Hi Snowmonki,


Thanks for the re-inforced forewarning. I will add "smoothing the chi" closing, which I should have thought of earlier. If someone is still feeling odd I know a few grounding techniques they can try at least. We have about an hour. The first three there are warm-ups so shouldn't take too long. The 5th point is all different names for the same move, btw.


hydrogen, thanks for the support :) . However, we're mostly going to be doing chi gong, which I rarely ever do with music on.

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Payment is acceptable and I think you should ask for payment. I won't over promise them results that I personally haven't accomplished. I fear this would become some sorts of water downed tai chi exercise. Much less with the cultivation of the chi energy.

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HE, You will do well, it will probably be stressful the 1st time and things may not go to exactly to plan, but everything gets better with practice including teaching.


2 common traps to watch out for

Don't be negative about yourself (eg I'm not very good. I have not practiced for long)


Don't talk too much (often when you see that "they have no idea what I am taking about" look in a classes eyes the temptation is to talk more, instead I try getting them to do it as best they can, feel for themselves then correct)


I like to have a rough idea for the class with some idea of how long for each component but I never made a really detailed plan as I like to try and get a bit of conversation going and usually end up going somewhere different than planned. I often don't have a great answer to every question but I "enjoy" that and instead explore that question myself and often come back to address that question in following weeks.


I think my Sifu was a great teacher, but the first month new students would usually have a range of expressions from really interested to confused to bored :-) and the numbers drop off as the people realise that the class wasn't exactly what they are looking for. You can't please everyone no matter how good a teacher you are.

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Well, the class was this morning, and went far better than I anticipated. I decided to just show the Five Treasure's qigong from the nqa website which has served me very well for the last few years, and they LOVED it!


It's funny because about 3 weeks before I was asked to do this, I had actually sent a letter to the nqa asking what sort of permission I could get to teach this form as a community service.. no idea that I would be asked to teach it. They never got back to me so I figured it was a bit too much for the nqa to just give me a nod of permission like that. Well, without their permission, they're not responsible at least.


Out of the 12 people there, there were only 2 who seemed not so interested, but still said they felt very relaxed and good. The other comments were almost astonishingly positive. I mentioned to google "Five Treasures qi gong, nqa" and they can purchase a video for $10 from Either way, we can add another 12 true believers!

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Well, the class was this morning, and went far better than I anticipated. I decided to just show the Five Treasure's qigong from the nqa website which has served me very well for the last few years, and they LOVED it!


It's funny because about 3 weeks before I was asked to do this, I had actually sent a letter to the nqa asking what sort of permission I could get to teach this form as a community service.. no idea that I would be asked to teach it. They never got back to me so I figured it was a bit too much for the nqa to just give me a nod of permission like that. Well, without their permission, they're not responsible at least.


Out of the 12 people there, there were only 2 who seemed not so interested, but still said they felt very relaxed and good. The other comments were almost astonishingly positive. I mentioned to google "Five Treasures qi gong, nqa" and they can purchase a video for $10 from Either way, we can add another 12 true believers!


Hey HE, that's great news.


A couple of pointers:


1) I always say "if 'I' can get out of the way, the Way happens." The request to teach/share has come from the Way, the Flow, to you and you decided to answer that by giving it a go. Is this not Taoism? Non-interference with that which has naturally arisen? So while it may seem naive to not worry about reactions and conditions, would the sage worry? It could also be argued that the answers on this forum are also the Flow. So perhaps the lesson here is to keep it simple (as you have done) and as you gradually get to know people better the inspiration of what to share with them will come of itself.


2) Take out a little insurance. Here in the UK it costs around £40 a year and gives you around £5M cover. If however you are not collecting money and just sharing then perhaps you don't need to.


I have taught Chi Kung to friends, I offer it in the mornings to people on ski holidays and I offer it in the Taoist group (as do others) - you could always finish the class with a calming, stilling exercise to return the energies to normal. Don't forget, these videos we all buy and watch aren't concerned with the after effects we all have and of course such effects may have nothing to do with Chi Kung - and of course to sue someone over it is difficult as how can they prove it was your fault. I expect though that it is not the fear of being sued but just not wanting to make people suffer that is key.


For me, I would do it and let the Universe sort out the rest. Truth and rightness have their own way of finding their place.


Good luck.



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Hi Heath


Thanks for your thoughtful response.


"if 'I' can get out of the way, the Way happens." Yes! It's amazing how our "I" can get in the way of our enjoyment and benefit of life.


It seems there is a fair bit of interest in creating a regular group, again without me having suggested it. I`m going to contact the person who developed this style and ask if there is any concern in me leading an informal practice group.


I`m not too worried about insurance and litigation, but it's good to know it's at least affordable.


Looks like a fun group you've got going over in Warwickshire. I may have some more specific questions for you in the future if things develop.


All the best,

Edited by Harmonious Emptiness
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Okay, so for those interested, I asked Michael Winn if it would be a concern for me teach this form and he said it's "absolutely not a problem." Nice!


btw, if you haven't read it yet, I suggest checking out his free book "Inner Smile" which you can download at



Thanks for sharing your perspectives and experiences everybody, they have all been helpful!

Edited by Harmonious Emptiness
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