
Bill Clinton planted in White House while under Mind Control

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Startling video footage of Bill Clinton, Barbara Bush, et al under the influence of mind control/brainwashing. It was planned that Bill Clinton would be placed in the White House back in 1984-

Bill Clinton's Mentor of 30 Years, in fact who he would have you believe was his rival or opponent, George H.W. Bush

Bill Clinton used mind controlled brainwashed sex slaves and participated in bisexual orgies


From the non-fiction "A TRANCE FORMATION of AMERICAN" the personal account from a government mind-controlled victim, Cathy O'Brien. On Bill Clinton, she writes:

...Houston stepped out of the dressing room to greet Clinton. "Hi, Bud." Houston extended his hand. "I heard you made Governor."

"I hear you deliver a hell of a one liner, " Clinton replied,
cryptically referring to cocaine and NOT Houston's so-called comedy routine. "I'm always aspiring to achieve new heights."

"Well, come on in," Houston invited. "I have enough (cocaine) to put us all into orbit." I walked into the dressing room with them as Houston was saying to Clinton, "I suppose there are no limits for you since you're across the (state) line."

"What line?" Clinton feigned suprise and ignorance. He looked at Hal Meadows as he continued, "You mean I've left that state of mine? In the state of mind I'm in, there are no boundaries anyway." He walked over to the table and snorted a line of cocaine. "I come here to get away from it all. This kind of business is pleasure."

"So where's that young wife of yours?" Houston asked, referring to Hillary.

"She's with friends." Clinton sniffed the coke further up his nose.
"She's minding her own business. I'm just here to unwind, see the show, maybe do a little hunting (referring to A MOST DANGEROUS GAME). I've got a bird (helicopter) ready to fly me back when I'm through. Hey speaking of 'Byrd' (he gestured my way) I hear she's moved up to the big house (White House)." Referring to his friend and mentor Senator Byrd he asked, "So what's his position now?"

"The same." Houston answered. "Probably like this..." Houston pantomimed a lewd sodomy pose while everyone laughed. "He still runs the show."

Clinton kept his eyes fixed on Houston's "caboose" and said "Why don't you show her (referring to me) the way out and show me that again?" If I could have thought at the moment, I would have realized Bill Clinton was/is bisexual. My personal sexual experience with Clinton was limited, but I had witnessed him engaged in homosexual activity during an orgy at Swiss Villa.

..Clinton added to what Houston said, talking in local colloquialisms. "Bottom line is, we've got control of the (drug) industry, therefore, we've got control of them (suppliers and buyers). You control the guy underneath ya' and Uncle (Sam) has ya' covered. What have you got to lose? No risk. No one's gonna hang ya' out to dry. And whatever spills off the truck as it passes through (he laughed and snorted another line of coke) you get to clean up.

..Clinton gestured to me and told Houston, "Get her out of here".

Houston didn't move and laughed. "She's a Presidential Model. She's kept secrets bigger than yours."

Clinton responded "I don't care. Get her the fuck out of here."

Hall's wife led me away and locked me in a back bedroom. After an indeterminate period of time, I heard her telephone Hillary at the guest villa. She then drove me up the mountain through the dark to meet with Hillary. Although I had previously met Hillary we had very little to say to each other -- particularly since I was still dazed and tranced from the tortures I had endured at the CIA Near Death Trauma Center in Lampe. Hillary knew I was a mind-controlled slave, and, like Bill Clinton, just took it in stride as a "normal" part of life in politics.



Hillary Clinton-



Edited by Immortal4life
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The sources are spurious and the accusations baseless. I encourage the moderators to move this to the pit.

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