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The Tao of Sexology - quick book review

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After reading Glenn Morris' "Pathnotes of an American Ninja Master" I followed his recommended reading and picked up a copy of "The Tao of Sexology; The Book of Infinite Wisdom" by Dr. Stephen Chang.


Hmm, this is interesting and a let down for me, however, for a newbie to this stuff it would be refreshingly simplistic (not that there is anything the matter with simplistic it is just that I was hoping for more, to learn something new). Anyway, one of the things that struck me was his focus on the endocrine system and more of a physical aspect to taoist immortality.


What is interesting is that the chakras align with the endocrine glands throughout the body.


Inner Peace,



PS. Glenns book was rather interesting and I enjoyed it.


PPS. I forgot to say that I continue to have no material interest in the things I recommend or talk about here.

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not exactly the same method :)


It says to turn your back to the sun and then take your clothes off and then bend over and let the sun energy into your anus and sex organs.

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