nine tailed fox

secret socities

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i was wondering


do you guys think there are secret societies for real who are saving earth from paranormal/mystical/occult type of dangers ?


for example from aliens.......


their agents have high tech devices like space time transporter, memory eraser, parallel universe switcher :D


so if you ever come across them they most probably erase your memory


there is no way you can remember about them because they just erase your memory


UNLESS the agent is a girl who has fallen for you and wont erase your memory lol


i know this is kind of filmy and fictional


but you never know


stretching imagination

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Would you call Freemasonry a secret society? I don't know if it would qualify or not. But I do know that the 33rd degree of the Scottish rites ends in the I Am consciousness in the guise of the 'god' inside of us that the Freemasons refer to as Hiram Abiff. In other words, We are It.


What I think is that all we can see is the bottom of the cloud, and it sure looks chaotic at this point in time. But we can't see the top of the cloud, and some pretty fantastic things are happening there. It takes people with developed eyes to be able to see the enlightenment, but it is all around us, we just don't recognize something that is above our vision level.


I think just of the Tao Bums and the years I've spent on this forum. Maybe it's just me, but in between the bickerings there is a level of enlightenment that has increased over the years, in general. And that's because we've bounced off each other for years, we've challenged each other - and we have all benefited.


I know this doesn't get into your alien questions at all, but that isn't something I think about much. My mind is pretty open to anything, so nothing at all would surprise me.

Edited by manitou
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There are groups working at raising the consciousness of humanity, not so much to protect us from aliens but more from ourselves to try to reduce the general mass of suffering, they aren't that secret though most of them you can probably join

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I think just of the Tao Bums and the years I've spent on this forum. Maybe it's just me, but in between the bickerings there is a level of enlightenment that has increased over the years, in general. And that's because we've bounced off each other for years, we've challenged each other - and we have all benefited.


Good points!


I've noticed the same over the years, especially among long-time posters. :)


One thought I've had is that it's not important at all whether people have the "right" views and opinions, or that they are in full agreement. Rather, following the Tao means that said divergence in views serves as a way to refine awareness, understanding and compassion towards one another.

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I think so also Manitou...


TB... the forge...





I like that, White Wolf. The forge. Yes.


And as long as I've got you on the line, I have to tell you that my old man periodically thinks about joining this forum. He really likes your moniker, White Wolf Running on Air. He may join as Old Man Running on Oxygen one day soon, lol.

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I like secret societies...we should form one here!


<of course we must do it secretly!>

Edited by Songtsan

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but we dont have teleportation gadget


that is a must :D


We will create one week.

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This is an interesting thread. I've never seen anything other than propaganda against these groups!

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This is an interesting thread. I've never seen anything other than propaganda against these groups!


that's because those societies failed! If they were truly secret, nobody would have ever found out about them in the first place...

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but we dont have teleportation gadget


that is a must :D



I have tele-vision .... which is close.

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When I start my secret society, no one will ever find out, except you guys, cause you will all be invited of course, as long as you don't tell anybody.

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that's because those societies failed! If they were truly secret, nobody would have ever found out about them in the first place...


Wow. We should talk more. I spent two years reading into these and was under the impression that these evil cults linked with governments were possibly still active! (well, going by what a lot of Alex Jones/David Icke followers preach anyway)


I don't read much into it these days...I eneded up realising that I began seeing things that weren't even there. More that my brain wanted to see these things.

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Oh I am sure they exist...just that they are deluded in thinking they will win - if they had remained secret, maybe - but they didn't...and so they think they can hide behind plans within plans and smoke and mirror games...people are already on to the fact that they are about what they are about, and are already acting to counteract their moves...Good always wins, don't you know that? ;) I am a Paladin - I will destroy those evil doers with my Vorpal sword!

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