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In 1975 twenty people created an eco village in northern Italy called Damanhur, the intent was to create a community for the preservation of wisdom to benefit human kind as it was recognised that periodically humanity loses its wisdom, so they started doing research into many areas such energetic principles, spiritual sciences and energy self sustainability. Also at that time they started digging an underground temple in secret.


In 1992 a disgruntled former member tried to blackmail the group saying that he would tell the authorities of their temple which was illegal as they didn't have planning permission; the group didn't give into the blackmail so the authorities were informed and a judge turned up at the community saying he would destroy the community if they didn't show him their temple, so they relented knowing it could be the end of their experiment. The judge entered and emerged from the temple some time later in tears saying it was one of the most extraordinary things he had ever seen, the small group had made the largest underground temple structure known to man with some of the most amazing artwork you will ever see inside dedicated to the spirituality of man


The Catholic Church immediately tried their best to get the temple destroyed but fortunately the Italian government resisted and now many who visit say it is the 8th wonder of the world and one of the most amazing places they have ever been, yet most people have never even heard of it




Each room represents a different aspect of man





You can see a tour of the Temple to Humankind here

Edited by Jetsun
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