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Ten Thousand Methods

Profile Options: Instant Messenger

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I want to be able to enter my WeChat (Weixin) ID on my profile.


I live in China and everyone uses WeChat (Weixin). In some other countries (South Korea) Kakao Talk is very important. As I understand it Blackberry will also release an instant messenger app for iOS and Android before the end of summer.


Maybe we could have the option of editing the label for an instant messenger field so we could tell other people which service we are using.


When I was in the US I didn't know about WeChat but it's very fast and it seems like the standard way to contact people here in China. From what I have heard Kakao Talk is huge in South Korea. They are advertising here in China and I know they are advertising in Indonesia. It could get bigger. Maybe TTB needs to change its profile options.

Edited by Ten Thousand Methods

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