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group mind? the power of thought? chi fields? wtf?

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an artice describing the power of thought


Nothing radical here, just nice to see some "proof" of things you feel.


Makes one realize that the world we experience is the world we "ask" for or the world that we wish to percieve. so for ron that means that everyone is sucking chemtrails. for me it means that i'm just rying to make myself and the people around me a bit happier. with more research like this maybe we can all be a bit more calm, helpful, and easy going. if people accepted the implications of this reseach the effect on our world and perhaps the universe would be profound.




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interesting article.


i am always sceptical of downright sceptics. for me, someone who disbelieves or is sceptical of everything is quite simply as bad as a gullible person who believes everything. they are just opposite sides of the same coin.


there were other peaks in the curves when no big event was recorded, however that does not mean some kind of big event did not happen in some place. just because he does not know does not mean it is bad science, it just means something is happening that is unable to be explained... yet.


as for the september 11th thingy, 4 hours before the attack noone knew about it.... what a load of bullshit. it is well clear, if you choose to look at the huge amounts of evidence, that the attack was orchestrated by the occult world order so other people did know something about it, who knows how many people actually knew. also we as humans are able to pick up through intuition when something is going to happen, even if we don't realise it. so it's still all possible.


anyways yes it is pretty obvious that we can change and alter our reality to a degree, and isn't that the goal of spirituality... the step right before becoming one with the nothing again would be a state of pure creation where the being would be able to manifest anything he likes, able to meddle with the fabric of the universe. this is possible for every single one of us as we all came from the same source and collectively we created this universe.

however as time in this universe passed, things have become so solid and 'real' and all our creations have become so mixed up that we can no longer tell who created what... thus independance to create as you wish was kind of destroyed.

so turbo... this means that there are chemtrails occurring (whether you believe them or not) but their affect on you is able to be manipulated and should enough of us decide to stop them... they will be stopped. its pretty easy really, but its also so difficult.


lets hope they dont end up selling this kind of machine to the CIA anyway! the last thing we need the occult world order to have in their hands is a future predicting machine, although it is altogether possible they already have one as they are already well capable of manipulating the weather (but so are we, thanks to the works of willhelm reich) and who knows what else?


i wonder if they can see that their downfall is imminent?

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