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Five-pointed Star

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An interesting concept that a Yoga-teacher friend told me about is that of '5-pointed Star'


In Yoga, extend each limb and the head outwards - send the energy outwards...this is the five points. This helps to make all poses perfect. No matter what the pose, extend force through arms/hands, through legs/feet, and through the head. Stretch the spine, stretch the limbs outward.


This may be very applicable in all types of movements...create space between joints, lengthen the vertebrae, root feet into ground.


If sitting, reach top of head toward sky, reach arms down towards ground, root feet in ground.


Same for standing. Same for lying - stretch five points to end of universe.


See what you think.

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Extend da joints! Extend da chi Extend da shakti which universe do I live in? Oh, I forgot - It's THIS ONE.



Edited by Songtsan

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KAP, Kundalini Awakening Process online, is based on Glenn Morris's eclectic energy work. Its taught through Skype by 2 pretty advanced teachers, Santiago (who used to be an active TTB member) and Tao Semko.


Are you guaranteed to wake up your K from it. No, but if you're diligent it will put you on the right path. Here is a link:


Joe Blast has written about his experience in KAP in his personal section.


Reading through Pathnotes of a Ninja Master (bad tittle good book) by Glenn Morris gives a good idea of what is in the courses, plus Tao Semko has done many excellent videos on aspects of Kundalini. Susan Carlson is a KAP graduate/teacher who's done quite a bit of work in terms of Kundalini. I quote a very revealing piece she wrote about K. in my Personal Practice section under Best of Tao Bums.


Today I was listening to one of the most experienced bums on the subject of MCO. Teacher Lin Aiwei Great podcast from an experienced teacher. Time Monk Radio is a great resource to listen to Lin's Wisdom.

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KAP, Kundalini Awakening Process online, is based on Glenn Morris's eclectic energy work. Its taught through Skype by 2 pretty advanced teachers, Santiago (who used to be an active TTB member) and Tao Semko.


Are you guaranteed to wake up your K from it. No, but if you're diligent it will put you on the right path. Here is a link:


Joe Blast has written about his experience in KAP in his personal section.


Reading through Pathnotes of a Ninja Master (bad tittle good book) by Glenn Morris gives a good idea of what is in the courses, plus Tao Semko has done many excellent videos on aspects of Kundalini. Susan Carlson is a KAP graduate/teacher who's done quite a bit of work in terms of Kundalini. I quote a very revealing piece she wrote about K. in my Personal Practice section under Best of Tao Bums.


Today I was listening to one of the most experienced bums on the subject of MCO. Teacher Lin Aiwei Great podcast from an experienced teacher. Time Monk Radio is a great resource to listen to Lin's Wisdom.


I read Glenn Morris' book - great read. I am very into his techniques and teachings.

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