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Taiji Bum

Jinye Huandan Yinzheng Tu in English?

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On the website I almost got banned. They think I am an athiest posing as a Catholic

trying to start trouble. What I am is open minded. I tried 3 Cardinals, 10 Bishops and too many priests to

count when I was having OBE's and they had nothing to offer so I turned to Taoism.


Hi there Darin,


It is difficult to comment on what happened there, as I'm sure you can fully appreciate, without knowing all the

"dirty" details, as they say, but generally I'd say you consulted with the wrong people. Cardinals and Bishops

were rarely the most spiritual persons within the Church, at any time, and that holds true especially today. I

for one would never have consulted with them about such matters, but would rather have sought out a desert-

dwelling monk (or nun) somewhere, with a reputation for spiritual wisdom and deep experience with mystical

states. However, such persons are rarely found in the Catholic Church today, which is but a fading shadow of

what it was in the 13th and 14th centuries, during Eckhart's time. While I don't know much about the website

you've alluded to, I have been there a few times, and the impression it made on me was that they are heavily

influenced by a kind of contemporary Evangelical ethos. I would not think of them as "enlightened" persons, in

the way D.T. Susuki thought about Eckhart. That's for certain!

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I dont have any superpowers although I did start the whole process to stop having spontaneous obe's.

Very weird. How long can you sit in meditation (comlete stillness) without your mind wondering off in a thought/image?

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Very weird. How long can you sit in meditation (comlete stillness) without your mind wondering off in a thought/image?

20 seconds maybe.

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Here are some practical ways to help you.

If you haven't already, get Bill Bodri's book "Measuring meditation..."- it will help you sort things out in a very clear way. If you can, attend one of the Vipassana 10 day retreats and they will show you how to train the mind to be one-pointed for long periods of time.

You are into Taiji, so bring the stillness training into the movement, in addition to sitting.


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