
Celestial Pimping: You Might be Making a Mess

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Circulating Qi, Kundalini awakening, and moving energy in general, moves you to the top of the food chain in the astral realms, where energy moves in lucid, liquid tides.


The practitioner is consciously moving their energy to various locations across their body, via metaphysical meridians that do not actually exist in the physical realm.


These meridians have physical counterparts, however, but the meridians, nadis, themselves, are mapped out in a realm that is not limited by time and space.


Breaching physical laws, and moving these flows of etheric tides, and consciously attaching awareness to them, is what powers you up.


Jing, shen, prana, chi - this is power, transformation, streaming across dimensions and coloured by intent.


Someone who is working this, and then, masturbating, utilizing visuals, porn, imagination, is creating a web of energy, thoughtforms and streams/cords all over the place.


If, for instance, you are using a porn movie, and watching it several times, you are actually strengthening these cords.


With power really does come responsibility.

Pumping, building energy, aiming, and releasing a cord of energy.

That's masturbation. That's also a magick ritual.


These are very real laws.


If you are popping your root or sacral chakra, and bleeding the energy in form of sexual arousal, while checking out your neighbor's wife, she will feel this intuitively, somewhere in her being.


Religious myths tell parables of, if you think it, you did it.


We can feign ignorance by replacing it with innocence, but if you are preparing a body for godhood, you are responsible for the Frankenstein light body you have created.


In the astrals, if you could view these aura shifts, you would see the mess you have created.


A web of energy, some strong, some bleeding, some backwashing.


Remember, time and space is breached by these energies.


I started discussing this here:


"As the myths of old, sex unites as one flesh.

The performers, viewers, create a web of etheric cords.

Not judging anyone, just a thought.

Kundalini is strong energy, using those lower chakras/Dan Tien, etc, radiates interdimensionally at the viewed target/recipiant.

Coloured by intent/emotion/enchantment/lust, empowers it."


"Chaos magick, has a law, that magickians create a sigil, and although unknown to the casual spectator, will empower it for the mage's own personal use.

Display this sigil on a T-shirt and stroll through the mall one Saturday afternoon. This will charge that sigil just as well as a coven of witches can raise a cone of power."

Edited by SonOfTheGods
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Also, wanted to add onto this discourse of, Celestial Pimping


It should be noted, that PK, Psychokinesis, is the force behind poltergeist hauntings.


PK is usually emitted from a teenage occupant, related to the haunting, that is entering Puberty.


Hormones, have etheric counterparts, and when coloured by emotion, can produce PK..


Sperm, gives life, to "something"



I am not judging, but I know some people are having problems with this subject.


Maybe in this light, it might bring you into a deeper understanding.

Edited by SonOfTheGods

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My understanding is that where awareness/focus goes, energy flows, this applies within and without the body. It's been my experience that the more you grow in personal power the more you affect other beings around you.....I imagine the effects you have on subtle currents of reality expands exponentially.....though....something I have yet to experience. Interesting post SonofGods.



My 2 cents, Peace

Edited by OldChi

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You obviously have not studied real Taoism!


Read Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality -


"If the heart is affected by sexual desire the generative force becomes sullied and changes into postnatal generative fluid which cannot be used as a (microcosmic outer) alchemical agent." and


"If he has previously given rise to preverse thoughts while gathering the generative force, to sexual desires when seeing attractive women, or to disturbance at licentious talk, the arousal of the genital organ indicates that he will lose 'the precious thing' at night even in absence of thoughts during his sleep."




"....your genital organ is aroused and shaken by evil fire (of passion) due to lack of vitality and weakness of the alchemical agent;"




"However, if you give rise to lust while practising alchemy, you are making a very very grave mistake...."

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My understanding is that where awareness/focus goes, energy flows, this applies within and without the body. It's been my experience that the more you grow in personal power the more you affect other beings around you.....I imagine the effects you have on subtle currents of reality expands exponentially.....though....something I have yet to experience. Interesting post SonofGods.



My 2 cents, Peace

I believe your understanding is agreeable to mine, and thank you.

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SonOfTheGods, so what's the spiritual correct image to have in mind when one masturbating? Thanks.

If we follow the occult logic behind my posts in this thread, an image while masturbating would be akin to etheric/RV stalking, trespassing and rape., unless it is user consentual


It is no different than an Incubus

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Edited by skydog

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If we add this to our understanding of Karma...Not surprising how it would take enlightenment/ buddhahood to fully understand it.


The web that is weaved is so complex and intricate.....where does it end, where does it start?


hehhe, add in past/ future/ parallel lives....Woooo! Thats a big drink of water!



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