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Massage, Insurance?

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Massage is great for getting really grounded and helping with flexibility/yoga, chi flow and all. It is great even if the therapist is not a Tao master, although that is perhaps best!


Well, I have been able to get $15 pro massages for the past month or so, thanks to a Chiropractor/yogi who offers this in his clinic. I thank god for this, as I feel my body reshaping and talk with the therapists as I learn the muscles which are tight and need more work. Thank god - feels like my past is being re-written and karma fixed.


I did a little research into massage insurance, and one person does teach about this. I asked her about connecting people with this secret health weapon through insurance to which she told me to call her. We plan to discuss the idea of opening a medical sort of massage clinic for people who get a doc's note or something. The laws are different in all states. This is not something I am serious about, but an I idea that popped into my head! Perhaps I will call her in a month or so, and perhaps someone else is interested in this sort of work? The massage industry is one of the most, if not THE most fun one the world!? I am not even referring to sexual massage!

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LOL. I drop in and this is the first discussion I see. You're knackered Grand! Funny guy.


Practically everywhere is insured to the hooeys, it's how they operate.


And I agree, massage is good good stuff.

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