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Healing Taoist practice with hands

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Please see this movie I just found on Youtube:



I did almost the exact things with my hands one occasion to connect to the outer chi-filed and feel connect the magnetic healing force inside you to the one outside of you.


Using your both hands work like electrical induction. left palm-center is negative and right positive. When we move them together and out in connection with breating we induce electrical energy and especially when rotating them. One thing I did was rotating while slowly separating them. It seemed to make the energy very strong. This "magic beam" can be used for healning of yourself or others.


This practices are very good I can attest to that!! And his instruction on video are very clear to follow also! Try it and see if you can feel it.


If your beam is particular thick, strong and vibrating then it means you have crushed the wall between inside and outer nature and your internal energy are very good. And exactly like he also says: strong chi energy melts blocked energy so it becomes like thick oil and thinner then it flows free.


Edited: I realized I put the post in a discussion forum... so: Anyone has similar experience with this kind of practice?

Edited by Jonas

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With all respect. Please don't forgot how magicians do when they perform in front of you; they distract you by waving the hands at you and did something else so you don't see it.

I'm not saying that the Taoist master in the video was trying to deceive you. I see that he was only explaining Chi in a traditional way as he was taught from generation to generation. However, in this modern scientific age, we must look at things into perspective with time. The things that the Taoist master said is only a historic concept but we must learn to interpret it in any other way or pay close attention to what he says. There maybe something that he said with great importance, in the background, but without further emphasis.

If you see the video again, you'll hear him say moving the hands inward and outward during inhalation and exhalation. The whole scheme about absorbing the energy from the universe was based on the breathing. Unfortunately, he did not make his emphasis on that. Instead, he misled people that by saying only moving the hands will do some healing.

Another thing, he did not mention that the human body is a self healing machine. As long nourishment and oxygen were provided, the body will take care itself. Anyway, he did give a clue that breathing was doing all the work in the background but it just didn't come out from his mouth.

Edited by ChiDragon

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Ahh ok that's also one way to see it.


To me its evident science know only a tiny bit of the nature of reality and on the other hand the old Taoist masters and the ones that wrote the traditional Chinese medicine didn't know all the details of our present science. On the other hand not all things of the old are correct just because they were written by "taoist masters". They also made their assumptions, idealized models, etc. and to blindly believe it is of course wrong.


However still science consider healing and energy outside the pure biological eletricity, etc., a mere fiction. Official western science for sure has not yet broadened their model to encompass the phenomena of Chinese medicine and Chi-energy and it will problably take decades more.


I will not go into an argument over the existence of Chi and Healing energies because I find it outside the scope of this forum and not my purpose ;)


The video just reminded me it was a very efficient way to connect our own energy field with the the surrounding like he says.


Yes breathing is an important clue here as you say, and the breaths gets very long and subtle when you do it calmly and right.

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Nice. A simple but effective practice. I think people should be prepared to give this a try for at least 100 days or so if they really want to give this a fair trial. Regular daily practice makes a big difference as well however. Not everyone can start to see results quickly, so patient and persistent practice and giving things lots of time is always a good approach. :)




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I agree but please don't forget to consider the significance of the breathing. It is the key behind the whole practice to get to its efficacy.

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This could be thought of as a practice to harmonize the waves/ vibrations being emitted by our body to a more refined space.


Breathing does help quite a bit. Its not the whole thing, though.


We can always find models within western science and taoist science to bring them together, if we need too.


Like vibrations/ waves/ electromagnetic and such of western science.


Jing, Qi, Shen and such of taoist science.


They may not be the same thing, it can still help a person begin to penetrate that which they dont know, they dont know.


Anywho, good video share, Jonas!

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Based on breathing, yes. most people that is simply inhalation and exhalation of air. If you dont put in the work to tamp down all the noise that's been so ever present in one's life that one doesnt even notice it as a fish doesnt notice he's in water - then these things will basically be little more than mind games.


When these things are cultivated to the point of smoothness below any normal threshold of sensory input, that is when the more subtle things can be felt.


Laogung breathing helps begin to open the palms up so that the moving hands have more bandwidth - so with the revelation of energy flow underneath the gross physical input, one then has a signal to identify with, cultivate, and improve throughput thereof.

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About the breathing like he did, I just have to say that I never needed that. When I did it long time ago (about 10 years) I just had naturally very long in and out-breaths and to think too much about breathing might also disturb the naturalness of movements. The more qi you have the less you have to breath. Qi manifests among else like a floating fluid in DanTien. When you are "not breathing" what you really have is a very very long and very subtle in-breath in this floating fluid in dan tien. Qi is working very well then. To me the theory behind why it works is simply the opposite polarity between hands palm-chakras.


By the way I have no "qigong" background but did this movements spontaneously maybe because a friend two years ahead, that practiced qigong, showed me the magnetic force between hands. When I tried it at that particular time I just felt little "prickling" energy like most people normally do.


But when I had opened up my energy channels within trough a powerful energy-awakening-experience (where my outer crust melted down as he says in video), this kind of movements were felt very very powerful and clear. Yet subtle. It was miles difference from my first test with the friend where you just felt a little tingling and tiny force if you had them very close. So if you try this and just feel little, know where are much much more to experience. Also note that the real feeling is not about tingling or physical sensations. Tinglings etc., is a byproduct of channels opening in us. When channels are wide and open the chi floats silently. The feeling is more like a thick healing / magnetic wind, hard to explain.


The man on the video really knows what he talks about, I can see that. I stretched out my arms almost two meters at same time rotating palms facing each other and the force only got stronger, it was really a thick magnetic beam between them and after "loading" the beam by induced Chi this could really be used to heal or sending wellbeing to others. I think the exercise just "pulled out" the Chi I already had in my body that blended with the Chi of nature. I also feel the functioning of the macrocosmic orbit or the 8 main channels is related to this.


The reason I was excited to see this video is that it confirmed something I had done and experienced. And as NotVoid said before, try this very clearly explained exercise he describes in 100 days and you are likely to open up to outer field and at the same time clear your channels.


Just my experience!

Edited by Jonas

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