
Various Necronomicon Flavors

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Not talking about the Simon, or the alleged John Dee, or the Crowley Dedication Necronomicons.





Necronomicon Anunnaki Bible -Joshua Free, and his other books on it


or the Atlantean Necronomicon


or the IGOS - Hidden Keys of The Necronomicon, IGOS - Necronomicon Workbook




Also, not debating the authenticity of the Necronomicon.


A true magickian, who understands, can work magick from Mother Goose nursery rhyms

Edited by SonOfTheGods

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Just wondering why this thread never went anywhere. Is it that most people believe as I do that it is a false grimoire. I omly have experience with the Simon version though. Thanks Sonofthegods I will be checking out some of those you mentioned.

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Just wondering why this thread never went anywhere. Is it that most people believe as I do that it is a false grimoire. I omly have experience with the Simon version though. Thanks Sonofthegods I will be checking out some of those you mentioned.

check out this one



Necronomicon Anunnaki Bible -Joshua Free, and his other books on it

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Just wondering why this thread never went anywhere. Is it that most people believe as I do that it is a false grimoire. I omly have experience with the Simon version though. Thanks Sonofthegods I will be checking out some of those you mentioned.

curious, have you ever worked ''the ladder of lights'' from simon?

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One of my favorite videos. :P



Very good OldChi, that about puts it in a nut case, ...., oooops, I mean nut shell. And yes, Abdul Alhazred did walk in North America. The real Cthulhu cultists are hiding in plain site. I can't say anything more. Well alright, it may have something to do with that pesky Meergeist business, you know, wink, wink, nod, nod, the Grosser und Gewaltiger one.

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One of my favorite videos. :P



Maybe one of the best youtube videos every. Thank you sharing.


One day I'll be asked if I've read any good books lately and whip out a tome under lock and key. Hopefully at Starbucks or a PTA meeting.

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