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Chapter 2 Concepts

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Okay. I don't know how to do that but once we get this figured out as to how I should do the study I will look into it and learn.

Easy,,,,, just go ,,,,,,,,,,Ok -well I think this covers it well enough , we are moving on .

Edited by Stosh

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In section eleven it says that zebras are black with white stripes what does this imply about kun lun?

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So let me ask:


Should I break the study down into Chapter and Section?

That would mean 8 Sections for Chapter 1, 8 Threads for Chapter 1.

Perhaps this would be better; smaller chunks of information to discuss in each thread?


Please don't be afraid to tell me what you think. (Rene has no problem doing this. Hehehe.) I will be helpful, I promise.

It's never too late to make changes. I can always modify the format (the way we do the study).



Edited by ChiDragon

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The reason I wanted to the entire chapter all in one thread is that examples of the concepts are included in various sections of the chapter.


Maybe it would be better to do each section of each chapter in a separate thread?


I know the chapters are long reads.


However I can make it easier, better and of more value to others is the way I want to do the study.


Basically I need more input from Y'all. Help!!!


Yes! Marblehead, if you look at everything in what I included in my long quote above - we didn't even get to the ugly tree! LOL.


Doing it this way, you could even cut&paste from the link! the section being covered (whether its one paragraph or more) into the first post. This way, it's a small bit of ChuangTzu being looked at deeply...rather than a lot of concepts being covered lightly at a surface level. It would take a long time to get through the whole thing...but who is in a hurry?


IF, that is, what you had in mind. If not? However you want to explore this is fine. (-:

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Yes! Marblehead, if you look at everything in what I included in my long quote above - we didn't even get to the ugly tree! LOL.


Doing it this way, you could even cut&paste from the link! the section being covered (whether its one paragraph or more) into the first post. This way, it's a small bit of ChuangTzu being looked at deeply...rather than a lot of concepts being covered lightly at a surface level. It would take a long time to get through the whole thing...but who is in a hurry?


IF, that is, what you had in mind. If not? However you want to explore this is fine. (-:

Okay. I think that the mindset here is that we do one section (each of the sections) of each chapter in a separate thread.


Give me a little time to get oriented and I will start from the beginning with a new thread for Section 1, Chapter 1 after renaming the threads we already have going. (I will get to it some time later today.)


Yes, Hehehe, we really do need to talk about the ugly tree "Ugly" is a concept that took me a very long time to get beyond. Looking at only one aspect of a thing and calling the entire thing by just that one aspect is a gross error.

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Take all the time you need!

Good starts make good ends more likely.


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Take all the time you need!

Good starts make good ends more likely.


Hehehe. I just have to say this: Chuang Tzu spoke to this in a later chapter.

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Forget the years, forget distinctions. Leap into the boundless and make it your home! Zz


There is no failure


Flow with whatever may happen, and let your mind be free: Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate.”

Immersed in the wonder of the Tao,
you can deal with whatever life brings you,
And when death comes, you are ready.”


Doesnt look like Laos bummer anal retentive failure scenario at all !


:) :)


Edited by Stosh

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Stosh,,where in Zz is that? Thks!
You caught me, its a quickie Chuang tzu quote search on the interweb. I put three in to demonstrate the difference in attitudes and cover for Cd shooting one or two down out pf hand. Its too complicated to search the web from here so I can't give the chapter and section right now. Maybe Mh can add an accurate correlation. I barely have connection.

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Woo, im late to the party!


Have not been in a ZZ mood till now.


So, first part of chapter two, Heavenly Music...


The story starts with Tzu Ki meditating, entering a "deep" state and Yen asking him what is this thing he is doing.


Then he tells him, good question, you dont know so how can you hear the earth? how can you hear heaven?


that seems to tie into the previous chapter where he talks about different perceptions and states.


How our states affect what we experience.


Then he goes into how wind, the breath of earth/ heaven, creates the notes of the earth by inter-acting with the myriad things.





So principle/ concept wise.


More talk of perception/ states. A sort of, kinda, finger point towards meditation as the means to hear earth and heaven..


Then how heaven and earth inter-act and mans place in it.


Must ponder more...I feel like im just on the surface. HAH, again, again, I row the boat to no-where.



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Great observations and points made.


Yeah, you are late to the party. Hehehe. We are back to Chapter 1 as it was decided that we should do the chapters one section at a time.


But we will be coming back here so your post is good food for others to think and speak on when we get back here.


Yes, Chuang Tzu is a mood thing for most people. Many just give up after their first try.

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MH- Glad that you find my musings/ thought bubbles valuable in some fashion.


I am late!! I just had to clean my kitchen and bathe the kittens before leaving...whilst the rock music plays...


Yea, bad mix if I have a schedule to adhere to.


Oh, we are?! OK, true, we did not finish all the pieces of chapter 1...OH, MH, on the intro to this thread, it says chapter 1 not 2.


OK, glad we are coming back here eventually.


Thats the thing with many things. You go into it, then let go of it and let it simmer in the void then go back. Rinse, repeat.


I do that with my qigong training, helps allot. Sometimes i just cant get a movement, so I just let it go, do other stuff, go back later and I get it much faster/ easier...


Its a curious phenomenon.



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Oh, we are?! OK, true, we did not finish all the pieces of chapter 1...OH, MH, on the intro to this thread, it says chapter 1 not 2.

Thanks. I fixed it.

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We should.


An organization for anyone, of any religious/ spiritual affiliation.


So long as you are an Anarchist at heart.


The world will either become better, fixed.


Or collapse from the chaos.


Sounds fun.

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MH - it can wait. I just wanted to not miss something from the chapters we're doing now. thats all. thanks! @Stosh - I'm impressed you're even trying to do this from a phone.
Well I have access to a nice fast land line at work so I went cheap at home. I printed the two chapters . I just can't zip around on the interweb to fact check. It doesn't matter anywho since I really should be playing it straight up from the text and be ready for the inevitable and abundant spankings in store.

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I provided that Legge link... didn't realize it would cause such a discussion over chapters vs sections.


I would do Chapter sections...


CH1:1: 1 - Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease

1: Is azure the proper colour of the sky?


CH1:2: 1 - Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease

2: The mushroom of the morning: Return to a third meal


And there would need to be some room to discuss the tie between the previous sections if it appears they are connected or ZZ wants us to take a ride

Edited by dawei

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I provided that Legge link... didn't realize it would cause such a discussion over chapters vs sections.

I take responsibility for the confusion. My thoughts of how to do the study were not firm and I needed to find out what others needed.


I think we have that established now.


Yes, I think I should start each new thread (Chapter, Section study) the way you indicated above. That way there is a better chance that we all would be reading the same passage.

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