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Off Topic Derail yi 以 in DDJ39

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Edited to add:

You must have noticed that the "wu" has multimeaning throughout the TTC, in the similar manner, used by Lao Tze.

Yeah, I picked up on that through our discussions here on the board.


Ain't it neat when, after all the years of tinking one knows everything and suddenly one realizes that they know much less than they thought they did?

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Okay, you guys are moving in strange and mysterious ways right now so I will just watch. Hehehe.


This is really out of place....!!! I believe that the General Discussion Section is a better place to be for that.

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This is really out of place....!!! I believe that the General Discussion Section is a better place to be for that.

But you know I will continue being myself even when I am out of place. And besides, I don't like to generalize so general discussions might not be a better place either. How about in The Pit?

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If you look real close at its center you will see a black hole. Stay away from those things! They will eat you up and maybe spit you out as something entirely different.


(NO, you cannot see a black hole. Hehehe. That's 'cause it black.)

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If you look real close at its center you will see a black hole. Stay away from those things! They will eat you up and maybe spit you out as something entirely different.


Or maybe what you see is the back-side of a black hole in a different universe - that feeds material into ours.

Either way, this is off-topic; apologies, Harmonious Emptiness (-:

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